We've had a busy week full of Dentist appointments and P.T.C~
Everyone in the family hit the dentist. Only to find out all the cavities that must be taken care of.( BOO!) Even Zoey had a very small Cavity. luckily it was small enough that no anesthetics were needed and she was out of there in 15 min.
Ethan has bad teeth. Even his 6 yr molars are coming in with problems. They think since he had so many ear infections , The damage is caused by all the high fevers he had. ( Great!) Hopefully his adult teeth will have better luck.
They encouraged me to really cut down on the sugar. ( This kid loves sugar more then my other kids.. so this should be fun.) I think I will just have to make him brush immediately after anything sweet. I wonder if there is a kid safe fluoride?
But it will be nice to get caught up and taken care of.I really don't care for the dentist.. I don't like people in my mouth.
Out of curiosity, When other mom's take their kids to the Dr or Dentist. Do you let your kids know exactly what they are in for? If there will be shots. If it will hurt?
I tell me kids weather it will hurt or not. I always tell them it's not scary. I let them know when we are going in for shots. And really exactly what to expect. Not to scare them. But to ease some concerns. It's not like I tell them oh man this is going to hurt so bad, your going to bleed.. No. I tell them it might hurt for just a min. But then explain why it has to happen. along with a bribe.
Zoey had some apprehension for her first Dentis appt. and didn't want to comply with laying back in the chair. So I sat her up and we had a "Chat".. I let her know. It wouldn't hurt and it's not scary. I also told her what they were going to do. I told the nurse to show her every instrument before putting it in the mouth.
She calms downs and complies with the Hygienist wishes. The hygienist then Lectures me about saying only" positive" words. and not to use the word "scary or hurt"? Are you kidding me??? who do you think that is going to fool? I wasn't being negative.. I was being honest and ensuring her that this wasn't anything to worry about. I was also letting her know what was going on? I don't believe in lying to kids about that at all.'
Whatever lady. Stick to cleaning teeth.
Anyway, catching up on dentist appointments was not fun and didn't come with a lot of good news. So we are working on some stricter habits. And really wasn't kidding about make'n my kids brush after anything sweet. SO if you see a toothbrush in there hands more often then not.. Just know it's for the greater good. Apperantly brushing at night and before school isn't cutting it.. who knew?
P.T.C went quite well!
Ethan- has improved in many area's. He is even a level reader this year. ( he wasn't last year.. at all.) Teacher is happy with what the medicine is doing for him. And has seen a difference.
She is concerned for his writing ability. And doubts it will be up to where it needs to be for first grade standards. also is hoping for him to catch the reading ability full strength. ( problem is he can sound each individual letter, but is struggling to connect them together to form the word. He is terrific at MEMORIZING words so he knows quite a few.)But she does think he is ready for first grade. Is still encouraging me to get him tested so they can provide him with extra help for next year. Overall she was pleased with his progress and so were we. Of course we are still working with him and praying it just clicks.. I really feel once he figures out the whole reading thing he'll be off and unstoppable. Math- he has done well and seems to understand the concepts better. They are going to bump his speech up to 3 times a week.
Paul and I were worried about social skills ( he is sort of a loaner perfectly content to play by himself and do his own thing.) Teach.says he has a group he plays with everyday. And is very interactive with them. Says that Once he makes a friend he becomes VERY loyal and protective over them. Also says the other kids play with him very well and like him alot. Ethan's top friend this year is Brennon. Last year it was John and Liney Lou. You will hear about this people constantly.
I was very happy to hear that this medication seems to be working and he is improving. ( Happy dance.. inserted here. Please feel free to take moment and join me.)
Jameson- Has really improved in just about every area. His Math skills have really jumped up and he is now unstoppable. ( I think he just found his confidence in it and it doesn't frustrate him anymore.) His Spelling grade-Is top notch. And has finally buckled down and gotten his A.R quizzes done. SO his grade finally shows his mad reading skills. I was very proud of his improvements with grades. He earned the high achievement award at school, and is excited for that! He needs to work on focus and not being so silly and chatty. He is too social and gets in trouble for messing around when he is s'posed to be working. She said she has tried to put him by alot of different kids. Shy ones, meaner ones,( she didn't say meaner, but that was point she was making.) the highly disciplined ones. But to no avail. Jameson makes friends with all of them and quickly finds stuff in common to talk about. He is going to be a "front rower." for life. He is also very silly and bit hyper. ( sigh, like I don't know that!) She laughed and said.. "Your son is a little TOO well liked, with typical boy energy!" She also warned me that he has become close to a little girl named Kaitlyn. ( my lil' romeo.)
So once again. The challenge for him is focus and discipline. Figure out when it's okay to talk and play and when it's not.
We talked about how much play time they get for recess... 5 min -10 MIN max and that's if they can get thru their lunch fast enough. I personally think this is absolute asinine! You lock up 20-30 7 yr old kids for 8 hours and only let them burn some energy for 5-10 min? And pray for gym day? No wonder they are restless~ I am figuring out who I need to talk to, to start a change for that. The keep cutting down the free time since they are trying to prep the kids for the ISTEP program. I personally think it will hurt their scores.. NOT help.
I should probably start a petition to get the kids the recess then both need and deserve.
Sorry it's a lame post. But since it's my record keeping way.. I want to chart and remember what they were like and issues that we dealt with, and how they did in school.
8 years ago
Well, well, well. Now where do I start.
