Monday, October 6, 2008

5 things ....

Five Things
Five Things on my "to-do" list today:
1- Clean the house ( Never ending story)
2- Make an appointment for the sickly Van( I think I should just shoot it & put it out of it misery.)
3-Make an appointment for my eyes. ( I threw my last pair of contacts away... thinking I had more, NUTS. I hate wearing my glasses!)
4-Go for a walk
5- Find a project for the kids to do.
Five years ago today I was:
1- Only had 2 kids instead of 3 ( aww Zoey wasn't even a twinkle yet.)
2- Putting my husband through his Bachelors, Swearing we would never ever be finished.
3-Being the bread winner at Pepperidge Farms. and thought I made good money.
4-Was a good 20lbs lighter....NUTS......
5- Thought if we ever made more then 30 G's a year I wouldn't know what to do with All the extra cash.( LAUGHING NOW)
Five Things I like to Snack on:
1- Mt.dew in a can
2-Mt. Dew in a bottle
3- Mt Dew from fountain
4- Something Chocolate..
5- Jelly beans or Hot Tamale's
Five Places I have lived:
2-Logan, UT
3-N.Logan UT
4-Ogden UT
5-South Bend, IN
Five things I would do if I won a MILLION DOLLARS:
1- Pee my pants and Die because I NEVER win anything
2- Share with my family & really good friends.
3-Pay off any and all debt, mortgage, cars.( save a bit of course)
4- LIVE IT UP somehow, someway. something.( Celebrate!)
5-Travel and Explore


Tami said...

What a fun idea. I'll probably steal this one. Hope thats okay. I laughed at the Mt. Dew comments.

Livia said...

I love the new blog look. Very cute!

Melissa Hernandez said...

I am with ya on the 20 lbs. lighter situation. I always tease my hubby that he must have a thing for chubby girls-LOL. p.s. i think you look the same as you did the last time i saw must hide 20 pounds better than i do!!!!

Amy Johnson said...

I'm just catching up on your blog! I need life to settle down a little bit so I can keep up with everyone! I was cracking up at Jameson cutting Zoey's hair! I could have been so much worse! She is so dang cute! Why is Jameson being such a stinker anyway??!! Boys will be boys! Miss ya!

Hansen family said...

I swear that there is a new soon as folks get married we gain weight. In fact I was laying on my bed Sunday and Kallee started kneading my stomach saying she was making bread with my dough. Who would've ever thunk that I would be looking at my sisters sight for recipie ideas? WEIRD. My kids still love the creamy soup and cornbread. Like the "5" but, I just got done writing so., I'll play that one next time.How much do you charge for creating new pages that folks can just write on? Seriously. Loves n squishes

Katie said...

I am taking this one. And I should probably say something about sooz too huh? I like the new look for you!

Katie said...

Whose yard is that?! I know you don't have those in your yard. That halloween Pic is so cute!