Friday, May 8, 2009

me and airports,

So here is what I have learned about myself this last week.
Me and airports don't seem to get along and it brings out the very worst in me.
Thanks to the "friendly sky's". You can only have one check in per ticket. and the cost is $15
Fine. What they don't tell you is if your bag is over the 50lbs limit.. they will charge you an extra 65 dollars. Simply because, they can.

( Here is your fair warning that I swear when I rant. And I make no apologies for it.)

Well, I thought I was clever while I was packing ALL the bags ALL BY MYSELF. That we would all just take a carry on and check in only one very large suitcase. I packed ALL the suitcases extremely full. Especially the "beasty" one.

After a sleepless night of pure worry that I was forgetting something vital and making endless list of things that I should have done before we leave. etc.etc.etc. Waking up early to make sure we can all be ready to go out on time. I think it was fair to say I was a WEE bit tired before this trip even began.

We get to the airport..park the car in the Long term parking.. LUGGED all these damn suitcases thru a less then smooth parking lot. Along with making sure the kids are keeping up and staying close.
Climb the shuttle. and we are off.. NO problem.
We get in, get in line to print off tickets and check in our ONE piece of luggage.
Lady had the nerve to tell me our bag was 9 lbs over. and said the price was now..$79 if we wish to check it in as is!
This is where I become unglued and less then cordial. I just spent all damn night and part of the day packing these damn bags to meet your damn requirements. I am checking in ONE BAG for 5 people! And you have the gull to charge me 65 buck EXTRA for 9 lbs??!! How does that ADD up exactly?

We are told to either Redistribute the weight or pay the fee. SO I opened up all the bags praying to find just a bit more room for some dumb heavy item to shove in there. You better believe I bitched about it the whole time and not quietly either. All the organization of those bags went completely out the window. And that did not make me happy. Paul tried to soothe my ruffled feathers but it didn't work well. Me and the ticket lady were giving each other the evil eye by the time we worked it out. I hate it when they win.

By the way if this happens to you and your hubby is traveling with you. .Start with their shoes and jeans first. you'll be amazed how much those things weigh. But be warned they don't fit into small places.

So after a few more choice thoughts and a couple deep breathes and soothing moments from my ever so calm hubby. We were on our way thru the ... METAL DETECTOR.
Wretched SOB's!
Now have you ever tried to get a smooth line running with three kids and 5 heavy bags?
Off go all the shoes. each having to go thru their own bucket.. Oh, yeah Off go the jackets! do they have anything in their pockets? Who knows?!
"Hurry up ma'am."
Glare from me. and a thought to invite him to go ahead and do it if thinks he can do it faster.
Paul goes thru then the kids.
I'm still throwing crap on the belt and I haven't even started ME yet.
Once again I am irritated , frustrated, rushed& annoyed.
I throw my shoes up, my purse and my bag.. praying I didn't leave anything in there to be questioned or confiscated.

I start to walk thru the metal detector and I'm told I need to take off my Vest...I stare at the jackass.. I mean security guard, and inform him that is part of the ensemble and my shirt is see thru.
He shrugs( like he cares.) And repeats the order.
I look behind me and I have line who is waiting on me.... FINE.
I rip off the vest shove it on the belt.
And hurriedly stepping thru the M.D.
I give him the worst look possible. But I think they are immune to this type of look or even threat.. Let's be real, he could make my life a living hell if he so chooses.
I wrap my arms around me and hide behind Paul till the damn vest comes thru. And yes I was extremely pissed.
Paul tries to assure me that shirt wasn't THAT see thru. But I don't care. See thru is see thru.
On the other side I tried to pull all the mass mayhem off the belt. Giving it to all the right kids. stacking up the bags till we get our shoes Back on. praying I got everything OFF the belt.
Why isn't Paul annoyed? Why is he being so chipper and calm? oh yeah.. cause he went first and then watched the kids come thru. and he didn't have to worry about showing off his "who haws."

I had thoughts of chucking luggage or shoes at the next person who orders me to" keep the line moving."

Another few deep breathes. And a few calming words from the hubby.. a reminder that we don't have to go thru that again till we come back. and I managed to be in relatively good spirits by the time the airplane took off.

How's that for smooth? Maybe this is the reason we don't fly often. And here I was thinking it was because it was too expensive.

Maybe I should just stick with automobiles instead of airplanes.

Alright I got that vent off my chest.. tomorrow.. I'll blog about the actual trip.


Amy Johnson said...

How did I miss you??? I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to hook up! I guess life gets crazy. Super funny story though! I also hate traveling with's just so stressfull! I recall a Disneyland trip with more kids than adults- Very high stress!!!

Melissa Hernandez said...

OMG, I can relate to that story all too well, can I tell you that I have said words in the airport that could probably get me kicked out of the church (oh, I have said them), and I have gotten onto planes before completely drenched from sweating trying to get through security fast enough "to keep the line moving" while trying to undress myself, the babe, and throw up the stroller with no help from all "the employees" oh, we could go to lunch and swap airport stories for hours, I told my mom now that 2 kiddo's are going to be around, I can't come visit alone anymore just because I refuse to deal with the airports!!! That is the one place that brings me really close to tears every time I go there!

Katie said...

This is so classic stacey! I love the vest issue. I had that happen once and I say once. I told the man that if I beeped he could strip search me. I am not to be messed with on my own. Oh yes it was the trip to UT on my own. So he let me pass. Thank goodness I didn't beep or that would have just been bad but dont mess with us mommies on travel day. Cant wait to hear about the trip

Tami said...

You've got me laughing so hard. I can just feel your pain and embarssment. I too, could share my airport the one time I was almost accused of kidnapping my own kids and taking them across the border into Canada because I didn't have a signed note from Brent (he wasn't travelling with us) saying it was okay with him if the kids left the U.S.

Okay the vest thing, thats just tacky they made you take it off. And I cannot believe you have to pay for all checked bags now. But I know what you mean about men's shoes and clothing weighing so much. I guess it makes sense beause they're typically a lot bigger than us girls. Heck, my husband wears a size 13 shoe. How was the trip home? Hope it was a little smoother. I'm so glad we were able to get together while you were here. It was so fun.

Livia said...

I am so sorry that your trip was such a pain. I also can relate to many miserable check points while traveling to Europe. Can't wait to hear about the good part of the trip.

Katie said...

I think I am familiar with that see through shirt.


Irish Cream said...


I feel your pain, and I know exactly what you mean about not getting along with airports. I'll have to swap some stories with you sometime (SOON!).

Hopefully this trip through the airport was not a harbinger of things to come... can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip to Utah!

jess said...

can i just say your hoo haws are great and you should be proud of them?

well, too late, b/c i did. traveling is absolutely horrible...even worse WITH kids.

Hansen family said...

WOW, that is a lot of pent up bitterness that you held on to for quite some time. I don't consider seeing a bra and already being underlined with your g's as see thru. I don't think you had this much emotion when you got to mama's and told the story either??? I would love to see you with claws :) I assume the trip back was a bit better with your new learnings? Loves and squishes to ya