Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Kids and the Zoo

Yesterday was a 1/2 day for the children, I ran errands and took Paul back to work( Van broken.. and I don't really care right now.) and then took the kids to the Zoo and Park. It wasn't the smoothest of trips and pretty much it was just me. I had little patients for the kids antics and I kept thinking that I had stuff to do at home. Which I think made me more impatient. But was trying to let the kids run out some energy and have a good time.

We had an okay time. My patients were a little thin, But I managed to play nice and not snap at em too much. Ethan was absolutley fantastic. He loves the zoo. Zoey was pretty good too, not a fit to be thrown! Jameson was okay although I wonder sometimes if his ears are broken. And he is just full of energy.( that I wish I could bottle) The funny thing with Ethan And Jameson is if I tell Ethan he is being absolutly fabulous. Jameson gets very competitve for the same compliment. Which I must secretly admit works more often then not to my advantage! Ethan does the same thing if Jameson get the "your fabulous" bit.

The animals were fun. Even the snakes were moving about and the Rattler unlocked his jaw a couple times and showed us his fangs ( Jameson thought that was just awesome.) Ethan thought it was going to bite him. Most everything was up and moving. Which makes life more interesting.( except for the black bear. which is never moving... ever.) I took pictures of the red panda since I am pretty sure I never ever seen them get out of there dumb tree!( that was for you Katie, since he is your fav.)

I tried to take some fun pictures of my kids in front of the zoo boo decorations.. SOO FRUSTRATING.. I think it is impossible for them to look at that camera and smile AT THE SAME TIME! they are either giving me a grimace smile and looking at who knows what.. OR they are looking at the camera and frowning!!! why is that?! I have been snapping pictures of them long enough surely they know how it is s'posed to go. ( SIGH) oh well. As Katie puts it my kids are great Candid kids .. you get what you get with them.. Her kids will pose until the cows come home and never look away from the camera... sometimes I am envious that they can actually do that.

I am glad we were able to get out and go hang out. The kids I think were ready to get out of the house and play. The zoo is calming down so we pretty much had it to ourselves. I want to go back when the kids are in an outfit I like and take some really good one with the hay bales. Something about character shirts sort of ruin the effect don't you think? And hopefully I will be more patient!

I think my problem was simple Child overload for too many days, Paul has been so busy trying to study for midterms I don't think he has been home before 10 p.m. for the last week! Sucks for me, Sucks for him. We will hang in for a few more weeks. And then we are ALL DONE!!! Yay!


JK said...

Yes you can put me in your contacts so that you can keep track of us and see what we have been up to! I love your page its so neat!

Tami said...

Good for you for taking the kids out despite what you had waiting for you at home. You're a great mom!

Katie said...

I miss my babies! They are so cute! WHen are you coming here again? WEll come sooner I need Irwinians in Fl even for a visit. THanks for the Red Panda's they really are my fav.

Hansen family said...

What is with the post comment section? Why would your children be uncooperative and unposed when getting their picture taken? After all...they have been on stage 24/7 for months now. I just don't get it. I have to say that the candids "real moment" pictures are my favorites vs. the poses etc. you have a talent for photography. It will be a few years and you will be thankful that you, them and their posterity can see personality and memories. I'm glad the animals were out and about. spring and fall seem to be the best times for activity. good job letting the kids play. you get the mom of the day award! loveya!

jess said...

i'm gonna try that "you're fabulous" bit and see if it works on my kids. stay tuned!

Amy Johnson said...

We just took Simon to the zoo too! I guess it's the "one last time before it gets cold" scenerio! He loved it and just like you said, all the animals were out and moving...including the black bears! It was awesome!

Tina said...

That is a good idea to go to the zoo right now. I have a hard time with the heat and so do the kids...I think that would be a fun thing to do. I to like the candid moments too...I like to pose my kids too, but candids are nice to see them in actual personality.

Good luck to you on the rest of schooling for Paul...hang in there.

Tina said...

I just noticed your slide show... cute pictures!! I really liked the candid ones. I also liked the sepia look with the straw...they look great! Cute cute.

Livia said...

What a great outing with your little ones. Looks like it was fun!