My Grandma - Jewel Hall Buys.
I'm sad I couldn't go to the funeral. So instead I decided to write down a few memories I have of her.
Most of my best memories of her are while I was young. Since her health started failing so much more as I got into my later teens and worse by my 20's.
I swear my Grandma was the fountain of never ending patients. Who could laugh with the most difficult of children. ( and if you met any of my family including extended. you would see what a god send that really was.)
When I was young. Her hugs were the best. And she always had treats in her pantry and crackers in her tin. Jaw breakers that were to big for your mouth. And when we left to go home, she made sure we got a treat for each hand.
She always spoke softly and sweetly. I don't think I ever seen her lose her temper or get cross.
I used to spend a week in the summer with her. She always had stories of old times and old memories.
We ALWAYS watch the whole series of Anne of Green Gables. With a hot cup of Cocoa ( made with MILK.) and whip cream from the can. ( I thought that was soo cool.)
As we sipped our cocoa I remember many times of talking of How it was when Grandpa was alive. How much she loved him. And would pull out some of the letters he had written her way back when.. Turns out my tough& grough ol' grandpa had a real soft spot for grandma. She even talked of the fights they had with a twinkle in her eyes. She loved him. And that was never a big secret.
She loved the church. And would read me the stories out of the friend. I sorta thought they were boring. ( it wasn't the mickey mouse book I had picked out.) But she loved the stories especially the ones of pioneer children.
She always had ice cream in the freezer. and a bit of buttermilk in the fridge.. I tried it once.. buttermilk is gross. So I never understood why she liked it.
I remember how much jewelery she had on her dressers.. Yes it was the o'l lady jewelery lots of beads and broaches. A lot of turquoise colors all of it seemed quite big.
She had a hutch full of crystal sculptors and nice looking dishes. My cousins and I always asked which one we could have when she dies. We would each pick out our favorites every time we went. staking our claims to Grandma. who would just smile an begin telling us where each of the pieces came from. I don't know if I would even remember the one I picked out. I think I picked a different one each time.
I remember the house coats and little house slippers.
Her rose bushes to which she showed me how to make a rose lady. ( with a bud on top and fully bloomed rose on bottom.)
Mint growing on the sides that we would chew on.
and the big canal that we we would throw leaves/sticks or whatever else would float. in and run to the over side and wait for it to come out. Catch the skeeter bugs. they had a a canal that ran all around the house. with lil bridges to help us cross. That turned into multiple adventures.
We would spend hours in the big tree out front. It amazing how many kids it could hold.
We would pick all of her butter cup flowers and bring them in to her in Bouquets.. She always had lil' jars of butter cup flowers. And we never got in trouble for picking them.
I loved that I got to have a week in the summer with her all to myself. when my clothes ran out or I we got a bit to wet from the canal, she would have these big white tee's for us to wear.
I never Can watch Anne of Green Gables or have a cup of Hot cocoa with out thinking about her.
And I have still yet to meet someone who loved everyone no matter what their quirks were.
I am actually really happy for her. Her health has been so bad for so long. I am amazed she hung on for as many years as she did. And she so dearly missed her companion. I can't help but smile thinking of them up there. Perfect health and enjoying each other's company once again!
Love and miss you.
8 years ago
What a wonderful way to have your own "Wake" for your grandma... and what beautiful memories of a wonderful woman.
Were you able to spend much time with her on your trip back to Utah this spring?
I am very sorry she passed away.
LOL. We both have many of the same memories on our pages. Jenny recited most at the funeral as well in her usual bubbly way. Remember the chimes by the front door? JUMP! The service was nice, the weather cooperated. Dad looks worn out but, of course was tough all the way through it. Grandma knows you and Jay were there in spirit. love ya.
What a sweet post! I didn't know your grandma Buys, but it sounds like she was a great lady! I hope your dad is doing OK! I remember how hard it was on my dad when my grandpa Downs died. Hope everyone is doing ok! Love ya!
i remember one of the last times i visited my grandma when she was in good health and her mind was "all there." she had an amazing collection of cups and saucers. (among other things...)
i really liked a certain one and she told me to take it. i didn't want to... i felt bad about it. she told me i better put my name on it, then, because when she was gone she wanted me to have it.
so i do have it. :) and i still love it.
Wow, I'm all choked up. What fun memories you have and your kids will love reading about their great-grandma and hearing her stories. So sorry for your loss and it must have been so hard to miss the funeral, but I'm glad you're at peace.
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