Alright, First off I must warn you, I am talking about my kid, So if It looks like I'm blubbering, I probably am. Second I think he is just a kick to talk about. so it will be really long... 3rd. Such a hard topic, for me to express and talk about( because it's MY kid) Because this inner turmoil as a mom has been going on for a long time.. ( Both Katie & My Mom can verify how many times I have expressed and bawled over feeling helpless frusterations and concerns.) But to save you all from it. I will first talk about the results and if you want to skip the rest. go ahead.
( Deep breath.)
Here we go.
The Dr. Has decided that Ethan Has a Form of A.D.D. called PREDOMINATELY INATTENTIVE ( focus and attention) Often missed because there may be very little Hyper activity or impulsivity.( if you have met Ethan, he doesn't ever qualify as hyper or impulsive.)
He just comes off as the quite, reserved type.
Talking to the Doc. About various treatments. or ( crap I can't think of the word.) Non-conventioal, options.. ( what is that word!!!) Therapy's etc. ALTERNATIVE that's the word I'm look'n for!!!.( I think I'm getting old or somethin. )
Suggestions of ways to help him at home in the class room. Which I will list because I found them interesting
Basically the idea was to SIMPLIFY.
Fewer choices of toys to chose from or play with.( I guess I better go clear out of few bins of toys from the toy room.)
Void of loud music, loud T.V.s And all combinations that would be over stimulating.
Limit computer time and T.V time. ( over stimulate.)
When giving a chore to do or instuctions. Limit the activity to something that would only take no more then 5 min. to complete and only one instruction at a time..( I've screwed up this one, big time since I usually tell him to do 5 things at once.)
Remember that his attention span for activity's is about 5 min..
Sing lots of praise for every instructions he completes.. ( reward system.)
NO Caffine( Not that I voluntarily give him caffine... Better hide My dews better.)
She also suggested finding a vitamin that contains OMEGA-3 ( fish food.) Which is an essential vitamin to our body's and helps. Which according to WebMd. And my doctor. Helps reduce the symptoms of A.D.D /A.D.H.D disorder. So far I have only found one kids friendly Vitamin that contain Omega-3 which is ONESOURCE gummies. and the Omega 3 is right on the label. ( just a little FYI for ya.) which we have started as well.
She also prescibed a low dose medication called CONCERTA that he will take once every a.m.
We will go back to the Dr. to see & report how the medication is working. concerns etc. And we will also see her every 6 mo. to make sure he is not having any negative side effects.
Which I am still debating how I feel.. I don't love the idea of medicating children, however if it truly helps them and makes life easier for them especially in the class room. why wouldn't I try it? I don't feel that just the pill and off you go is the answer. But maybe that and the adjustments at home and school will be very beneficial. And then we will decide wheather he still needs it as he adjust and gets older.
Classroom Suggestion is.
Have him at the front of the class.
Very small groups to work in
Avoid loud activities.
( she suggested having him use headphones to block out background noise, but I don't jive with that idea, what if the teacher was talking.. how woud the other kids respond.. would it just be more distracting?)
And to have a possible aid, to break down instruction to keep him on task.
Frequent Breaks.
I also asked the doctor if this is something they grow out of or learn to control with out medication.. she says it depends, Sometimes they do if it's mild enough.. and sometimes they don't. we will know as he gets older.
I should also tell you she was indeed reluctant to perscribe a medication, which I can respect.. But I don't deem her an aggressive doc.. she was reluctant to test him last year when I brought up concerns.( again with a big A packet from about 5 different people from school.) His Chart folder I'm sure is quite thick from all the testing and reports from teacher and specialists from school. ( I won't get started on this.. but I could vent forever on this topic.)
This is still such an overwhelming frusteration for me... I think & feel many things... Typical mothering thoughts. . . Why didn't I push harder sooner. Why do I listen to people. What could I have done differently to help him better. Am I doing the right thing.. Will he be okay. The sleepless nights of worry. ( blah, blah, blah)
I'm still smiling, when she asked if A.D.D. runs in any of our family's.. I should have told her we don't know it wasn't really tested for back in the day, but I'm pretty sure I have it. She would probably just figure me to be a junkie. So I kept it to myself.
So we are starting Ethan on his medicine this weekend to get a feel for what to expect from it. And see if we see a difference and make sure it's helping him.
He is a good kid. ( hilarious as all get out. Kids got WIT.) and super,duper smart.( And that's not just mother pride talk'n.) I know he will be okay. And I am hoping he will have as normal life as every child out there. He knows exactly what is going on in the class room and at home, just struggles so much to relay info or even finish a paper. But when asked about his day I get serious details.( the teacher was shocked to hear this.. since he never looks like he is paying attention and never knows what he is and is not understanding. and stuggles to answer questions.) He is definetly 100% visual. He knows if I missed a turn to get to the grocery store.( he has been able to know this kind of stuff since he was 2!) So I guess I don't have to worry about him not being smart. I know everything will be okay...But I am a mom and it my job to worry.
