This week was just a crappy week... and I had all that I could handle. my "bottle" was full.
My nerves were shot. I was tired. And really I was just tired of all the craziness. I was in near tears all day yesterday.( I hate that.) And could tell that I really just have had enough of everything... ( Lots of things, to many to talk about... but for the most part all the things that moms and wives get frustrated over. (that and a few extra incidents... )
Well as usual.. Paul drew the short straw. He was a good sport about my rant. he listened and sympathized. apologized at all the right places.( he has me down to a science I swear.) And with that my fire was pretty much gone. Nerves were still a little shot, but better.. Paul was still standing.. no major harm done.. and I felt better..
I felt so much better in fact that I thought I was good to go do the grocery store and get the shopping done.. I waited for Paul to come home , grabbed my mp3 player, List, money and left.
everything went fine.. I hate grocery shopping .. but no kids to lug around was a bit of treat for me. and I was listening to my tunes.
I went to check out.. started unloading what looked like a year supply of food.( we shop for 2 weeks at a time.. and my cart overflows every time.) Said Hi to someone who apparently knows me...( I don't know who they are... but rock on.. ) finished that .. and went to go watch my total.
well I thought the running total thus far said$250.00 and I still had a bit on the belt... It threw me off.. Paul and I have decided to go to a cash only basis since I quit work.. so we could be more mindful as to what and how we spend the money.. I have not cards in my wallet. which means I have to be super cautious. I had approx (260.00) in my purse... and only $200 of it was s'posed to be for grocery's... so I started to freak out..
I questioned her about the total and told her that it couldn't be right... I asked her to stop and print up a mock receipt so I could see what was going on.. I just couldn't find anything that stood out.. But I am never THAT off.. I have gotten pretty good at estimating my cart. And I told her that. I just couldn't figure it out.. and I was so worried that I was just screwed.. I had to do something.. I had no back up plan in my wallet. I looked at her straight in the eyes and warned her that I am going to be a pain in the A. and apologized in advanced for it... I started telling her to take off certain items.. yes that required to go thru already bagged grocery's. Until the balance came down to what I thought was 230.00 with tax.. I was still freaking and completely flustered. So I handed her $230.00
She looked at me weird.. and said you gave me a$100.00 too much.... I looked at her weird... and asked her what the total was again.. IT was $130.00. I looked again... I looked at the mock receipt again.. lo and behold I was only at $150.00 when I started freaking out on her..
I just wanted to cry. I apologized profusely to her.. I swore the total said $250.0o. and couldn't get past what I thought I saw. I was so embarrassed.. I wanted to crawl in a hole. I tried to joke with her that it was a bad day a sign that I should've just stayed home.. not to be trusted.... But I got no sympathy.( do you blame her.)
She impatiently asked me if I wanted the items that I made her take off... with beet red face and tiny voice.. I said: yes please. I then turned to the ever growing line behind me and apologized.
So I blinked back the tears of embarrassment and frustration. apologized once more and crawled out of there.
When I got home I told Paul ( yes in tears.) about my massive blunder... He laughed..( how dare he!) And said he was proud of me... for lots of reasons
1- if I was using the debit card. I would have believed whatever total I thought I saw and paid for it anyway. ( yeah well ,that would have worked out for me in this case. and only I would know that I was a moron.)
2-I actually spoke up and made her double check it.. before continuing( I never do this.. I always just double check the receipt after I pay.)
3- And I did what was necessary to stay with in the budget. ( no choice.. Stupid cash... it was my demise tonight.)
I told him he could do the stupid grocery shopping , since I will not be showing my face in wal mart anytime soon. and can no longer be trusted with running totals.
oh, well at least we can laugh about it. . . . right?
8 years ago
dude, good for you. i'm pretty good at estimating my cart, too and i totally freak when i see the numbers creeping close to where i think i should be...
and hello? shopping without kids? the ONLY way to go. you save AT LEAST $40 that way...
Okay, my heart just broke for you and I wanted to cry for you too. How awful that must have been. At least you warned the clerk you were going to be a pain. So sorry.
As mom would say " OH DEAR!" Everyone has to have their turn to be the person that makes us all say....I soooo didn't choose the right line to get in. I can totally visualize you and the cashier. There is no such thing as friendly service anymore. What is a bohica? Big hug and a good chuckle.
Oh Stace! I'm hugging you in my mind right now! I have so had those days! Is everything OK? Your usually the sane one out of the two of's not like you to get so frazzled! If you need to chat just let me know! We should get Blue Tooth headsets and go for a would almost be like we were on a walk together! :) It's a thought! I love ya and hope everything is OK!
So Brent said he can totally see me doing the same thing. I have to believe him. We are in the same boat and I am so scared I will do the same thing. Good for you though making paul so proud but i would have slugged him in the arm for laughing
Alright allow me to take the XY approach but attempting to solve your problem rather than the XX approach to sympathize.
1, This sounds like a bunch of little things bottled up and coming out at once. Confront little "irks" right when they pop up, this way you can address them while your emotions are in check.
2, I thought evil trolls aren't suppose to have feelings like us normal people?
3. Who gives a crap about making the checkout lady take a little longer to check you out? She's paid by the hour and leaves at a certain time regardless of who she helps. It isn't as if she was busy doing something else, and even if she was who cares, it's her job to help you. Hell, if it was me and she got tone I would have tallied up each product manually and then pay her in change (Which I would drop on the counter for her to count).
So relax, and the next time you go to Wal-Mart pick the same girls line and bring your pennies, it'll make you feel better.
Love ya (you big baby) =)
Good job staying with in the budget. You are so strong girl! I would have done the same thing even if a dozen people were waiting behind me. If it’s your money, why not!
oh Stacey,
I feel your pain....If I was the person in line behind you I would hope I would have seemed understanding. And I agree with what the Buys said about the cashier, she didn't need her panties in a ruffle.
I hate those times. Sorry.
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