Saturday, November 29, 2008

Post Thanksgiving

Well, I think I have walked around with my pants unbuttoned for a good 24 hours. . and am just think'n I should just give into putting on a pair of stretchy pants. Why are those left overs so addictive!!!

Thanksgiving was a success! ALL the food was yummy.( the left overs are even better.) I cracked and made a second dessert which was even tastier. All the hard work paid off.

Later we got to know some more people over pie and cards. It was tons of fun. And I was exhausted come 11:00 p.m. ( I didn't get a post Turkey day nap.)

So tired in fact..I didn't get up to go shopping.. I swear I was physically unable to move. Come the 3 a.m. alarm and I don't think I even heard it. And since no one was waiting in my driveway I didn't have the guilt of that. I did feel guilty come 8 a.m.... and wondering what deals I had missed out on.. should I still go and see what is left.. eek.. I don't know.. my body is still tired.. No desire at this point to even move.

So later I jumped online.. and found out that Toys r us. was offering black Friday online. and Pay pal was taking an extra 25 bucks off if I go thru free shipping!! So I online shopped and got the same deals from my least favorite store to shop at. Although I'm glad to have gotten a few things. The feeling just isn't the same as braving the crowds and and sacrificing sacred sleep. I almost felt like I was cheating..
But I'm over it now and really quite okay with it. I am looking forward to Cyber Monday and hopefully can find some kick'n deals there.

The day before Thanksgiving. Ethan had his Thanksgiving feast at school. IT was very cute. He was a Pilgrim and and Indian combined. They had pumpkin pie cornbread and fruit salad. Zoey got to come with me and even eat by him.. She felt SO big and loved being apart of something.. While they all sat down to have there feast. Zoey took a bite of her food put her fork down and asked one of the aids if she could say Prayer? She folder her arms and was telling everyone to quite it down. I didn't know if that was okay or not. But she was insistant.. So I went behind her and guided her thru a short prayer thru all the buzz of the table. Ethan n Zoey were the only one folding there arms. I don't think the other kids had a clue what was going on and were into there feast. I thought it was adorable. And was quite proud of her for remembering and insisting. ( could I have actually taught them something right?!)

Ethan sang his turkey day songs so good and did all the actions. I was proud of him. It was fun to see him in action. Of course Zoey wanted to be apart of the group and asked his teacher if she could do it too. So she stood up there with all the kids and was feeling quite cool.. Needless to say I think she is more then ready for school.

I'm glad the Thanksgiving holiday went down with out a hitch. All the hard work paid off. Next year I do think I will get up and go shopping. But am requiring a new partner in crime to ensure I get my hiney out of bed!!!!

Now, who's ready to start the Christmas season?... I think I'm putting up my tree on Sunday!


Tami said...

Oooo, me, me! I'm ready for the Christmas season!!

How cute was Zoey! Good for her! You certainly have taught her well. Good for you, too!

Well done with the feast. Glad your efforts paid off.

If we lived closer, I might lift my personal ban on Black Friday shopping and go with you next year. I imagine you'd be a blast to shop with despite all the chaos. Glad you got some great deals online.

Amy Johnson said...

I'm so ready for Christmas! I'm so excited cause Simon is so excited!! :) I'm glad your Thanksgiving was such a success!!

The Byington's said...

I'm so ready for Christmas, we actually went to Smithfield for Thanksgiving, so we set our Christmas up before we left, I love it! I'm glad your Thanksgiving was such a hit!