Saturday, November 8, 2008

Vistors frrom Da'West.

My Mom and Sister Flew in on the 1st of Nov. When we picked them up the kids were soo excited( SO was I!) Once we got them all loaded up in the Van. Zoey kept asking
Grandma Heidi" is she wanted to come to her house.( she was just talking ot Grandma.) She asked this constantly for the eintire 2 hour ride.

Well of course the kids were bouncing off the wall. Heidi brought dress up clothes her kids had grown out of and the kids had a ball trying them all on. Ethan is loving his Batman costume and is starting to remind me of Daddy day care bolt kid who LIVED in his costume! I laughed when I told him to go make his bed And he informed me Batman doesn't make beds!

I laughed when Mom gave them their Halloween cards and there was"$500 dollars" in it.( Well according to Zoey there was"$500 dollees "in it... But I'm pretty sure it was a 1 dollar bill.) And Pop rocks. . I don't ever buy pop rocks for my kids... I now remember why. ( Thanks ALOT Mom! ha ha. Jusk Kidding.. they loved em!)

We hung out Sun. and just chilled . We made them watch a lame kids movie. And didi the usual CHAT our heads off routine.

Monday we headed to CHICAGO! "Via" Train. We went to Shedd Aquarium. I was excited to show the dolphines, Beluga's. And was talking them up all morning even to the kids. So we got our tickets and headed in! we looked around at all the exhibits. Hit the Spongebob 4-D show ( Ethan laughed so hard the entire time.. Zoey sat in my lap. she didn't like it.) Well. Come to find out the Dolphine/Whale exhibit was CLOSED due to remodeling...... W>T>H???!!! How was this NOT mentioned when getting our tickets? It's the Main attraction!!! I was so Pissed! Well we went and saw the sharks. Learned a bit about my sister while looking for the saw shark. ( Marine Biologist? WHO KNEW?!) It was pretty cool....It wasn't DOLPHINS but it was cool.

So after grabbing a COMMENT CARD. We decided to leave. And see if we could find NAVY PIER. Problem... We had NO Clue how to get there! So walked a bit and caught a bus, to find out we would have to catch another bus....Some friendly Chicago dude. told Paul how to get around what route to take.. Food came up and we were told to go for the GioDano's Pizza. We were hungry so were going for that first. We were also told to get a bus pass it would be cheaper..

So we jumped OFF the bus, headed the wrong way looking for bus passes.( we ended up in the subway station.. they don't sell bus tickets.. conflict of interest I guess.) Headed back up a few blocks to the corner CVS.( which sell bus passes .. who knew?) At this point I was confused and really lost. It was all in Paul's hands. Well he turns out to be awesome with direction and got us to the Pizza Joint.

GioDano's was awesome! It's more like a pie and less like a Pizza. Holy crap! I now get my people make a fuss out of Chicago style pizza! Soo yummy. One piece is more then enough! And it's Certainly better then the "Chicago dog" we had from the vendor before hitting the Shedd.. That was all for Paul.. Let me do everyone a favor... A "Chicago dog" is a typical hot dot with a bunch of crap put on it.. Jalapenos. tomato's. a huge pickle. etc.etc.etc.. Retarded.. I hate hot dogs and I hate "Chicago dogs "too. ( Paul liked 'em .. all for you baby.. all for you.) TiP: Skip the dog for for the pizza.

Anyway by the time we were done with dinner it was getting dark. We weren't sure Navy Pier would be anything to see in the dark.. I think we were bit full and therefore tired. So we decided to head home. Those bus passes we picked up went wasted since we only caught the bus once with em.. oh well... It was fun to fly by our seat and explore!!

TUES. Paul was kind enough to stay home and get kids off the bus and watch them while we had a GIRLS DAY( whoop, whoop!) we had fun We laughed our butts off while trying on clothes. Did catwalks in the dressing room halls. Found some fun stuff. We took my mom out to BoneFIsh grill for her Birthday. I actually ate fish.( I NEVER eat fish.) Tilapia with capers to be exact. Heidi was freak'n that we were eating Calamari.. even the "baby ones." Creme brulee to finish it off. It was pretty good. And we had tons of fun. I felt bad Mom didn't find anything to buy.

That evening they took the kids to pick out a toy. Mom let them choose one.. Let me tell you that is such a freak'n process.. they just couldn't make up their minds! You have to put the countdown on! Well Wal-mart was out of Bakugons.( don't ask...) So we Ran to Toys R us. I thought they were closing in 10 so I pushed Ethan to make a quick choice. ( turns out we had an hour oops!) Heidi bought them curious George animals and books.. They love those too.. They were so so so SPOILED! And of course they loved it.

We took them back Weds. Ethan was upset most of the trip.. He asked for mom's autograph,( aww mom your famous.) she complied to all the children's request( good for fan fare I hear!) he kept telling them not to go and he would miss them... as we got closer the stronger the pleas came.. So of course we unload at the drop of point. they got their hugs and kisses good bye. Etc.etc. and the WHOLE back seat is in tears!!!! I tried multiple times to distract and calm them down. I actually had to climb in the back to have a conversation. Ethan Kept telling me to PULL OVER he was going to run back to find Grandma! ( okay buddy..middle of Chicago Highway.... good plan) Jameson was good after a min.. Zoey was in full fit. But calmed down.. Ethan.. well he was really mad! It took a bit to get him to calm down.( I might have promised a trip home soon.)

We had so much fun with them out!! It was fun to talk to my mom and sis. The kids all took to each of them. Ethan and Heidi were quite buddy buddy. He was so hung on the conversation that Kallee was in Kindergarten JUST like HIM! Zoey kept telling them they were her Best Friends! Jameson we so Excited and FULL of Rambunctious Energy!( he reminds me so much of CLINT when he was younger! ) I had to warn him to Calm down a million times!!! He was just so excited.

Heidi was the nominee to get jumped and climbed on...poor girl! Bring one of the boys next time.

It came to our attention on our girls day that we couldn't remember the last time we actually had a girls day! SO thought we should do it once a year.. Heidi nominated me to plan the first one... SUCK.... any suggestions anyone?

Til next year!


Irish Cream said...

What an AWESOME vacation! I'm so glad you had fun with your mom and sis. It's also awesome the kids fell in love with them. Makes the trip more entertaining :)

I'm missin' you. I cannot thank you enough for watching my baby on Wednesday. Thankfully, we're on the mend now. I'm anxious about what the doc says. We'll find otu on Wed.

See ya soon!

Tami said...

What a fun week! Of course I'm just laughing about the trip to the aquarium and the buses, etc. What an adventure. Glad everyone had such a good time. Have you UNspoiled your kids yet? Isn't it amazing how easily our parents slip into that grandparent/spoiling role? Cuz we sure didn't get stuff like that growing up!

So, when you make good on that promised trip home, come and see me!

Livia said...

How fun! It’s great that you and your children got to enjoy your family. I miss mine dearly around holidays.

Katie said...

So it is my turn to be jealous of a trip to Chicago! And you are dang skippy about Giordano's pizza! When we lived there that is the only pizza brent would look at!

I am glad my babies had a good time with grandma and Auntie Heidi. They are growing up so fast. And after the whole story not one mention of the cell phone accident eh? well only those who are cool get to know that story huh? Oh well I am still laughing my butt off and I miss my babies. THe flying Jman is amazing!

Tina said...

that sounds like a nice time with the fam. Sorry about the Dolphins. THey really sould have mentioned it at the ticket office.

Oh and the goodbyes...sad. At least you know your kids really love them and had a great time.