Thursday, August 14, 2008

Field House Museum

We did our last summer "trip"before the kids went back to school. We took the train into Chicago and went to the field museum. I was almost certain we weren't going to go since Paul was up all night sick to his stomach.( poor guy) I just figured we weren't going after all. and didn't even bother to get up with the first alarm. Ethan woke up excited to go see "Rexy" ( T-Rex real name is Sue. but thanks to night of the museum..... you get the idea)

I told him that we weren't going to go since Daddy didn't feel to good.. he freaked out of course.. And Paul Lied to us all and said he was feeling a lot better and would like to still go. So we Rushed.( I do mean rush!) We were s'posed to be at the train station no later then 8:30 to get tickets and seats.. train leaves at 8:50 It was already 8! good things I had set clothes out.. I showered in record time.. threw mine and Zoey's hair up.( I didn't say we looked good.) We threw all our Lunches in a back pack and we were out!

We made the Train 5 min before it left.. ( pant, pant,. . Paul was look'n a little pale and winded.. )But we made it. The train is the way to go. less stressful then trying to drive into Chicago and about the same price as a tank of gas.( Our perk was the kids rode free that day due to weekday and past the commuter hour.) We arrived and walked the half mile to the museum. I showed the kids where mommy and Katie went to see the dolphins( shedd aquar.) that thought that was cool. It was a beautiful day. All my thoughts of big dingy city has been erased. Chicago is beautiful and way to
many things to do.( not saying it not dingy and scary other places. but still.)
The museum is awesome and huge. So many things to do. so little time. It was a free day so it was busy but not too crazy where you can't enjoy anything. Although I was paranoid of losing my kids in there. I did a 1.2.3 check every minute. Thanks to Target all the extra exhibits they have were free as well. ( I knew I liked Target for a reason!) The kids had a good time minus a few incident.

We were there from 10 to 4:30 along time for all kids. Zoey only had one melt down. and one nose in the corner.( she slammed Ethan up against a wall , shirt in fist. and slapped him in the face with her free hand. I don't know why or where she learned this from.) The other two did pretty well. And Zoey really did pretty good minus those issues.
There was so much to see. I don't know if we even saw it all.
While some of the exhibits were boring for them( how many times can you look at a thousand year old pot) They each had their favorite areas.
Zoey's was all the stuffed wildlife. ( I think it covered the ENTIRE animal kingdom.) The butterflies exhibits. and being shrunk down to ant size and walking underground. where the" bugs" were bigger then you. And any button to push or talking exhibit that was there. The picture with her crawling out of a cicada bug.. I think is just twisted. I so hate the cicada bugs we have here in Indiana.. CREEPY.

We were waiting for the boys to get back. And she was letting me take her picture. ( she would hide behind this stair post.)

Zoey thought these "Buttyflies" were "youtiful"

Jameson understood alot more since he is an excellent reader. He would take a bit longer in the area's that interested him to find out more about it. His Favorites were the Huge dino bones. Mummy's. Being shrunk down to Ant size and going underground to see all the bugs etc. All the Mystical Creatures that were in the exhibit.
Oh! so here are my Classic Jameson moments.. So while going thru the exhibits. we passed a handicapped man in a wheelchair who didn't have any ears.. and Jameson being Jameson. Said: "mom!
that guy doesn't have any ears!! what happened? Did they fall off?" My face went red, and we of course had to shh him and remind him that we don't point out people who look different.
2- On the train home I was talking with him about all the different things we saw and what our favorites were. And I was telling him why some of the stuff was really cool because it was really really old. He's response was: "Like OLDER then that man behind us." of course in our loud voice.
3- We decided to play I spy to pass some time on the train. I said I spy something brown. So he looked around a minute and guessed:"it is that brown man right there?" ( why can't any of these people been out of ear shot!) He says this with such honesty
and curiosity. . . He isn't doing it to be funny or mean. Just honest kid thinking.. But still..
Ethan did pretty good. His favorite was "Rexy" the T-rex. He thought she was cool and wanted to ride her. He also liked being shrinked down to ant size and explore the underground. and the polynesian drums thing. ( that the wooden thing he has in his hands)
He also like the prehistoric dino's and the mystical creatures. He did not care for the mummy's ( thanks to return of the mummy movie.) He held pretty tight to my shirt in that exhibit! He was in heaven with all button pushing exhibits.( boy loves to push buttons. and I mean that in every sense.)

Paul was a trooper through the whole thing. even though he was not feeling all that hot. He put on his Happy face and hung in like a champ. He loved it there. He and I decided it was fun to take the kids But if we really wanted to learn about all the exhibits we would have to go alone.( we did more of a "walk by".) He was tougher then I would have been. All in all we had a good time. kids had fun. It was nice to have one last "fun day"! I would love
go back and see more hopefully soon.

I know these pictures aren't fabulous. I only chose a few out of several. I tried to control myself and only post the favorites of the kids. and related topic ones. I didn't take as many or get any real great shots for lots of reasons. I was too busy trying to keep the kids in sight. they were too many people there to have free reign of the place and picutres.( nothing more annoying when someone walks thru sticks a head in your shot) And besided who wants to see a museum through a camera lens right? I didn't do anyone or thing justice in these pictures.. and I'm okay with that.. !


Katie said...

Wow the Field Museum looks great! I love the shots of the kids! THey all looked like they had a great time. What a trooper in Paul. Classic Jman at his best and I love the pic with Zoey by the stair post. Ethan and the mummy is just plain funny and I can totally picture the whole thing

Amy Johnson said...

What a fun day! I hate that you have all these fun adventures without me!! :( I wish I could have been there!

Tami said...

What a fun trip. Love Jameson's comments and questions. As embarassing as they were at the time, they are hilarious now.

jess said...

jenna used to say "ee" for "er" (water was watee, hamburger was hambegee") and it was kind of sad when she outgrew it...

that place looks amazing. and paul's a better person than me. i could drag myself with a cold, but stomach issues? meh. not sure i could do it.

Livia said...

What a fun trip! I also love all your pictures because it captures the day so nice. You guys are such a beautiful family!!!

Caesy Jade Smith said...

how fun! so thanks for signing my guest book! i really apr. it!!so hows life?i guess it is going fine sense you had so much fun at the museum!!ttyl!!

Tina said...

The museum looks like a lot of fun. I can picture my paranoid self with my three kids.

high five for the quick mommy action to be ready and out of the house so quickly.

I love the naughty corner. We do the same thing...that and the naughty step.