Jameson decided to go out and play in the dirt.. I saw him with his little giraffe shovel and thought nothing of it really.
Well, he came in and asked where Daddy's shovel was. I asked him what was wrong with his shovel. He showed me that he bent the spade part. ( apparently we are doing some SERIOUS digging. And a Giraffe Shovel just isn't up to the task.)
When I went out to take pictures I now realize the he killed both of the giraffe shovels... where I thought he just bent them. (SIGH) Yup, not made for hard labor.
His eye's just LIT up when I asked what exactly he was doing. His response was:
"I'm building you and daddy a pool!!!" Which followed with details of his plan to accomplish this.
I smiled and said:" A pool huh"?
Jameson: " Yeah. cause it's really easy, all you have to do is a dig a really big hole and fill it with water!!!"
" Are you surprised mommy?"
I'm laughing of course and said yes I was very very surprised. I just didn't have the heart to tell him where the flaws were in his GREAT IDEA. SO instead I gave him the big shovel. ( excuse me Daddy's shovel.. since girls don't use shovels.)
And hoped he would be bored or overwhelmed a few digs in. Well, After some serious hard work he brought me out to see his progress, The whole was big enough he could fit his butt in it" ( you know it looks like he fell into a bucket.) and was just past my knee..
I must admit I was impressed.. He got through tree roots and all. However.. I really don't need anybody tripping over this and breaking something.. SO now it is time to discourage the pool... eek.
So after much praise and admiration to his progress. I started asking what happens when you mix dirt and water...that started him thinking...But then his reply was. "Well, it will be just like Potato creek. and rivers and "Stuff".( crap, he is too smart.) So I switched tracks.. I told him it's just too cold now. and by the time he was done Snow would be here. This seemed to help a bit.
He asked if he could just put hot water in it. like they have at pool places. I told him it wouldn't stay hot long enough. So I think I have managed to convince him to STOP digging. Now I just have to convince him to fill it back in. before the snow hits. ( Or I might just make Paul do it.. I would, But Girls don't use shovels apparently.) And hope by next spring he will moved on to another " Great idea."
Bless his heart. Building mom and dad a pool. I must give him snaps. Man, I just find his logic so amusing I can see he ideas like they were light bulbs going off. And his wheel turns as to what, how, and why it should and could happen. I love how he can argue his point and stick to his idea of why it's good one. I laugh when he tilts his head and bluntly asks me why I didn't think of it or How come I didn't know you could build a pool by just digging a really big hole. ( I swear he wonders if his mother is a vision-less dim wit.)
Sometimes it suck to be the "idea" killer. Since he was soo excited about it. and was doing it for a big surprise. But I really can't have huge holes going on in the back yard.( broken or twisted ankles waiting to happen, that or the dog will fall in.) I'm just glad he hasn't thought about making it into a Tiger or Large beast of some sort trap, Yet. ( this is where I am glad that they have never seen Swiss family Robinson.)
I must admit his logic reminds me much of my own when I was young. all the fields we had between houses were used for so many things and great ideas.We had forts planned out. Holes dug.. buried treasures. I think we tried to set a few boobie traps. and catch a few wild beast.( yes Swiss family Robinson style.) club houses. attempting to build crap out of old wood full of rusty nails. I think about all that and how creative the crew was in the neighbor hood. we had so many"games." And make believe fun that involved everyone.( night games of course)
I think my favorite was PUMP. played on Thains huge yard with every person in the neighbor hood! basically one kid in the middle calling someone out and they had to make it to the other side with out getting tagged. if they were they joined the person in the middle. and so on and so forth. It was a clever fun and few people were hurt game.( I'm sure the parents loved it.)
I really wish we lived in a neighbor hood with lots of kids like that. That just sort of saunter between friends houses... that is one thing I miss about home. Here we arrange play dates and meet at the park. Kids just can't run the neighbor hood like they used to. ( like WE used to.)
Ahhh.. the memories... well ,I better go fill in the" pool"..( I think the pictures remind me more of outhouse type hole..eww.)
8 years ago
A swimming pool huh, nice.
Pump? Do you mean paump? and you weren't trying to "not get tagged", you were trying to not get killed. Seriously, what neighborhood did you grow up in?
We turned kissing tag into a blood sport for crying out loud, paump was just brutal.
Those were the good old days.
wait a min.. I swear it was PUMP and it was two hand touch for crying out loud!( maybe you were just a bigger pansy back then.) I forgot we played kissing tag. ha ha ha that did get a little rough. Only people cried during "Paump" were the Allens. I swear. . I don't remember it being rough.. Are you sure you aren't thinking of another game?
Nope, Paump was always full contact. It was all about tackling the smaller guys so you had enough to tackle the Fonua's towards the end.
Again, do you really think we would just touch someone when we could clobber them instead? Think back to the chemistry of our neighborhood and get back to me on that one. Feel free to phone a friend.
That is so nice of him to try to give you guys a pool. What a sweet boy! Give him a hug from me:)
So funny! And so thoughtful! Jameson seems to really have his gender roles figrued out. Daddy works, so its Daddy's money, not Mommy's. The shovel belongs to Daddy because girls don't use shovels. He'd be a little confused if he came to my house. Here, its MY shovel, not Brent's. Because I do more digging than he does.
Anyway, I remember the games we used to play. Loved the night games. I remember playing Pump or Paump (whatever it was) and no one could ever catch Jay. And all those vacant lots, such good hiding places with the tall weeds. And then our dads decided to put up fences. Remember how we could fit through that skinning opening where the fences met at the corner of my house, your house, Dents and Frasers? And when my dad wasn't looking, we'd just climb over the fence.
Its too bad we have to be so careful with our kids nowdays. We're in a really good neighborhood so its not so bad. But I know what you mean, I couldn't let my kids out of my sight when we lived in Halifax. We never had organized playdates when we were growing up. Didn't we just run around outside and go home when we were hugry?
In the old days we played night games but, mostly kick the can and some game with trails in the snow or the tall weeds. Have not a clue about pump Very sweet to build a pool. Today I found that a bag of "spider web" cotton for
$.75 or a $1 provides hours of entertainment outside. I hope he keeps his promise to clean it up.
That is the cutest thing!! What a sweet little boy. I agree with where did the good times go when we ran off and played for hours. I too live in a really good area and still have my eyes on them 24/7.
You have such a smart little boy!! I also miss the good old days when you really could wander anywhere you wanted (and we did!) and just make sure you were home by dark!`
i think you should encourage him to go rake leaves for neighbors for a small fee - and then hint that he should purchase a hot tub with his earnings. ;)
and then tell him you're joking and that he can save it for his mission or something...
Heck no.. I want the hot tub!!!
Where are the Halloween pictures?
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