Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Finding the missing teeth

Okay. .. .
I know this doesn't matter But I have to blog about it. So it is in the family records. ( Paul isn't going to be happy about this.) But it's for posterity reasons! ( wink wink)
First let's get the genetic history. Paul does not have great teeth.. in the sense that he was missing 4 of his adult teeth.( This credit goes to his Father side of the family. ) his two Lower centrals. and his pair of Laterals.( two teeth on each side of your front teeth.) They just didn't come in.
I knew about his teeth before we were married ( He wears retainers that have the teeth on them) although he never would take them out for me to see.. Not once in my 5 yrs of dating him. But I knew. about the top two.( plus I could feel his retainer when I was giving him some tongue action!)
However , I didn't know about the bottom two. Until our Honeymoon night.. we were both in the bathroom brushing our teeth and getting ready go to bed. ( Hey even honeymooners get tired and sleep, even if it is just for an hour or two.) and out pops the first retainer.
"Okay" I thought .. No big deal.. I started firing of the questions about them.
Then he pops out the second set.... I just stared at him...wondering if there was anything else he was going to be take'n out or off for that matter... I mean, is he going to start popp'n out a glass eye too? So me being me said:. . . what the,!!. . . YOU didn't tell me about that?!... Is there anything else I should be aware of ? He laughed, I laughed .. and of course I started firing off questions on that subject... Is it a big deal . . . nope .. I just was surprised that's all...
So like I said it runs in the family.. he and his sister share this trait. But Paul is missing the most.
However now that we have kids that are starting to lose Teeth.. okay Jameson is the only one this far.. But Ethan should be starting soon..
Jameson has lost teeth left and right since the first week of Kindergarten. . . .

(Okay I have to side track to when he tried to dupe the toothfairy,)
He lost his first tooth.. I told him to put it under the pillow ( in a bag of course.) well come bed time he couldn't find it.. very first tooth and it was lost... he cried.. SO I said write the T.F a note and tell her & when you find it you will be sure to put it under the pillow.. He did.. I reassured him I would leave a note too...
Well the tooth fairy is a softy and left money anyway One whole dollar. ( the tooth fairy likes him better then she did me , I only got a quarter.)
Well the next day or so.He found the tooth and put it under the pillow.. the tooth fairy left an extra quarter just so he knew that she got the tooth and appreciated his honesty.
Well soon after out comes the next tooth, he's was so excited. He put the tooth in a bag. but not under his pillow. I asked where his tooth was.. he said it was in a drawer. I told him to go put it under the pillow. He didn't want to. When asked why, his reply was :"So I can get extra money."
( I had to hold a real straight face here.) We then talked about how we don't dupe the toothfairy. Because she is just too smart for that and she just won't leave anything at all..
He got a real thoughtful look on his face as this all registered then he said he wanted to write an "I'm sorry" note to her..
I said that was a very good idea.
A 5 yr old Dupe'n the toothfairy!!! what has the world come to??

Okay back to point. . . .
Everything was coming in fine.. he has my rabbit teeth. poor kid. But hey, at least they were all there.. Well he just lost his R & L Laterals. ( and since he was greedy for more money he really pushed these baby's to come out.. probably a couple days to soon.) He lost both the same day.
But nothing was coming in.. nothing. we waited and waited. and there was nothing. He lost these before the first day of school, well before... so needless to say my hope for them to come in was diminishing especially given the genetics. I told Paul to start a savings account cause dang, this is going to be expensive!
Well last night..... he came out of his bed to show me that a tooth was indeed poke'n thru. Why it took well over 3mo for one and4-5 mo. for the second to show up is beyond me. ( since most of his teeth were coming in maybe a week or two after. ) But hey, I'm glad he's got em!!! maybe my genetics have trumped Pauls! 'woooo! I was so relieved!
One down, two to go!!!
I really hope my teeth factor play in for all the kids. I would like to kick the Irwin teeth genetics to the curb!!!


Stacey Irwin said...

Ben and Shauna said...
LOL!! Stacey you crack me up! Your comments are hilarious! He sure is a cutie even with missing teeth! Good luck with the other two kids! (I'll cross my fingers for you!)

Katie said...

I know that I have seen Paul without those babies in and I was shocked. So I can imagine what you were thinkin'
Jman has dodged a big bullet Yeah! but good luck with those other two. Zoey looks just like daddy and heres to hopin' the Buys genes kick in soon.

Love ya

Hansen family said...

You are mean posting that about Paul! I had no idea! I personally havwe thought about voluntarily going to full dentures. Our teeth come in with cavities and we too have the delayed incoming replacements. Poor Paul....you should get a lump of coal just for this one.

Hansen family said...

BTW. That is quite the Santa???? I'm going with Ethans expression

Stacey Irwin said...

In truth I got Paul's permission before posting.. how mean do you think I am?!

I agree with the santa his beard is all over the place!