Friday, September 19, 2008



5 years ago today I was . . .

1- trying to handle only two kids.. . . number three wasn't even a twinkle yet.

2-still working to put Paul thru his Bachelors and swearing we would never ever ever be done.

3- Was a good 20 lbs skinnier.. easily.... damn.

4-Working at Pepperidge.( being the bread winner) And thinking I made pretty good money.

5- Thought that I wouldn't know what to do with myself if we ever made more then 30 G's a year.( laughing now.)

5 things on my" to do" list today:

1-Collect rocks. for the kids to melt crayons on.( family circle said it was fun... we'll see.)

2-Clean up the house... again. ( never ending story here.)

3- Prepare my primary lesson

4-Go for a walk

5- Rearrange my bed room furniture till it feels feng shue -ish

5 snacks I still enjoy:

1-Mt.Dew in a can

2-Mt.Dew in a bottle

3-Mt.Dew from a fountain

4 - something chocolate..

5- hot tamales or jelly beans

5 things that I would do if I were a millionaire:

1- Share it.( family for sure. select friends.)

2-Convince Paul to live it up before investing it or putting it savings. He's an accountant, it just his nature to be super conservative.( and yes I would have to convince.. )

3-Pay off the house,car, and all other debt.

4-Buy something I've always wanted. and something the kids always wanted. That other wise we would never ever get.

5-Travel and Explore

5 places I've lived:

1-Smithfield, UT


3-N.Logan Ut

4-Ogden Ut

5-South Bend. In

5 jobs I have had:

1- western watts( surveys)

2- Tyco and Moores( my first taste of production work)

3- Cosmetologist. ( my dream job)

4-Pepperidge Farm( my last taste of production work)

5- Mom.(my: "your in it for eternity": job)

I've tried to quite #5 a few times.. they won't let me.. something about a binding contract......