He is repeating Kindergarten this year for many reasons... He just is still so young.. fear of being overwhelmed ( 1st grade is brutal these days.) More time to develope his fine motor skills and speach. And just give him time to "catch up". Although he knows most of the material. And all letters & # etc.. He stuggles with reading. ( also common in A.D.D. kids.) So we decided it would be better to let him get a better grip on school stuff then have him constantly frusterated and overwhelmed in 1st grade.. no-one will be the wiser, I am glad he is kind of a runt and a summer Birthday. ( july.)
Make no mistake, I am so very proud of this kid. I doubt anyone adores him and much as I do. He has such potential ( hello, rocket scientist!) And such a great sense of humor. I just want/need to do all I can so Nothing stands in his way of his development. I'm so glad to have SOMETHING to work with. And glad to get answers and solutions. While I would have prefered the:" nope, nothing's up, you're just a over protective worry wart." Answer. Although I doubt I would have believed even that.
It is what it is..... and now we know. and as our good friend G.I Joe said...( If you don't remember what G.I joe said... then you are too young for this blog!)
8 years ago
Glad you got some answers. Hope everything goes well and improves. Good luck. Oh, and as a mother, its your job to be a worry-wort. Its written the in the job description.
I am soooo here for you whenever you need it you know that. I am glad that Cool Ethan is on a path that you and Paul and even his teachers can help with. I know what a relief and stress you have on your shoulders and you did do the right thing for him. If meds make him better then go for it. We vacinate to make kids be healthy, we can medicate to make pain go away as well, so why not use our research in the way of helping kids be the best that they can be.
I love ya sista
Hugs and squishes. I am going to have to read up on the A.D.D. to me it still sounds more like very mild Autism because he loves to spend hours on computers and is amazing at quick learning and detail, very witty- he ordered elmo online for hell sakes. Social/group skills hmmm. But, there is a reason I don't have a DR. degree.LOL. If meds work great, if not then you know you tried. Of course, I have been the med cocktail queen for ions so, you need to use (whats the word?)your own judgement in that statement. Your instincts are normal and human I'm grateful, there are many diseases and disorders that are worse. You two have lots of love and tons of mad skills, the journey will be worth it. Need a family visitor? If I knew you were getting result I wouldv'e hopped on a plane!!!
What did G.I. Joe say? I know I should know this!
I just love drugs - hope it turns out well.
Read the link for the disorder. Braydon and I are classic cases. It seems this would be hard to diagnose and is probably why the DR. was hesitant to act at such a young age (not communicated well on her part all the same grr) If I were to guess I'ld say heck ya it runs in the family in a mild form. Remember all of moms and grandmas school stories. This is doable and keep in mind the kid is only SIX! Love ya!
i remember you and i discussing this little guy one night moving tins. at least now you have some answers and a general direction to head in...
is home schooling an option for you? he might get lost in the crowd at school...
As mothers we always know if something is not right with our children and I am glad that you got some answers. You are so strong Stacey- I know that you will make sure that he is not missing out on anything.
Don't even worry! I'm a mom I know you will always worry! Ethan will be just fine. He is a brillant little boy. I think he just gets bored cause he is so much smarter than the other kids! And as far as medicating your kid....I agree with Katie. Utilize the great things science has done for us so we can live happy lives! I had to learn this when they put me on my anxiety pills! I didn't want to have to take meds to be happy, but why not?? I love you tons and if you need to chat please call!!!
1st: You and Paul are awesome parents.
2nd: Science and meds are our friends. Just look at his Queenie. I've done so much better with my life after being on meds...:>)
3rd: GPa was an ADA kind of kid and look at him now - kind, gentle, dependable, college grad, employed, loving and a Man of God. Look at ADA as ADorable Attributes...:>)
There is nothing that Ethan cannot accomplish. Look at his Uncle Dust. 1/2 a credit from not graduating from high school and now hungering for knowledge as a physics major in college. Who would have thought? He had to be in special classes in early elementary years.
I will share a thought that Ethan's great-grandfather taught me...when things get tough as the Lord what is the lesson you are to learn from "this" [whatever this is]. Keep asking this question until you receive an answer. You will always receive an answer no matter what the topic.
GPa and I send our aloha and loads of umas on the wind from the west to your home in the east. Blessings to you all and especially to our little Ethan Otea - remember that Otea means "the light that goes before the angel" - He is a child of light just at a different wattage than others are used too.
Ofa atu kiate koe
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