Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Zoey

Zoey celebrated her Birthday on the 7th.
She is the big 4! I really don't have a baby or really even a toddler.( aww. sad face.)
When watching the baby story ( or whatever that show is on TLC) After watching a new baby come into the world. She informed me that I needed one of those. ( as she points to the t.v with a brand new baby.) I told her ( half kidding.) that she was my baby.
At that point she looked at me straight in the eye and with all the seriousness she could muster told me she was NOT a baby. And that she was a big girl. ..."Got it?" then she pointed at the screen and repeated her request for me to have "one of those." babies.
So I am not to refer her to a baby. at any time unless I want have a lecture to go with it.

So my BIG GIRL is 4. so crazy!

She has been counting down her birthday since Jan. She loves her birthday.Last Mon Paul and I decided that since we have two birthday's the same week we would skip a birthday party and take them to Navy Pier in Chicago where they had a kids museum.
( The museum in and of it self deserves it's own post. So I won't get into it.)
She had a blast! Her favorite area's were the water area and where she got to play house with other kids. And she loved riding on the train( we take it to get into Chicago.)
that was her big party. And it was a hit!

She becomes soo independent around crowds of people. And is fearless. She was truly annoyed by Paul and I if we ever attempted to hold her hand our guide her in any one direction. It was quite scary really. She walks around til she finds someone she feels is worth her time and walks right up to them and starts talking and playing with them. and when she's done she walks away and ready to move onto the next thing( includes walking straight of the room to move onto another.) Paul and I had to be on"Zoey duty" the entire time simply because she would walk away and never look back. And really didn't care if Paul and I were in sight or not. Because as far as she was concerned she was surrounded by all her friends. I had to pull her aside and threaten her a few times. simply because if I touched her she would yank away and glare at me ( I'm not kidding she was so annoyed with Paul and I, we must have been cramping her style.) Since I don't take kindly to that sort of thing we had a few words and "corrective action" moments. She was such a Houdini.
We would be in an area, She would be right by me. I would look to the left to see what Ethan was doing and give him the "wow that's so cool." attention.. Look back down and Zoey would be GONE! I mean gone! I would scan the room( they are meant to be played in after all.) And couldn't see her.. So I start calling and walking the room.. and nothing.. Just as I start to Panic.( It's not like they can't leave the room when they feel like it.) I was walking around this huge Jewish Orthodox family huddled together ( I don't know if Jewish orthodox is right... the ones where the men where the side burn curls. and drab clothing..It I'm completely wrong.. sorry.) they were just looking at me weird. And as I rounded them.. There was Zoey right in the middle of them talking to one of there younger children( who was just looking at Zoey as if she was from Mars.) Completely at home with them.. I about killed her! And yes she was annoyed when I told her to come with me. I'm surprised this family didn't say.. is this yours? ( Don't we all know the look of a panic stricken mother? I mean really!)
After that .. Paul and I would sit at the entrance of the room and the other would follow her wherever she went. Luckily the boys would stay close or at least stay in the room and come find us when they were ready to move on!
But she was in "crowd heaven". She loves people. And she had a really good time. Once she realized she couldn't shake the parents she chilled out a bit and just enjoyed each room.

Tues. We hit the stores to which she informed anyone who walked by it was her "bout'day" and tell them how old she was. we did cake and Ice cream that night.
She got some well needed new clothes. some playdough spagetti makers and some crayola wonders stuff. She loved it .( Well the clothes she thought were pretty boring, but what can you do.)
OF course quite a few phone calls from all her favorite people .Which made her feel so grown up.
She had lots of fun and seemed to have enjoyed her birthday.
When I tucked her in that night. And I was asking her if she had a good birthday she said no( I don't take it personally, she always says no.) And that she was going to "save" her birthday for "po-marrow"( tomorrow.) I told her that we couldn't do that. But told her she could have another birthday in 12 mo... She wasn't very happy about that and asked if she was still 4. ( I think she was thinking I was going to make her be 3 again.. I wish.) SO now every day I'm asked how many more days till her birthday... and the count down begins ..again.

Happy Birthday Big Girl!
We love you!


Amy Johnson said...

I so can't believe she is 4!!! And I guess I didn't realize her and Jamison's birthdays were so close together! Maybe you need to have another baby! :)

The Buys said...

Happy B-Day Zoey. Only a couple more weeks till Utah

Katie said...

Thats my baby zoey! I am so laughing at you cramping her style. She has always been independant. Hmmm who does she get that from. lol. I am so glad she had a great birthday. What a world wind week for you. I cant wait til we come up and see how much my babies have grown.

Happy Bday my zoey house. I love you
Katie house

Tami said...

What a busy week for you! And you've got your hands full with that girl! Good luck. Glad she seemed to have a good day, even though she said she didn't.

Maggie Jane said...

Haha! Zoey and her attitude totally cracks me up. What a handful! She's so cute though.