Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Welcome to the "Lame" house

This week has been a tougher one for me...
It's just been so , so , so , so , so ,so ,so( you are getting my point with this right?) LAME!

Sure we are doing the routines of school and all that good stuff. And I am "sort of busy".
But since Paul has been incredibly busy with the NEVER ENDING FREAK"N MIDTERMS!!!!!
And I feel very CONFINED. ( since I broke my damn van and Paul and I just can't seem to coordinate his schedule to a car appoint..) And really I haven't minded too much.. Prevents me from being tempted to spend money.. But still some days I felt like a caged animal.

Cleaning up the house CONSTANTLY gets a little old and very un-fulfilling... Having the children from early to Late. Everyday including weekends... all gets little "eye- twitchy".

Sure we go to the park and play some B-ball. walks that sort of stuff... But I'm just so bored with it all!!! ( no offence my children whom I love to play with.)
Thinking about it.. During the week I don't mind.. you know when you have kids coming home at different times there is only so much you can go and do. And homework, chores. etc.etc. etc.
But weekends being home on my own and not much to do.. Pretty much blows!
So as I was sitting around on my own AGAIN thinking.. I'M SO BORED! and thinking of how Lame we have become. LAME! I tell you! LAME!
So when Paul called me the other day to see how I was surviving... I told him we are the home of the Lames... just call us the LAME house! ( he laughed.. I was quite serious.)

SO this week, I took about all the LAMENESS I could handle.. Vented to Paul about it.. And we both agreed I need more projects and FREEDOM! ( what can I say.. I like my independence) He also gently reminded me to hang in there for just a bit longer.
Of course I then listed off all the stuff I need to do.. Get for the kids. ( I was subtly hinting that I need to have some spending therapy...) Okay, okay, I wasn't subtle at all. Actually, I was pretty vocal & blunt about it.
Well, Since My Husband is just so freak'n awesome sometimes. He nodded and smiled and gave me some sympathy. And just sort of meandered into the bedroom... I just figured he was grabbing his study material and I sort of dropped it.( you know.. pick your battles.) He came back out with a few folded bills handed me the keys and told me to go get some clothes and shoes for Zoey.( she needed a few winter clothes and shoes.) And also told me to get myself something fun.
He mentioned if I had enough left over to consider projects I would want to do with the kids ( I always talk about projects I want to do, but never have the material.) That would keep me pre-occupied for a while at least til he was done with mid-terms.
SO I took him back to study. And since Ethan was in school ALL day. Zoey and I went and picked out a few shirts and pair of Tenny's. I found some cheap little paint projects for the kids to do.. And really it was just NICE to get out and look at some FUN stuff. My creativity went in full force that day. Really, it was just a nice spirit booster.( exactly what I needed) I then reminded myself Life is only as LAME as I allow it to be. AND since I consider myself a pretty entertaining person.. I was just going to have to get more creative with my time. ( that and fix the damn van)

Just so I have it on record.. I totally adore my husband. I'm so grateful he gets me. And does what he can to make things better for us. And helps me figure stuff out.. I felt so selfish.. since really he hasn't had very much fun as of late either.. So I think I will redirect my LAME pity party over to him and think of something fun and cute that he would get a kick out of. And give him an OUT too.( lord knows he's earned one.)

Seriously tho' I must find something. I'm even running out of things to even blog about!

Oh and that is the name of my van.. the Damn van... trust me when I say it's very fitting.
What did I get myself?... umm.. not good at spending money on myself... I might have bought me dew. Who cares.


Tami said...

I just love it when you have a new post. I'm almost always gauranteed a chuckle. Sorry about the damn van. Hope you get that worked out soon. As for the lameness, I kinda feel the same way. Although it won't be long until holiday preparations are in full swing. So I suppose I should try to take advantage of the "down" time.

Tina said...

I understand the lame thing and i do agree that it is only as lamw as you make it. I don't think life is always going to be a party unless you make it that way. I have had plenty of times when I think we are boring, doing the same old boring things, but when I stop and think it is up to me and just be crazy it is amazing how much things can change. (I think most of us think that at some time in our lives)

I am glad he was able to do that for you. What a sweet thing.

Oh... and sorry about the van. I hate cars sometimes and I hate paying for them to be fixed more.

Tina said...

Oh and LOVE the pumpkin picture.

Livia said...

Sorry about the van. We have had our share of car problems and I know how hard it is to not have one. I hope your day is better today and that you found something fun to do. Hugs :)

Hansen family said...

I too will take part in the pity party.........Done. Now, for your next post you can list 10 things to brighten up a lame day and have a vote on my space for how many other folks in america are having car problems, can't even afford a car or better yet, just had it repo-d. What size of clothes are your kids wearing now? I can pack some winter hand-me-downs I bet. Love ya! Glad today is a new day and a good one too!

jess said...

damn that van! vans SUCK. i can't even see you driving a van!! SERIOUSLY. unless it's a honda odyssey. now those are awesome. and why am i babbling?

OH YEAH. you aren't selfish. if taking a few hours to get out and refresh is selfish well then i am a total COW. moms need to refuel.