Thursday, May 1, 2008

Sweet Hallalujah.. . . we made it through finals!

Yeah! My husband has a full ten days off before he has to start summer school! He made it through and passed his finals.( whew!) And we are both excited to have a some time to us and the kids and family. If I haven't mentioned before ... I really really hate school.. yeah I know its good to get it done. hang in there, blah blah blah.. But does everybody get how taxing it is on both marriage and family?! Why on earth would I look forward to this again in a week. But we will and we will do it again in the fall. and I think he has to take one class in the spring.. unless he does a crazy semester and take 3 classes in the fall. ( heaven help us if he does that!) And we will be all done!!!! SO we will continue to grin and bare it!
But I must say I am very proud of him for sticking it out and juggling all the responsibility's! He really is amazing. I know if it was me. I would have thrown in the towel and assumed the fetal position! He is so much stronger then I am. when it comes to completing those kind of tasks! Way to go baby!

SO I will enjoy our 10 days of schoolessness! Is this a bad time to give him my honey do list? . . . No? GOOD cause it's a doozy! ( cut down the darn tree.... mow yard. . . clean out the garage. . . etc.etc.etc) Course this should sound more enjoyable then writing a 10 pg paper and reading 5 chapters right?

That is our big wahoo for the week. and it is a very big WAHHOOO for us!

SO I'm going to ditch the rest of my rant and go chill with the guy who is chill'n on the couch.( I think he name is Paul... I'm pretty sure were married... hmmm I wonder if he remembers me? . . .ooh he winked at me... I'm out! .)


The Buys said...

Enjoy the days off. One off these days we're just going to fly out and see you guys. We'll just show up on your step and demand that you feed us.=) Have a fun.

Melissa Hernandez said...

Go enjoy your 10 days together! Do something fun!

becca said...

enjoy the break Irwin family! I remember Erick getting his bachelors early in our marriage. It was tough. Now it's my turn, Im going back to school. Sigh... Anyway, do some fun stuff!!

Hansen family said...

We can be there for Saturday and Sunday :) Get in as soon as you can on Sat. We'll have to leave Sunday early evening. We may finagle leaving the kids for a few more days....we'll see. Can't wait!