Monday, September 22, 2008

Embarrasing and un-cool.. according to Jameson.

Jameson and I were just goofing around and teasing each other the other day. I was Lounging on the couch and he kept jumping on me and we were just goofing and playing with each other.

We got on the subject of money ( I'm thinking we were negotiating allowance.)

He reminded me that I don't have any money, and that daddy has all of the cash.. Because

"I don't work or do anything."

I laughed and said, is that right.. I asked him why he thought I quite my job. His reply was :because you needed a break... ( okay.. I can roll with that .)

So Smiling at him... I informed him my "job" was to take care everyone in the house and thought he should think about what I really do at home?
I asked him who makes him dinner?
he said I did, even though he doesn't like it all the time.

Who made sure he had clean clothes for school?
again admitted to this. but sometimes "I forget to wash his hulk shirt."

who got him ready for school?
again I do, "but only because daddy has to go to work."

who cleans the house?
again I do," but not very good sometimes."

who takes him to the store?
again I do, "but not very often."

I also asked him who did the shopping to make sure he had his favorite foods in the house..

His reply was: "well. . . you do, but it's daddy's money that buys the food NOT yours cause you don't have any."

So my son thinks I am a bum living off my hubby... yeah, I can roll with that.
At this point,I am just fully amused by the insight and opinion of my very honest 7yr old
So teasing him some more I told him to come and snuggle up with me...and tell me how cool his mom is.

He gave me a weird look and said no.

Laughing I asked him, why not?

He said:" because it's embarrassing."

Laughing.. I said: what? you think I am the coolest mom and you love to snuggle with me!

His reply was: uh, no...

So of course, I grab him and wrap him up tight and start taunting that I am the coolest mom ever and he loves me..

His reply: well.... I do love you... But you are not cool.. and I'm not telling you that because , That's embarrassing.

So I continued to taunt him and tease him... finally just before I let him go.. I kissed him on the forehead. ( A while ago, I made up a story that all my kids have a special" kissing spot", his is his forehead, and I am forced to kiss it everyday or it will glow a very ugly green. Ethan's is cheek and neck. and Zoey's is eyes and between the eyes.) Jameson bought this story hook line and sinker. And often puts his forehead out there to make sure it gets it's kisses. and will remind me if I forgot to kiss his "kissing spot." ( I laugh at this all the time..)

But this time he told me to stop kissing him.. I laughed again and asked, how come?

He said: Because it's EMBARRASSING! and he then informed me that he doesn't like me to kiss him anymore..

Smiling, I said :"you don't want anymore kisses from me eh? "

He thought about it and said: "well , the only time I like them is when I'm sad or hurt ,but only because they make me feel better. but that's it."

I agreed I wouldn't kiss him anymore..( yeah right!) but only if he admitted that I was the coolest mom ever and that he loves me tons...

His reply was real serious.

"Mom, I do love you, but I'm not going to tell you you're cool, cause that is embarrassing."

with that he walked away.

So alas my little boy is turning into a big boy and I am no longer cool or allowed to smother him in kisses anymore.

I think this is hilarious and endearing, and you better believe I have every intention of embarrassing him on a daily basis! I keep thinking,, aw man when did he get too big for his mom!

Although ,I should say that when I tucked him in that night. he stuck his forehead out for me to kiss. I said nothing , just smiled and indeed planted about 20 kisses on his forehead,..( hey, got to get as many as I can in, before he really refuses them!)

I am now the "un-cool , you are embarrasing me." Mom.


Hansen family said...

Get use to it. You start as embarrassing and uncool then go to a freaking idiot who doesn't know anyting and the worst parent ever. (until they want something like to hang with friends, twil in your hair, stay up late etc.) The magic kissing spot is a fun idea. I love bryces last response. We Buys women need to get some of the Buys attitude and kah-hone-ays. LOL. Hopefully he didn't ask for payment for his services! heheh

Melissa Hernandez said...

what a sweet story i love it. And you are awesome for not breaking down into tears when he said he didn't want any more kisses, i think i might have cried like a baby!! p.s. i still think your cool!

jess said...

oh i remember when i became uncool to jake. i am ONLY cool when NO ONE ELSE is around. then he is a cuddly bear.

p.s. you missed a bit of a golden opportunity to tell him that the very best husbands work hard so their wives can stay home and be mommies. :D cuz kids need mommies. at home.

Tina said...

Oh...I what a cute story to have recorded. It will be fun to read back to him years down the road. I love your kissing spot and how you kept kissing it. I think your cool too...if that means anything.

Katie said...

wow that is all you do huh? well I think you are the coolest mom ever and Jman would much rather have you than me as a mommy. You have to be the easiest going mom in the world

Tami said...

What a range of emotions I just went through for you. First I was laughing then I felt really bad and then I was laughing again. What a funny kid!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry Stace- when he's older he won't be embarassed to kiss his mom. Any mama's boy will tell you that...

Livia said...

I don't want that day to come for me any time soon. I just love kissing my kids toooo much!
Hey Stacey I still think you are a cool mom!!!

Irish Cream said...

SO, it's age 7 when they think moms are no longer "cool" an become "embarrassing". Well, it's a good reminder that I need to get in as many "embarrassing" moments as I can before my girls start reaching that age.

Did I mention you are an AWESOME mom to just laugh it off and love him (and SHOW him you love him) anyway! :)

Amy Johnson said...

What a cute story! I love it!!!!