A little piece of wisdom given to me that I will remember forever.
Back when I worked at Target. During the holiday season, A dear co-worker asked what I was doing for Paul for Christmas. and viseversa, I said I didn't know.. Probably nothing and just focus on the kids. But I had mentioned that Paul had gotten me a very very nice camera that is counting as Christmas and birthday, aniversary. for the next ever. And it was fine with me.
He then said to me. Everyone should always have something under the Christmas tree come Christmas morning. No matter how small the gift it is. To let that person know you are thinking of them even when times are tight. I asked what he usually gets for Christmas , His re-ply was an Orange.. maybe a pair of sock.. they too focus on kids and grand kids. And I think after that he cracked another joke and then started another round of me doubled over in laughter.. I so appreciate quick witted people.
But I never forgot that conversation. I went home and told Paul about that conversation I had. I said you know.. He has a point we should do things for each other. and so the kids see that we take care of each other too. I went out shopping for Paul and got him a few things( he didn't get a camera so I felt I could spend a bit more.) I really didn't expect anything from Paul . It was too close to Christmas Eve when we talked. And I wasn't really worried about it. ( I was still very excited about my camera)
Come Christmas Morn. My stocking was full of Mt.Dew cans and some professional Hair Products I like. I loved it! Does my baby know me or what!!( Hilarious for a last minute gift!)
You know what is funny. Jameson reminds me how I had a stocking full of Mt. dew and how I laughed.. he asked if that is what I wanted for Christmas.. I said yes.( trust me it will be appreciated.)
I know of so many family's who focus on the kids. Which is how it should be. And some who are tight enough they just don't do anything. Again, I understand why. But this I thought was great piece of advice. Everyone should always have something under the Christmas tree to let them know they are thought and cared about . No matter how small it is. Weather it be a card or their favorite treat. It will always be appreciated.
Bless my co-worker.. who taught me a thing or two. (Okay and make me double over with laughter on repeated occasions!)
8 years ago
What great advice! I know me and Cody are a little stressed about Christmas cause we are trying to go to Disneyland in Feb. Plus this crap-tastic economy!! I would be thrilled for a 12 pack of Ruby Red Squirt! Thanks for reminding me what Christmas really is all about! Love ya!
this is so true. i'd much rather have something i will use and LOVE (diet dew, a pedicure gift certificate, a bottle of paul mitchell super skinny serum) than most gifts that cost a lot of money. at least it shows that the person KNOWS me and loves me!
I bet you had that conversation with Tom, didn't you? He asks about you all the time. That just sounds exactly like something he would say. Hope you're well, babe!
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