Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Jameson's Babtism

I know, I more then a mo behind. But this one HAS to go in and then I'm just going to do a quickie on our trip for the sake of pictures and what not.

We did Jameson Baptism on April 25th in Utah. So it would be easier to have more of the family there.
We had been talking quite a bit about Baptism to Jameson prior to his big day. Explaining what it means and what his new responsibility's would be as an official Member of the church.
He was so cute about the whole thing. Telling me after he turned 8 he wasn't ever going to make a mistake again. I wished him the best of luck with that. And if he figures out the secret on how not to do that, please feel free to share.
Paul and I felt it was important to emphasize the beauty of the gospel and the atonement. And how simply god expects us to make mistakes. We also emphasized the importance of making good choices now so as he gets older it is easier for him to resist the temptation that will come later.

I was impressed with his desire to make good choices all the time. Of course now, he realized 8 isn't much different the 7 and he is still Jameson.But he still try's to be a bit more conscious about his decisions we are also going thru the repentance process and how to take care of our mistakes.

So of course come the big day He is excited and nervous. We had Paul's parents speak and bare their testimony and my mom talked as well. They all did such a good job. I'm so glad they were willing to participate. I know Jameson loved it as well.
Paul did a great job although we had to do it twice.( darn sleeves.) On the second time up Jameson decided that was just so much fun. Someone clapped for him. He got really excited and he decided he really wanted to go swimming in the font. Paul had to get after him a bit to get him to calm down.
Of course I'm helpless by standard and Paul had to calm him down and remind him this was supposed to be a reverent thing and we do not try to go swimming in the font.
Yes, I cringed as a mother. Didn't we talk about this before? EEK!
Of course Paul handled it. And he came back with reverence and even folded arms.
He was set apart by Paul as well. the setting apart went really well.And Jameson ended up giving everyone in the circle a hug. Even Bishop Grange.. it was sorta cute.

I was so proud of him. I really wanted to make sure this was his decision. And to know what it meant to be baptized. We had a nice day hanging out with the family.. I ended up leaving to go to the instacare because of my stupid eye. But I was glad he had all his favorites around to keep him entertained.

My parents gave him a nice set of scriptures. He thought it was so cool they had his name on the front. My sister gave him a Moroni tie tack and a set of books that are written like magic tree house except with stories about Jesus from the bible. Which is pretty cool idea, he likes them.
And he got a CTR dog tag chain from us. He was excited about all of them.

We were all really proud of him. And I hope when he thinks about it his day, it will be something special for him too.


Tami said...

Congrats to Jameson and to you! Thats a big milestone for a mom, when the first one gets baptized. Sounds like he was well prepared, you did your job. And if he does discover the secret to not making mistakes, pass that little tidbit along to me also.

Melissa Hernandez said...

I am a little behind on blogging, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your grandma!

What a neat experience to baptize your litte one, what a fun milestone in your family's life!!! I love the picture of him and his daddy in the black and white picture with color ties, sooo cute!

Amy Johnson said...

I can't believe he is baptized! I remember visiting you in the hospital when he was born! Was that really 8 years ago??? He is so handsome and you guys should be so proud of how well you have raised him (even if he wanted to swim in the font....who doesn't???). Congrats and I'm so proud of him!

Livia said...

Congratulations to Jameson! I am so happy with his decision to be baptized. In all the pictures he is beaming. I think you guys are such a beautiful family:)

Hansen family said...

Jameson is awesome and your talent in capturing the moments add a colorful memory. You and Paul have done a good job. So many of those things are on a to do list when we have time and aren't stuck at work. Love to all.

Irish Cream said...

Wow! He's so grown up!

Ok, maybe not the swimming in the font part, but still, it is wonderful to see how much he understands and respects the Gospel.

Congrats, Jameson!