Saturday, September 27, 2008

Fall .. I must acknowledge it's arrival


Believe it or not it becoming rapidly one of my favorite season. Especially here in Indiana where we have the abundance of trees. I absolutley love when leaves change. the air crispens. and the fall of leaves for me to crunch in. To me it is the promise of exciting holidays. And seeing all my favorite colors on the color wheel.
I also love the days where it's cool enough to break out my favorite hoodies. And sweaters.
And can even have an excuse to whip up some Hot cocoa.( oooh starbuck carmel apple cider.. yumm)

Here in Indiana I saw my very first leave dance. Since we have the chicago winds whipping them about swirling around and around in the middle of the streets. Watching them travel to one yard to another... It's almost like they have they're own little spirits too. Very romantic really.
I love the smell in the air. A break from the humid heat... a few less bugs I have to watch out for.
And of course the beginning of Tail gates and football games. ( I live about 5 min from Notre Dame... you try not catching the Irish fever!)

Right now I love to be outside. taking walks or doing whatever. ( even yard work since we know we won't have to mow much longer!)
I also get to start looking at all my crafty fun things to do for the kids ( I always have more ideas this time of year then I do in the summer.)
And of course all the yummy baking!

But I also dread the Fall season..... Because I know what follows it.. And it is the most dreaded seasons of all. I hate humid winters more then anything. ( I hate dealing with all the snow.) I hate driving in it... I really do miss Utah winters.

So I decided if I ever make it to heaven and become of godess of my own world.. We will only have 2 season... Spring & fall... Really who needs the other two... okay maybe two weeks of cold and two weeks of super hot... but that's it.

But until then I will relish in my Fall fun. Live it up at tailgates and hopefully see a N.D game or two. Make a few treats. and enjoy the comfort of some oldie/but goodie hoodies!
Admitedly the picture is not mine.... but soon enough I will post all the pictures I take when the leaves change just a bit more!( another thing I am excited for!)


Tami said...

I share your sentiments EXACTLY. I love fall for all the same reasons and dread what comes next. I love your idea of only two seasons with breif periods of the extremes. I could handle that. If thats the way your world is going to be one day, I'll come build a house next door to you.

Melissa Hernandez said...

I would have to agree with you on the Goddess scenario, really there are only 2 seasons necessary to make my happy!! I wish fall lasted as long as summer....or's way tooo short!

Hansen family said...

:) Love you sis. Happy fall/autumn!
Is that what you're going to be for Halloween? A fall goddess?

Livia said...

I also love fall and I agree with you about winter on the fact that it’s a pain to drive through the snow; But winter brings Christmas and for me is the celebration that I wait for the whole year.