Saturday, December 13, 2008

No more school!

Paul finished up his very last semester this last Wednesday. And can I just say YAY!!! ( I'm doing a little shimmy n shake at this very moment.) I am so glad to be done. done. done!!!!

I must give him mad props for buckling down and getting it done. I know it wasn't ever easy for him But he hung in like a champ and did really well actually. I'm so freak'n proud of him and for all the hard work he has done both for school and work. He amazes me!

We are both so glad for him to be done and I'm so glad to have him back at home. No more solo parent duty for me!!! yay!

This week has had lots of happenings. Jameson had his Christmas program and did really well in. It wasn't long ( who complains about that ?) I wish I had gotten down closer to take a few shots but after being extremely annoyed with other parents who blocked my shot,( and I'm sure other good parents who stayed in there seats.) I'm glad not to be one of them.

( notice the lady in red.. who stood there and recorded it all!)
Friday was the ward party where we were "by the wayed" all primary children will be singing Christmas songs on the stage. followed by "by the way" so will the whole ward... just watch the Chorister.. she is the only one who knows what's going on. I won't get started.. I won't get started. It was okay. the kids did there best. Good thing us teachers went up for crowd control and "voice support" tho'

Sat - South bend puts on a community festive for the kids. they can see Santa clause.. with a bring your own camera. which is fine with me. They get to get a piece of South bend Chocolate Co.( good chocolate.) And then go decorate a cookie at the College Football Hall O fame. and color a pic. The kids always have so much fun and we do too. Zoey was willing to talk to Santa this year which was cute. And Jameson had a few things to list off ( some I never heard of till tonight.) Ethan answer has been cosistant enough ,yup.. a bakugon.

Jameson informed us he was going to tell his friend who thinks Santa is fake. that HE saw Santa Clause with his own eyes tonight. I'm sure that'll fix his friend.

With Paul here I was able to knock out Grocery shopping and let the kids shop for each other with one trip ( I grocery shopped on one side. Paul took a kid one by one to pick out present for the others.) It was so fabulous. 2 birds ONE stone baby.

He asked if it that was considered a smoothe shopping trip? I smiled and said yeah it went pretty good.. He raised his eye's and went oh.... I don't go shopping with the kids very I have no idea if it was always like that . ( hello WALMART middle of Christmas season.... and the kids behaved pretty well.) He just isn't use to doing the 1.2.3 on the kids and answering all the questions.. and of course the reminders. But he was a really good sport and I think the kids had fun hanging out with dad.

I'm so proud of my hubby. I really am. He impresses me with his focus and dedication.( I wish I had that sort of focus.) He doesn't just skimp thru. He finishes with strong grades. And that takes a lot of hard work and study. I know how hard it is to stay focused with a family and a full time job. But he did it. And he rocks for it!! I'm so lucky to have such an honest hard working hubby!!! Good job Babe~ You did it!!! and we can officially say. We are sooooo done with school! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!


Tami said...

First of all, CONGRATS to Paul AND to YOU!!! What a rock you have been to him and the kids. I am so excited for you. Whats this "shimmy and shake"? You should be on top of the table head-banging.

Glad the shopping trip went smoothly. What would we do without the 1-2-3?

Kudos to you for restraining yourself at the program amidst the other rude parents. Some people!....

jess said...

i'm glad paul is finally done. he was a professional student there for a while!!

i'm thinking about returning to school to earn an MBA. however. HOWEVER. i don't know if i'm ready for it. LOL.

Katie said...

Okay Paul you did it and we are very proud of you!

To my kids, Santa is sooo the real thing and you tell that boy at school. I miss that part of SB but I am loving 70 degree winter. Miss you guys

Love the pics of the babes

Livia said...

Congratulations Paul! What a great Christmas present you gave to your entire family. I am very happy for you guys!!!