Thursday, November 6, 2008

Halloween "08

I know, I'm behind. It has been pretty busy and I haven't had a chance to even look at my Computer since Halloween night!! I have so much to catch up on!

Let's start with Halloween,( I know, it was sooo last week.)
First let me just say this is the first Halloween I could remember where a coat or even a jacket were not required!!! It was beautiful and warm. So that made it much more enjoyable!! In Indiana we can only trick or treat between 5p.m & 7p.m.( lame, I know.) So we were out the door as soon as Paul walked in.
Jameson decided to be Ghost Rider. although we have never seen it.. He chooses his costumes more by the accessories that come with it, then the actual character.. I didn't look close enough at the mask( hey, we were on store three and I was done.) Or I probably wouldn't let him get it. ( since I just X'd out a ninja costume that had gross looking skulls on it at the LAST store.) I'm not into skulls, and he is 7, but my mistake for not inspecting closer and being in hurry to be done. He loved it... and admittedly it is a bit wicked looking! And we didn't see another one while T & Ting. He did okay.. He had tons of fun trick or treating, someone was handing out hot wheel cars and he thought that was the coolest thing ever.

Ethan quickly Picked out IRON MAN. Again he hasn't seen it, but he loved it. and didn't take off his mask all night! I was surprised to realize that he was an original as well. we didn't see another one of his kind all night. which I might add is a bit refreshing. He did superhero poses all night it was hilarious. Ethan LOVES trick or treating. and was the most focused and in a hurry to get to the next door. He hated waiting for the rest of us. ( That the true Halloween spirit if you ask me!)
Zoey was a princess( shock, shock) she chose the sleeping beauty dress and I couldn't talk her out of it or get her too look at other costumes. ( hey, she knows what she wants.) It was a might bit big on her, and she tripped on it often I finally tucked in the front into her tights to look like a bubble dress in front. She absolutely LOVED t&ting. She kept telling Paul she was so "esssicited"!!!
And every time someone put a treat in her pumpkin she would have to dig it out to show Paul what the prize was. She wouldn't have anything to do with me while t&ting it was all about Paul and showing him all her goodies. She would curtsy to a few people and got excited when she saw other princess's. and quickly walked away from the scary mask people. It was fun to see her turn into a Daddy's girl for once although I could have done w/out her attitude towards me. ( she told me more then once, she was not talking to me as she ran to show her daddy.) So I called Paul her bodyguard for the evening. While they were plenty of Princess, and a few sleeping beauty's her costume was the only one I saw as well.

Paul and I never dress up. And I hate it. Next year for sure.( I think I said that last year.. oops.) I realize it has been few years since he has come with me. So it was nice to have him along. the kids got enough to last til Christmas!!! Don't worry I went through all of the buckets and ate the ones that looked "questionable:. It was a sacrifice, but someone has to do it.


Melissa Hernandez said...

Those are fun costumes. The ghost rider one is one i haven't seen before (that movie terrified me, along with all the other movies that terrify me...)

Amy Johnson said...

I wish our kids could trick or treat together! Your kids costumes are so cute!!!

Tina said...

What a bunch of cuties. I hear you on "checking their treats" I have had to "check" them everyday, a couple times a day, since they got them...wink wink

Tami said...

What a good mom you are to make that scarifice so your poor kiddies didn't have to eat the "yucky" candy. I do the same thing.

Love the costumes and I'm glad you had such good weather. I'm still giggling over the face that Paul pulled.

Livia said...

I love all the costumes but my favorite is Iron Man. Maybe because I love the movie or could it be the great pose Ethan gave in the picture:)

Hansen family said...

Very cool costumes! I remember the days when most of the costumes were plastic! These are very cool. (I have NO IDEA who ghost rider is)It is even more fun when the kids are acting the part. You missed a few of the questionables. The banana laffy taffy was a bit bent up so, I took one for the team. :) Love ya!

The Buys said...

Nice costumes, sure beats what we we had as kids. Lisa was Ragidy Anne and I was an evil biker monster guy.

Nice to see that some kids still enjoy trick-or-treating. Kids around here go trunk-or-treating instead. We didn't get one single kid this year! Oh well, more candy for me.