Wednesday, September 17, 2008

WHAT THE ???? . . . . .Part 2.

Okay... apparently I should worry STILL if my kids are getting along and quietly playing ... AND this time is wasn't Zoey I should have worried about.. . . . Again.. why I couldn't actually believe he really did this... it's was really hard to not laugh... I'm still throwing all and I mean ALL the markers away.. But this was sort of funny.( I tried to keep a straight face until they made there belly buttons talk... )

Ethan came to show me that he was being "The mask" yes the mask with Jim Carey.. Have we seen it in the last year... I don't think so... Albeit creative... HE HAS SCHOOL TOMORROW and he will have to go with a shade of blue to his skin... and believe you me I was not gentle in scrubbing.

Jameson only did his arm and his belly button... He was creating a "glove that gives you "Fire power and stuff."

I don't know where the belly button idea came from... they showed me and made them talk... I must admit.. I couldn't help but laugh here... that's funny.

Zoey had no part in it she is clean as a whistle...

Well you can't say my kids aren't creative with markers.... although. they won't be any in the house anytime soon. They are hitting the trash as we speak.( should I be afraid as to what's next?)

Where was I... shamefully I was on the computer.... working out another topic for my blog.. looks like they helped me find one.....



Tami said...

Holy Crap!! Okay now I understand why you couldn't keep a straight face. I will admit, they are very creative. Funny, isn't it, how you think they finally get to an age where you're positive they have their heads on straight and know better and won't do such stupid things? And then they do! Does that ever end?

Katie said...

WOW what else can I say. THats your boys! at least Zoey learned her lesson

Anonymous said...

Seriously, your posts always make me laugh, and I don't think there is ever a dull moment at the Irwin home!!

Hansen family said... don't have to have your kids color themselves to keep an active blog page! The belly button thing is awesome...I'm not at all surprised of the repeat offense..they got camera time and to be the star of the show...where is the fury and fear?! I find great joy in the fact that braydon is not the only one running around with his zipper down (belly button picture, J?). Love and squishes to all!

Livia said...

Ohhh no...Stacey I think that I would say good bye to the markers also. Good luck girl!

Tina said...

That is funny...because I am not on your end of the computer. He did pretty good at covering his whole face. Wow!! I am glad you captured it on film.

jess said...

LOL. i'm glad you told me where you were, cuz i'd say WHERE WERE YOU???? LMAO - joking, joking. my kids come up with some crazy crap when i'm, uh, not exactly watching them like a hawk.