What a perfect way to lighten my blog up a bit.
I found this on Tami's blog and thought it was quite amusing. And I thought hey, I pretty sure I have 36 weird or rarely known things about me. So I'm steeling this from her.
Before I started and was pondering... I asked Paul what he thought was weird or unknown about me.. . he rattled off a few things.. Like lose focus, get overwhelmed easily. And that I am not to be trusted with anything that has to do with numbers. ( okay I agree with the numbers thing.)
1- I really don't like vegi's. While I have done better with actually swallowing them and trying them. I would never choose a vegi meal by choice or think it was yummy or full filling in anyway. Sorry parents, it looks like I won't be growing out of it anytime soon. the only salad worth mentioning is an olive garden salad.
2-I don't care for Ranch dressing.
3-I also don't like Cake, Hot pies or Ice cream very much. I'll eat it, if I have to, But I don't get all excited for them. And never ever crave them . But I'm a sucker for cookies or Brownies, yumm...
4-I hate feet touching me. I also hate socks in bed.. Paul is not allowed to do either of these, unless he wants one long miserable night. I just think it's soo gross.
6-I'm pretty disorganized.. and live more by the controlled chaos theory... sometimes I'm okay with it. sometimes I'm not.
7- My favorite aisle in the grocery store is the cleaning product aisle.. I love trying new things to ensure, shiny,germ free rooms! And see what it can do!
8- While I'm a clutter bug, I am a scrubbing freak. when I start, I just can't stop until I feel it's hospital sanitized.( I get this from my mom. and she is worse then I am.)
9-I think I am pretty easy going as a person. But I am also a Bottler. I rarely, if ever get upset or offended, cause honestly who has that kind of time? I try to take people as they are. But it doesn't mean I want to be friends.
10- I should clarify I'm pretty easy going until someone messes around with my dew. This drives me crazy.. I often wonder if people have a death wish. ( they do it on purpose just to see the reaction.) then indeed you will NOT be my friend.
11- I love Mt. dew... oh, wait that's not unknown fact.
12- MY most dreaded chore is LAUNDRY. . I absolutely HATE it... I will bribe or bargain with Paul do to it for me. He's better at it then I am...and only my towels have to be folded a certain way.
13- My memory sucks! And can't remember things that pissed me off for more then a few weeks. ( Paul actually loves this trait. it keeps him out of trouble.) So therefore I'm a terrible grudge holder.( I'll remember I was mad.. but I can't remember what it was that made me so mad.... and how can you stay mad, if you can't remember why?)
14-I hate contention or too serious of moods. It just ain't my style. And will do what I can to chill it out. And make people happy.
15- I'm a big push over.. and it drives me nuts.
16- I am not a real affectionate person barring the exceptional few.( Paul. kids. close family.) I'm just not a huggy person with lots of people. I would prefer being slugged in the arm over being hugged.
17-I appreciate a good healthy sense of humor and wit... I love it. And would prefer for people to use humor to make me feel better then any hug or sympathy. I LOVE to laugh. and not just a hee, hee... A Pee my pants laugh.
18-I'm convinced that I am freak fly paper.
19- I am not a jealous person in anyway.So much in fact, If I ever get real sick to the point of no return, I think I will make Paul start dating, just so I can have say in who I like... Hey, If I'm going to get stuck with her in the after life, I'm gonna have to like her. Besides that way, I can make sure he finds someone good for the kids ( and secretly I can make sure she isn't as cool as I was,so he appreciates and misses me more!)
20- I don't really care for microwave popcorn... I miss air popped.
21- I love anything creative, artsy, or anything that has to do with music, Although I suck at all three.
22- I do not feel I have an accelerated gift in any department of life... ( just an average Joe, you might say.) And I'm really okay with it... will all can't be fantastic right?!
20- Physically, I consider myself a pretty tough girl. I am not afraid to get dirty or do tough jobs. and get quite irritated if a male tells me I can't do it.( this must come from being around my bros.) And I think I'm quite strong.
21- It appears that I am still a bit competitive.
22- I always root for the underdog.
23- I love to banter!!! it is my favorite thing to do! give me a good argument. but no getting angry. I will not fight about it. chances are, I'm disagreeing with you, just so I can banter with you. I love a good debate!
