Monday, September 29, 2008

"broken" hair & other kid drama

Well. when it rains it pours at my house.. and the mischief in never ending here.

This last week we have dealt with Jameson and cheating.( yeah that was fun one.. cheated on a spelling get out of the final spelling test!) Got caught... that didn't go down well here. and the groundings began as well as PLENTY of time to practice his spelling words over and over and over again.( he's only 7!) This was another "Daddy dealing." And that is never fun.

Next is Zoey,who came up to me crying. when asked what happened.. She said that Jameson "Broke her hair!" I thought maybe he pulled it and few snapped.I was busy and didn't think enough of it to really look up and check.( I glanced up , but she turned her head to walk away..)

Well, later I noticed that she had bangs... pretty short bangs.... So when I asked her about them.. the first thing she said was "Jameson did it." So I asked Jameson..... after a few round about answers I got the truth of it.. he indeed cut Zoey's hair.

Now I cut hair. I understand that kids and scissors is a bad combo so It is the first thing I say to every child I cut. I drill it in.... ONLY I cut you hair... NO ONE else.. I say this over and over and with my kids.. so they won't be tempted to play" hairdresser"like mommy.

I would expect this from Zoey.But Jameson TOTALLY knows better!!!! I have been drilling that in since he was 1!

Lucky for me.( and Zoey ...okay and Jameson) At least he didn't scalp her.. and kept it pretty light. they are shorter.. but nothing that I can't work with.. DO I like them NOOOOOO... Am I happy about it... NOOOOO... but I have been in the business long enough to realize that I indeed got lucky.( maybe next I'll do a post of some real bad kid cuts, just to make myself feel better and warn mothers what kids are capable of.)

I have seen some serious doozy's with pleading mothers to help fix it or blend it... put some magical lotion to undo the damage... ( always in the front ,always to the scalp... unless you buzz your little girl there is nothing you can do to blend it . or make it look good.. Buy some hats.)

But for us,It looks like mom just went to short on the bangs... ( I do NOT want credit for this!) I have tried to straighten them the best I can, Now I have to wait till they grow a bit more and then start pinning them back.

So that is that... I am not happy about it at all! ( although feeling kind of lucky about it.)

And to finish off the weekend. In church yesterday.. ( I just got called to Primary.) we were in the primary room. finishing a sharing time project. I was just looking around the room. while a little boy named Jack was quoting all his favorite parts of Madagascar to me... When I noticed Jameson standing up and eyeing the boy in the next row up .. and Ethan to the side of this little boy smiling... I noticed that Jameson's arms were folded and was giving this kid some looks... I gave the shhh warning .. but thought they were just playing around.. threaetning to be tough.. ( neither of these classes had teachers there..) I looked at my little buddy who needed a confirmation that Madagascar was indeed funny. Then looked back at Jameson just in time to see him grab this boy by the shirt. The kid doing the same and started shoving each other... "Uh-oh"
I was appalled! I jumped out of my seat and grabbed Jameson and took him out to the hall..

When reminded where he was.. and asked what was going on.. turns out .That Ethan was feeding names to this kid to call Jameson...( and not very nice one either.. where do they learn this crap!)

And Jameson got sick of and it and reacted...


So Jameson sat by me the remainder of the hour and I gave a very verbal warning to the Ethan and the boy... Letting Ethan know his punishment will start IMMEDIATELY after church.( insert evil mommy eye and evil mommy growl here.)

Of course I was done by the time the hour was over.. looking for Paul to just get out of there.

But can we go straight home? no, we have to get set apart.( like I am in the mood at this point.)

Paul was filled in.. and boy howdy were those boys in trouble... I have now threatened if I hear any more name calling no matter how lame it is.. I will make them eat peppercorns..make'em eat a bar of soap..I don't care...But that is enough of that..

We had the talk about how we don 't care what people say ,to just igonore them or talk to someone else .. you don't start fights in primary or anywhere else!

Jameson has been warned that his week of being a punk is up, and he can't afford another week of this.

I really need this week to be an easy one...seriously.


Tami said...

Well, of course I'm sitting here laughing my head off. I'm sure you could make some serious money if had these stories published. I'm sure none of this was funny to you, at least at the time, but you deal so well. Sorry to hear about the cheating, I guess that part wasn't a laughing matter. Good luck and keep the post coming, they sure brighten my days.

Katie said...

Of course I am only laughing because I can see my little Jman making his sister pretty. but the primary thing would have sent me reeling! Wow I am proud you didn't beat him right there, I would have. Just kidding.

Hansen family said...

That is awesome. Haileys first attempt to forge the parents name to a school paper was in first or second grade. Is there a reason J thought she needed a hair cut? Now the primary thing....almost wet my pants. pregnacy, Hard Labor, money spent for kids is so worth it. The best scam out there! LOL! Hang in there!

Irish Cream said...

Nice way to lay down the law! I'm so glad you and Paul jumped on the cheating thing. The primary thing- well, that was just funny (and way to go with a mommy-radar!)

As for the haircut, I'm glad to know that drilling it in may or may not work. I'm hopeful (as I've escaped any incidents so far). Still, I must absolutely admire how well Jameson cut Zoey's hair! WOW. I wish I could cut that well. I know, I know. You've got a different perspective (she's your baby, you cut hair professionally, Jameson knows better, etc.) Still, like you said, it's not bad, and I've DEFINITELY seen much worse!

Livia said...

I think she is still such a cutie even with the short bangs. Good thing she has a great mommy who can fix it all!

The Buys said...

Remind me why I should have kids again? Ah yes...because kids are fun. I remember now. I've just realized that I'm completley satisfied playing the part of the fun Uncle for a while longer.

Tina said...

I hope your week is better.

And Zoey...She still looks gorgeous!! If my kids are to cut their had better look like that.