Things that have gone randomly thru my mind. as I have mindlessly cleaned up the house.
Why do people get so passionate of the possible candidates for President? They act and talk like Their choice candidate can do no wrong and are looked at as Noble Men that we have been waiting to come save us from ourselves.( and the bush admin of course.) I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news. They are just as big as liars as all the other presidents we have had in office in the last 15 yrs( at least.) And admit it, who ever wins is just going to become the butt of all jokes anyway. So my question is, are you for the liar R? or liar D? Maybe we should just vote for the one that will suck the least? It always cracks me up when people all get up in arms over Obama and McCain. They sport their button like it's a family member. But either way ya swing.. good for you..and no, I do not want a button, sticker of their ugly faces on my car, yard. or shirt.
As far as I'm concerned may the least evil man win! ( could they do worse then bush?)
How many garbage cans do I need to put in each room so my kids will actually throw their garbage in the garbage can? SERIOUSLY!
If I just clean the first 2 rooms of the upper level. and hope the V.T's don't attempt to take a tour of my house.. can I get away with that?
My husband hid all my cards from me in order to remove temptations and keep me on budget while I'm shopping.. I can't find them.. but if I do find them I think I deserve a reward($) just for being clever.( maybe he will just be surprised when he looks at the account. that should let him know I found them, right?)
I know that managing your money right and living with in you means is supposed to make you stronger and better off.. that's great. But sometimes, I think being on a tight budget blows. But that's just me.
Crap, I have to go grocery shopping, which means I have to make a list. which means I have to take the kids, which means I will lose about 2 hrs of my life and have and eye twitch by the time I am done... only to remember at least one thing I forgot.
Putting kids nose in the corner has it drawbacks.. nothing like wiping up dirty corners full of dried up tears and snot. But hey it's a small price to pay . . . .thank heavens for Clorox wipes.
Lou & I joked about making a pact if something ever happens to one of us. The other will run to the house and match the place if the R.S ever tries to show up to "help" in the house. I should make her promise that she'll hold her end of the bargain.. seriously.
one more semester, one more semester, one more semester, one more semester. . . .
Hey look! I can pick up the clothes on the floor with my toes.. and toys. and pencils. . . I'm awesome.
I think Kool-aid is NASTY. I should ban it from the house and blame it on nutrition.( and the lack their of.)
I wonder how many pro political people are still reading these random thoughts and waiting for the end just so they can lecture me about their future leader? WaHa ha ha ha!( I'm using my evil laugh.)
If I clean for another 20min and muss up my hair and smear my mascara just before Paul gets home, I can probably con Paul into putting the kids to bed tonight( by himself) and get a foot massage...
I wonder why my Brother isn't blogging as much? come to think of it neither is Lou? ,I should call them and tell them to blog so I have something to laugh at.
I love blogging.
Oh crap, I have to feed the kids something for dinner, and make my hard work believable...I better get started.
okay passionate political people I'm done.. go ahead and say what you need to say. I still won't wear your button. . . .
8 years ago
Is it bad that I am totally laughing at your random thoughts? Hey it kind of sounds like our conversations on the phone (wink wink). Hey girl think what you want about politics, that is what is great about this country. Just hope that Brent doesn't see the Bush part and blows over it K? That is a conversation I don't want to have tonight.
Is that random enough for you?
Wow I'm surprised you put your neck out their like that with your politics. Excuse me for a sec while I give my political muscles a good stretch.....Okay that ought to do it. It's an interesting view of a political process that only works if people like you and me are willing to pay attention and get involved. If you wait until the national election to pay attention, in my opinion you're too late. Since you laid your politics on the line, allow me to put mine on the line as well for public scrutiny.
Thomas Paine summed up my views on government in one simple, yet insightful sentence."government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil."
When I look at large, national cadidates, all I care about is which of the two will get the least involved in my life. I don't believe in Nanny goverments at all!
I will leave with just one more quote "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are, 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help". - Ronald Reagan
Ouch! I think I pulled something=)
BROTHER! I have missed you. I knew my political insight would get you to come see me!!! welcome back. Now start blogging
So are you going to come over to my blog and yell at me for admitting that I have never "excercised" my right to vote. That's exactly why too, I figure that to be able to give an honest vote, to "hire" a president that will watch over our country, that would require me to watch endless hours of debates, listening to 40+ year old people act like they are 5 years old as they belittle their componant, only to make up lies to make them look better than their 4 year old rival. I know I probably sound ignorant, but I prefer to watch Baby Einstein instead, it actually makes sense to me!!
I love your random comments, the one about the boogers on the wall made me giggle!!!
Stacey, YOU CRACK ME UP!!!! I love reading what you write on your blog and your FB status. I always get a good laugh. Thanks for that.
Those are a lot of random thoughts. I am up in arms with the presidential race too. I know you are never going to find someone perfect but I guess you find the one most capable.
Love that naughty corner.
Your post made me laugh and I have to agree with what you said about the budget.
Oh you crack me up!!! I'm laughing so hard right now!
stace - are you pointing your non-political finger at me? here's why you should care: would you rather we have a dictator like cuba (castro) or a leader like what they have in some middle east countries? one who tells you that you WILL practice islam and you WILL cover your head? if you are fine with everyone else making these choices for you...ok.
i know why people who think like you do about politics hate these election years! i really do. if you can't get into the national races - start at home. your local races for city council, mayor, state reps and your governor are important! those leaders and their decisions have the most direct effect on you.
vote! our forefathers fought hard for the right to vote...and we take it for granted today.
Motorboat, you are crazy. Just remember, for someone as out spoken as you, you should love the political process. You could live in a country where you cannot vote, or would to have a headdress all of the time and not be able to have the rights you have there. Either way, I do not care much for Obama or McCain.
wow! who knew, random thoughts could spark such feeling!! ( okay I knew...and man, it was worth it.)
my last and final thought, I feel I should clarify.. I believe in the power of voting. with in the state that is. I believe. in general elec.( mayor, etc. etc.)Jess is right.. I have more say here. . . National votes. thanks to the electoral voting process. . does nothing for me. . .
thanks for your points of view. . . Like I said either way ya swing.. good for you...
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