Here is me wishing everyone happy thanksgiving! I hope it all goes smoothly. the family not fight or get in your way. ( I'm think'n of you Jess.)
All the traveling. the prepping. etc. etc. etc.
Make sure you ooh and ahh over all the dishes and give the cook the proper praise and kudos. Do the cook a favor and eat slow and add lots of mmmm's in there. Just so they know the days of hard work are appreciated and worth their labor of love.
Paul and I are doing our own thing this year.( by choice. thanks to all for the invites.) And are a having a few friends over for pie later that evening. I have loved planning and prepping and doing everything my way. ( I'm such a control freak in the Kitch.. )
I have already started the prep work and praying it all turns out in the end. ( I really don't mind preparing.. but when I try something new it's all ways a toss up if will work out or not.. and what if it doesn't.. then what.... pressure is on.. eek. )
I have made a V.B. cheesecake.. and doing the finishing phases.. With one Minor( okay not so minor.) issue.. I have lost my last Vanilla bean.. ( how could you do that considering you used it in the first phase....? I DON"T KNOW!!) but I have! so my whip cream is missing it's key to it's awesomeness ingredient! I am a bit panicked but oh well if I don't find it by tomorrow.. I guess I'll fork out some( MORE) dough for another one.. ( providing the specialty store isn't CLOSED.) My mistake for trying to make more then one thing at a time and do clean up.. and watch the kids... I must have absent mindedly put it ....somewhere...
I will also be preparing my plan of attack for Black Friday. This year I have to take it on Solo since my partner in crime MOVED. I miss her already... But hopefully I will have as much success this year solo as we did together. ( this really is better with a pal.) SO if you too.. are getting up at the crack of dawn.. May your deals be awesome.. your headache be light. And the weather not so darn cold! I am looking for a new Partner in crime for next year.. any takers? Oh and puh-lease be kind to the sales associates. the cashiers and those aggressive crazies around you ( you are one of them.) It's painful and frustrating for them too.( Think'n of you Lou & all my Target pals! Good luck.)
This is the time I miss friends and family the most. So know that I am thinking of you all and miss ya tons!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!! MMMWWAAHH!
8 years ago
Good luck with your feast! I'm the same way, like things done MY way. And I hope you find that bean.
Good luck on Friday as well. I'll be thinking of you while I sit home and watch Christmas movies and eat way too much junk. I do admire you for braving the crowds.
Okay okay I know that i moved and it really isnt going to be the same without you either. We had a major plan of attack last year and it was soooo awesome! I miss my family alot too. I hope your party is fabulous and I will be thinking of you on Thursday. Hey your gravy is the bestest in the whole world city! Maybe I will call ya on Thurs just to see how its going.
Happy Turkey day to you!
dude, thanks for the thoughts. i might need them.
i'm a major control freak in the kitchen. today my mom told me she was going to come over early so we could visit before dinner and my first thought was, "oh hell i hope she doesn't want to help me in the kitchen." because i DO NOT WANT HELP. i'm terrible!!
xoxo girl. i hope you and your fam have a lovely lovely day!!
p.s. i'm shopping on friday! i have to read all the ads on thursday first to see where i wanna go!!
Happy Thanksgiving! It'll just be Mom n Dad and us this year. Their house is pretty much finished and it is really nice.
Good luck on the cooking and shopping.
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope it all turns out perfect.
Wow Stac, I think your amazing, to be doing a Thanksgiving meal yourself! I've never tried, but I can only imagine the stress (for me anyways) that's why we go to family, and just bring something! That's my way at doing it! Good luck though, and have a great turkey day!
Happy Thanksgiving to you!! I am mucho impressido (hm...I like that word) that you are taking on the turkey! I can't even imagine the damage I could do to a turkey, so I'll leave that up to others! I am crazy sick right now, so I'm not sure I'll be going anywhere for Thanksgiving! Cody said if we can't go anywhere he will make me whatever dinner I want...except Turkey. He's not so brave! He should know that Turkey dinner is my most favorite! Oh well! I will think of you while I'm dealing with all the crazy shoppers Friday morning! Love ya!
I'm telling you. There is no deal worth the time and headache of black friday shopping. Hope all went well for turkey day. Love ya!
it actually turned out awesome! everyone behaved LOL. and i didn't have a single drink. ha ha ha!
i hope you had a great day and enjoyed your family.
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