I am proud of you as a parent for letting Zoey know about the dentist. I had to do that with Ab when she had stitches. I forgot to tell her they were going to flush the wound and she freaked that she had water in her hair(go figure) so props to you she is your kid.
Otea, I am so glad he is on the right track now. He is such a smart boy and he really is very loyal to his friends. I can attest! Good luck with the sweets with that one though.
Jman, suprise suprise he is a ladies man, and a social bug. But way to go with the math genius! I know how much he was frustrated last year and he is such a smarty when he is focused.
I think you and Paul both get awards for awesome parents. You listen to what professionals tell you, interpret it and make it work for your family. You two know whats best and you have always been a go with your gut kind a person so roll with it baby.
We continue to share similar parenting styles. Like you, I don't believe in lying to my kids when its time to go to the doctor or dentist. I explain what is going to happen and I answer their questions honestly. I do make it a practice to only tell them about 30 minutes prior to an "unfun" appointment just so they don't stew over it for hours on end. And I ALWAYS bribe if needles or pain are going to be involved. Don't think there is a thing wrong with that!
Glad PTC went better this time around and that Ethan is making progress. As for Jameson, I'd rather have my kid be the happy, social kid that everybody likes than the kid that comes home upset every day because he is unliked. Teachers will just have to deal with it as best they can, doesn't sound like his spirit can be tamed. You are a great mom! I admire the patience you have with your kids.
i totally don't lie to my kids. i tell them it might hurt, but that i don't know and it depends on what has to be done. i'm like tami...i tell them on the way to the dentist and not days before. it's never been a problem, b/c i don't lie about it!
our dentist is awesome, however. he has tv's in the ceiling and headphones. plus his staff is amazing.
jake had a mouthful of rotten teeth due to ear infections. however, his permanent teeth appear to be fine. i've spent probably 3k on my kids' teeth over the past couple of years!!
It's not a lame post. I also like to write down things about my little ones that I will enjoy reading in the future. This is our public journal and I plan on printing mine out soon. Nice to hear that PTC went well. You do a great job as a mom!
Our education system needs to re-prioritize the emphasis on recess/p.e. What's the point of preparing kids for the future if they're so fat they'll be dead at 40? Not to mention exercising increases brain activity.
Now teachers are saying that in order for kids to compete they have to cut out recess time and replace it with math. B-U-L-L! You'd make more progress in 20 min with a 7 yr old after a 15 min recess than spending 45 min with the same kid sitting in a class room all day.
Yeah! Dentist day! I love going to the dentist (not sure where I got that trait from!). I go every 6 months religously and still walk away with cavities every time! Simon does pretty good with the dentist cause I just tell him the dentist wants to "tickle his teeth" and see if there are any silly monsters hiding in there! It seems to work. As for your stupid nurse...tell her to mind her own business! I hate when people I don't know give me parenting advice! Stupid lady!
Wow, sounds like the kids are doing great! Good job on talking to them about the realities of doctor/dentist appointments! I think it helps them more than it hurts them to know exactly what's going on.
I agree about the recess thing. You should fight for it. 5-10 minutes is not enough. They need time to get the wiggles out so they CAN concentrate and retain the information they are learning. You're right, I think it will hurt their test scores too.
You two are awesome parents! And you are supermom!
We are getting ready to take Isa in for her first Dentist appointment, I think I am more scared about the whole situation than she will be, she is not a big fan of strangers!
I TOTALLY agree that the kids don't get enough recess. We had THREE recesses a day when I was in elem school- one in the morning, one after lunch, and a short one in the afternoon. We NEEDED them (even if only so I could go hide in a cubby hole and read- ok, that was when I was a little older). Still, just a chance to be ME for a while, and not have to sit still and pay attention (which was not a problem) was so GOOD and HEALTHY. I wish they'd bring back more recess. I think the teachers would like it, too (especially if they had a recess leader- that was their only duty!)
As for the hygienist saying "only use positive words" what a bunch of CRAP! I am ALL about telling kids what's coming. I don't think it freaks them out- because they see YOU aren't freaked out about it and when they see what they know is coming, it isn't scary! Besides, I think Zoey's reaction says it all- did she lay back? Did she let a perfect stranger put really weird looking/tasting/smelling/feeling things in her mouth? Uh, yeah!
Heck, I even told Megan about ME getting my blood drawn. Kids are curious and if you don't make things sound mysterious/freaking/scary, they won't think they are. Until they hit that age where shots are just awful (or you have an overly dramatic child).
Anyway, kudos for you to brave the dentist and get your kids' teach taken care of. NOT a fun prospect. Thankfully it looks like my kids might have inherited their dad's teeth (THANK GOD!!! It's really something I prayed for). I had cavities ever since I can remember, and my mouth has more man-made things in it than what I grew. Very sad.
So, brushing and flossing help, but don't forget genes play a BIG factor in that, too. Keep on brushing. Just don't beat yourself up over something beyond your control.
Oh, and big HIGH FIVES to Jameson and Ethan for their progress this year. Yahoo!
we are taking our family dentist trip the 2nd. grrrrrrrrrrr. Honesty with a little sugar focus is the best way to go. Way to stick to your guns.
good news eotay is doing well and jman is doing well. good good! Counting the days to visit!
ha ha dentist day!! anyway ya you were right about the gusseing you just cant tell anybody who knows my blog address the answer k k thanx!! good gussing actualy one of them is bigger than the other but that was made by the computer so ya you were right no diff
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