My favorite Christams ever.
Was probably when I was in 6 th grade. I had asked for a Cat for Christmas. ( my dad hates cats.. and refused to have them indoor's.... I knew what Iwas doing by asking for christmas.) But in truth I didn't really think it was going to happen. So I asked for a few different things.. But the main focus was the cat. ( I wasn't holding my breath.. but the trick is if they're going to ask .. ya gotta be consistant.)
Well, Come Christmas Morning as we were heading up the stairs a black little turtle calico kitty came pouncing over to the banister.. I was so excited and surprised! I knew instantly she was mine. She came with her own kitty condo and "kitty stuff." I was so so so so so so so excited.. I really don't remember what else was in the pile or stocking.. or presents. I was too busy with that cat. She was all mine.Everybody claimed to hate her.. yet they would try to steal her from my room and try to get her to snuggle in there bed with them.
I named her Tiki. And she was the best cat ever.. I had her till Jameson was about 1-2.
Now my dad did his best to be nice.... But, In the end she just learned to stay out of his way.( he growled at her everytime she entered the room.. made me so mad.)
I know my mom ( I mean Mrs.Clause.) dug her heals down to ensure that I got my cat. That and since my dad and Tav just got to dogs that fall... and my mom hates dogs.. the bargain was if they get those. then Stacey gets the cat. ( way to bargain mom.)
Best Christmas ever. ( If I ever get a scanner, I'll throw a photo up of my favorite cat.)
8 years ago
I remember Tiki. She was a good cat. And I do have a pictue of her. Want me to send it to you?
Good ole Tiki! I didn't know that you got her for Christmas! How fun, what a nice dad you have!
I remeber her too from good old Logan. That sounds like it was a very special Christmas.
What are you guys doing for the holidays?
Stupid cat! Aggie was way cooler.
Aggie was a cocky little butt.. But he was soo freak'n pretty.. I felt so bad we killed Lou's cat..
But Tiki. man Tiki was a sweetheart.
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