24- I'm not a girl you want to piss off... I tend to get a bit vindictive.And brings out my mean streak. But chances are if you accomplish this then you deserve what you get.( again since I rarely get super angry.) Paul has gotten the brunt of this a few times( NOT OFTEN, But a few.) one day I will tell my clever story when he wouldn't help me around the house... And what I did about that.
25- I'm nice to everyone... But am more hesitant to make "instant" friends. . . Cause, man what if they turn out to be crazy.( I'm freak fly paper remember.)
26- I love clever and mischievous moments.. When they come to me, they are stellar! And I am quite proud of them. ( I giggle over them all the time...)
27- I cannot say no. I always feel so bad.
28-I love rain and thunderstorms, so soothing. and it makes me want to go running. since I used to love running in the rain.
29-My bark is SO much worse then my bite. ( and I think my kids have figured that out.)
30- I love music.. although I have a hard time remember Cd's I even have, or what the name of the artist or song is... I love listening to music... Oh and i love the piano.. listening to it, playing it.. (I'm not really any good.. please don't ask me to play in church, you would be very sorry.)
31- My favorite late night snack, is eggs and toast. okay it doesn't' have to be late night... I'll eat it whenever.
32- I hate winter.. and snow, hate it, hate it, hate it.... except on Christmas.
33- I love wearing Hoodies... and for this I except cold weather.
34- I love buying shoes. I hate wearing them..
35- I don't like people in my kitchen.. I prefer they just sit down and let me do my thing.( I kick Paul out all the time.) hey, it's a one butt kitchen.
36-I rarely ever take naps... I can only sleep with my pillow, it goes everywhere with me.( even hotels.) Oh, and I hate alarm clocks. they irritate the crap out of me.( but maybe that's the point of them.)
Of course I'm tagging, Katie, Melissa, Lou, Jen, Bryce, Heidi, Nadine, Livia & Tina and Jess. And everyone else who wants to play.
8 years ago
Those were really fun to read. I can't say no either (except with my kids..I am too good at telling them no...I need to work on that). I'm a recovering pushover. You can't push me as easy.
I just came back to blog world..been gone for a while. I am sorry about the stress of doctors and teachers and all that. (and as I say that I am slugging you in the arm. wink wink)
moms do know best and I am glad that you have more information to go by. Knowledge is power like they say.
and by-the-way I don't like soda so Dew is out...you don't ever have to worry about me taking a sip of yours...
Great post! I think you are crazy if you think I have time to write so much about myself,but thanks for the invite. You are amazing!!!
My favorite was #19.I just love the "get stuck with her part":) Very funny!!!!
What a fun post! I think I knew most of those things about you....but that's why we are best friends!
Okay. I'm just laughing!! I'll be sure to remember never to touch your Dew. I'll bring my own.
Love the way you're planning for Paul's second wife. LOL! Seriously, you make a really good point.
You are SO right about microwave popcorn!
I'm dying to hear the story of Paul not helping with housework. You must post that one soon. I could use some tips in that department.
All I did for the silhouettes was turn off the flash. I know there is a lot more to it but this worked for me this time. If you look on my comments from the previous post you will see how my frien Maren learned how to do it.
I didn't think I could come up with that many things to say but as I was waiting for the kids at school, I wrote them down. I will post them when I am finished posting my vacation.
ok i love the method line of cleaning products from target. that eucalyptus tub cleaner is MY FAVE.
veggies rule. ranch dressing sucks.
i'm totally a slob and disorganized - at home. never at work.
freak fly paper - LMAO. i know people like that!
i asked for - and received - an air popper for my wedding. you should get one!
and thank you for giving me bloggy material. i am posting every day this month and it SUCKS.
How can you not love microwave popcorn? I wish I didn't like it, because my favorite is the theatre butter one---heart attack waiting to happen. And about the cleaning/sanitizing thing....are you for hire?????? I so need that in my bathrooms, I hate cleaning those rooms!!! I can't believe you tagged me, it's going to take like 3 months to think of 36 interesting things about me, I am sooo boring!
crap....that will take 36 days and then some! I don't think I have time for interesting. I have the same fault of completely forgetting and forgiving what ticks me off,,,it is not a good managerial trait. In fact it is now kicking me in the butt......ummm please hold??? i don't even know where my blog is! LOVE YA
So i have to say I knew alot of them but not all of them. Eggs and toast eh? Thats a new one in the stacey book. watch for mine soon.
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