Wednesday, August 6, 2008

. . "you won't like me when I'm angry."

Paul compared me to the hulk last night.. apparently I turned in to the big ugly green Meany. He even chided about buying a heart monitor just so they can all have some warning. and of course he kept mimicking the " you won't like me when I'm angry"( also imitated the shallow breathing of it all.) Now of course he was teasing me after he knew it was "safe" to do so.

While I don't particularly care to be compared to a very large Masculine crazed thing...I can't say I blame him.. It did come out of no where. Here's my shameful story...
I new my nerves were raw and patients were very thin.. just kept kept telling myself get the kids in bed .. get a dew.. chill out..

Paul walked in the door around 9:45 p.m from yet another long day (He is also in finals.) so he studies till late every night for the last couple nights.. Which mean I am on solo parent duty from very early to very late..

Now I was really okay all day.. Not the best day, but nothing terrible.. I was trying to start the potty training with Zoey..( I really hate potty training.) But that was really it. I was reading my book. the kids were fine.. A little rowdy in spurts, but nothing to terrible.. No massive irritations or blow ups..okay potty training is an irritation, running every 5-10 min to the potty, sit on the potty for as long as you can get them to and still nothing happens... 2 sec after you get them off the potty.. they have an accident.. (Sigh) repeat this 20 times a day gets irritating.. but as a mom you job is teach your kid that Peeing on a potty is "FUN"! So since Peeing in a potty is supposed to be fun.. you can not show any irritation... I held the "FUN" face for over 8 hrs. we had more mess then success ... isn't that FUN?!

Paul walks in, we both agreed we were exhausted. he helped me get he kids ready for bed... ( I'm still talking my self thru this. get them in bed.. get my dew.. chill out on the couch ...) Another fight breaks out between Jameson and Ethan.. someone broke someone creation( I think Jameson was trying to tape two empty Dew bottles together...and Ethan broke it apart.) Kids are yelling at each apologizes the other refuses it. with a "DON'T" TALK TO ME!"( SIGH) I tell them to calm down, we will fix it in the morning. blah, blah, blah... And I was thinking at this point an odd thought.. ( mom's really do have control over the mood of the house... and was feeling proud of myself for keeping the order and peace.I was quite proud I could soothe ruffled feathers so many times. (HA!) We turned out the lights. with another reminder we weren't discussing who's fault it was. . . all the kisses were given the shhh's were delivered...

I had done it.. I made it.. Time to go get my dew I stashed on the book case down stairs.. COLD and full and chill out on the couch....( Paul had beaten me down the stairs 10 mins before. how do they do that?!. )

I went to go get my drink.... the couch was pushed over to the book case.... my drink was missing..( it was my very last one.) And I felt my anger and frustration rise..... I looked at Paul with quite alarm...His eyes went wide.. and that was it... I was Pissed... How many times do I have to tell them to stay out of my drink!( I'm pretty sure Paul was seeing the GREEN in my eyes.) and that was it, I ran up the stairs in a flash.. .Flipped the light on in the boys room.. Threw the question out there. WHO GOT INTO MY DRINK!!!! I yelled and I scolded... I threatened.. I warned... I flipped the light back off.. in near tears.... in a huff I went back down the stairs.. And there was Paul giving me the "You are so RIDICULOUS!" smirk... I barked at him, told him to just SHUT UP.. ( yes .. . I told him to shut up...) He yelled at me.. I walked away...and went back up the stairs to just go to bed.... Paul followed me... He went in the kids room talked to them for a minute( probably agreeing with them that I was ridiculous and out of control) came in my room in complete control and used his soothing voice ( DON'T be Reasonable with me .. I'M MAD!) I cried.. Bitched and moaned... and started breathing at a more normal rate.. He was right, I flew off the handle.. over something completely trivial. and then the worst came..

Jameson came in with a 1/2 full Mt.dew.. they just put it on a different shelf after they stole a few sips. ( this is where my right full shame came back on me ten fold.. I indeed over speculated and over reacted.) It took the fire right out of me.. Now I just feel like big mean SCHMUCK. so I pulled my boys in.. apologized profusely to each of them, begged for forgiveness. and of course kids being kids were more then happy to except my apology. with my entire fire gone.. and the schmuck stamped right on my fore head.. I put them back in bed. . Paul waited for me to return... for which he started laughing at me and all my ridiculousness and then started teasing me about being like the Hulk... I was mocked and teased the rest of the night..."you won't like me when I'm angry..." the short pants of air... the GREEN remarks... and I took it.. cause indeed I deserved it.

So today I still marvel at what a ridiculous mom I can really be, ( who was the scary lady last night?) and blessed for my hubby and kids who took it in stride.. .

( Maybe I should get a heart rate monitor.........)

seriously tho' . . . stay away from my drink..


Livia said...

So funny! OK,funny to me because I remember how much you loved your soda when we were in Logan also.
You are great!:)

Katie said...

Ohhhh we have soo been there together (come to think of it at the same time in the same house with 6 kids sneakin' the drinks!) I feel for ya and yes now you can laugh but I know exactly what you are going through.

Oh yeah I am sooo glad you found your phone. Call ya tomorrow

Tina said...

I am sorry you had to go throught that. I know I feel terrible when I have lost my patience.

I do have to admit I don't think I could take my husband making fun of me. I think that would just make things worse for everyone.

jess said...

nobody should ever mess with green goodness. seriously - i think it should be a crime. now if you'll excuse me i have to go write to my congressmen. :)

Hansen family said...

Okay so, I was getting on your blog to excitedly tell you that I have been a good indian and taking pictures....compared to yours they look like shit. I'm deleting them and buying you a plane ticket. I, the oldest sister give you full props for photography and creativity. I quit! P.S. I would've stole your dew just for entertainment too AND taunted you with far less mercy. Did paul and ethan get their decade late bday cards yet? grrrr...I need a pepper. Love and squishes to all.

The Buys said...

This only backs my frequent accusations of your inner troll, which, according to most accounts are also green. "They wanna send me to rehab and I said"
So where do you find these graphics to put on you page?

Love ya sis!

Ryan said...

OK I know that this is a year later and all...But YOU DON'T JACK A PERSON'S DEW EVER, EVER, EVER, EVER.