Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A women on the edge!!!


So I had the "opportunity" to be stranded for the day.. the whole day. with the children.. I ran to Katie's house to pick up some stuff that she needed. I was gone for 10 min max. I came back and the car would not start... Now If I was by myself. I would say "Self, it's only 5-10 miles max. start trek'n home your flip flops will surely hold out" But I wasn't by myself I had three kids all in crappy shoes they didn't want to wear in the first place. So I then said to myself.."Self there is no way I'm going to attempt to walk all those miles with three kids in crappy shoes on really busy roads with no sidewalks."

Now I was grate full that Katie house is so close to the zoo and castle park. SO I thought. lets just go play around this morning.I'll try to get a hold of Paul and see if He can pick us up or jump us on his lunch hour...

So we started at the zoo... ( my kids were already complaining about how hot and tired they were in that quarter mile)

I called Paul cell. . voicemail. I called Paul's work number . . . voicemail. ( are you getting the idea.) I was looking thru the contact numbers, most belonging to Paul's work, clients and school stuff..( I had just taken over the phone and had non of my peoples in there yet) SO with every animal we saw. I would make a call. that would end up in voicemail. or text... NOTHING. . .

Needless to say we took our time at the zoo. We ended up having lunch at the zoo. (it's extortion I tell you!) We got fun little hats at the zoo. ( trying to keep the sun off them) And 6 hours later we decided it was time to go, we left the zoo at 2 p.m. walked to the castle park, kids were too tired to play. So we walked back to Katie's. and excepted that fact we were stuck there til Paul came home... I called Katie to let her know we were invading and promised not to make a mess. and then my phone died... Now Paul has no way of knowing where I am!!! SO the kids took a well needed rest time and watched a movie. I found just enough juice in my phone.. So I refused to call till I was certain Paul was home ....and all her heard was "car broke down! Katie's house! "Click" and then I just prayed he got it. and would come rescue us... So I said to myself.. If he isn't here in the next 15 min or so... We have to start walking. ( we already have little blisters and tired) But he did. and of course he got and earful of why he wasn't answering any of his phones and what is the point of a cell phone if I can't reach you on it.. ( he was in Knox's which is about 45 min away. in training no cell phones allowed) I was glad to get home. and frustrated.

But I must say it really could have been a lot worse. a lot worse. And we had a nice long visit to the zoo and made a good day out of it. They all loved having lunch at the zoo which I quickly put an understanding that this was a one time thing ( $25.00 for for value meals of chicken nuggets and fries!!! what the @#%!!!) Turns out the battery was really dead SO we couldn't even jump it. ( Stupid battery!)

SO here is what I got out of my little situation. .

1) I realizing how much I miss Katie since she was always the one I would& could call with my SOS's. She would always so awesome to help me with all my pickles. ( and believe you me , I had some good pickles!)

2) I really need to add people I know in Paul's phone. especially the ones that are usually home during the day.

3) even if we are just doing and "in and out" errand bring along comfy good shoes for everyone

4)take the boyscout and be prepared idea. .I now have sunblock, band aids and mosquito repellent in my purse and car.( I'm grateful that my kids have that poly gene~ especially zoey since she was the one with the barest shoulders!)

5)threaten husband to never turn off the cell phone (Put it on vibrate mode!!!) and watch for crazy text messages from his wife!

6) I have learned that I can make anything work and attempt to make it a good day out of a crappy day.. I will give myself snaps for that! (it's a gift really :) even Jameson who hates the zoo said he had a good time ( or maybe that was the stupid lunch that comes with a plastic zoo cup talk'n!)

7) Snaps to my kids. who were surprisingly well behaved and troopers for the whole day!

But you know.. IF I do and probably will break down again I hope it is near by some sort of park or zoo... and least we know how to make a fun day out of it~

SO today we took the Van in to do an all over check to see what needs to be fixed before we leave for UT. Paul took his car in to see why it was so loud... Well it turns out the boy hit a speed bump a while back at full speed and cracked his exhaust pipe.... which was just estimated to us that the part and labor would cost us 2G's!!! We find this to be ridiculous, so Paul will be shopping around a bit... ( a speed bump? seriously?)

Waiting to hear about the all the good news that Van will bring. . . . BLAH!

Up note. I really am excited to go see family! We are ready to play!!!! Paul is getting thru his final ( blah !) And we we are ready for a break and to start the bonding moments (& by bonding moments I mean OH PUCKY!!!!!)

Alright that's my rant for the week ( figured I'd get it out of my system now before we got to UT!)

See you all soon!!!!!!!


Katie said...

Ok so I am so glad that my house is by the zoo. Because I know there was absolutely nothing for you to do at my house anyway. Thank you for stranding yourself at my house and run my errands that got you there in the first place. Thank goodness there werent any showings that day. I guess you could have told the could be buyers that sos's come with the house lol Have a great time in UT. Miss ya girl. Have a great time with family and friends

Amy Johnson said...

What a day! I don't think I would have that much patience! You are such a good mom! I'm sorry your day was so crappy but just think, your kids will remember it forever! When are you coming to Utah? I can't wait to see you!

Stacey Irwin said...

Lou~ We will be in Ut 6-21 to the 25th. We get in mid afternoon Sat. and leaver early Thurs. Lets work out a day we can get together and play!!!

Melissa Hernandez said...

You crack me up, but what a day you had!!!! I love your new picture at the top of your blog, it's sooooo cute!