( I have NO idea why this whole post is underlined. I have been trying to get it off for awhile now.And I am just giving up! sorry.)
Okay here's a fast cap of the week in Utah.
We had a blast of course. Filled with Traditional( open fire, fishing, and usually the pool, but this time it was too cold. oh'puckey& and a sleep out in the tent.) things we ALWAYS do when we go to Utah. We had all the family down for a couple days. The kids had fun roasting hot dogs and marsh mellows. And we even threw a party for all the April Birthdays that were there. So Hailey, Braydon, Jameson and Kallee. Got to have ONE more birthday celebration. They thought that was pretty neat. Ethan had just about had it with the mo. Long celebrations of his siblings birthday. And was really wanting it to be his.. He tried to be okay with MORE presents for them. My mom was sweet and picked a bakugon up for him and even wrapped it up. when he found that there was One present in there for him it made his WHOLE day and he had the Ethan surge of excitement. Which made it so worth it. All the kids ended up getting one thing or another so it went well and it was cute lil family party.
Jameson had tons of fun playing with cousins and Uncles and grandparents. Especially hanging out with Grandpa and rough housing with the uncles. He lives for that stuff.
Zoey was actually quite social with everybody and played pretty nice with all. All though as she got more tired she became more choosy as to who was her friend. which meant only the girls.But she loved playing with cousins too.
There was alot of oh'puckey and a new family game of scum which is great since EVERYONE can play at the same time.
We got to meet Tav's new fiancee Kristin. And I totally love her. She will be so fun to have in the family. And fits right in with the family.
All the kids had fun fishing with Grandpa. Jameson and Zoey think the fish are soo cool .But Ethan is terrified of the fish. He loves to catch them. But once the fish reach the surface he tries to flee. And he REALLY hates when we put them in the bucket and they splash around as sometimes jump out of the bucket. This is where he becomes incredibly weary and tense.
SO, Paul Caught a really big one. And i wanted to get a picture of it.. He tried to pick it up and it flipped out of his hand. Behind me I heard Ethan do his beginning freak out.( which is a sound while breathing in.) I turn around and that boy is on a dead run for the gate screaming. Eyes forward. Every man for himself type run. I had to head him off before he made it thru the gate. ( admittedly I was laughing, cause it was incredibly funny.) He wrapped himself around my leg with great tenseness. He wasn't letting go for anything. ( yes I was still laughing.. trust me, it's funny.) I had to have my mom come and help me unwrap him. ( if I wasn't so worried about him getting thru the gate where a bunch of nets laid on the bridge, I was afraid he would get caught up in one and fall over in the stream FULL OF FISH) I would have just snapped away with the camera. I finally got the picture of Paul and the dumb fish, After that Paul went to assure Ethan the fish wasn't after him to bite his legs off. ( I think he sees these fish as SHARKS.)
Poor kid. It's ridiculous how much he hates the fish, But he Insists they go fishing with Grandpa every time.. and loves it till the first fish goes in the bucket!
Paul and I got to see a few friends while we were there, We were able to meet up with His best friend and wife. And I know he loved seeing them. I got to catch up with my long lost friend Tami too. And I was so glad that we could! It was so great to catch up! and just chat!! I am sad ( and in lots of trouble) that I didn't get to see my girl Lou. And I so promise we are getting together the next time I am in town. ( Even if that means a midnight walk or V.I) I have to see Her for sure!
It was fun to see my family and hang out. I so love my fam. I love hang'n out with the parents too! my mom always being the good sport let me chat her head off!
Can't wait to head back out for Tav and Kristins wedding! The kids are excited because this time it will be warm enough to play in the pool. And my parent promised Ethan that it was be his Birthday party turn when we come out next. ( I should probably remind them of that.) SO he is definitely on the count down for that.
Hopefully more embarrising pictures of Byrce to add to my collection.( oh come on, YOU SO miss ME!)
We had a blast of course. Filled with Traditional( open fire, fishing, and usually the pool, but this time it was too cold. oh'puckey& and a sleep out in the tent.) things we ALWAYS do when we go to Utah. We had all the family down for a couple days. The kids had fun roasting hot dogs and marsh mellows. And we even threw a party for all the April Birthdays that were there. So Hailey, Braydon, Jameson and Kallee. Got to have ONE more birthday celebration. They thought that was pretty neat. Ethan had just about had it with the mo. Long celebrations of his siblings birthday. And was really wanting it to be his.. He tried to be okay with MORE presents for them. My mom was sweet and picked a bakugon up for him and even wrapped it up. when he found that there was One present in there for him it made his WHOLE day and he had the Ethan surge of excitement. Which made it so worth it. All the kids ended up getting one thing or another so it went well and it was cute lil family party.
Jameson had tons of fun playing with cousins and Uncles and grandparents. Especially hanging out with Grandpa and rough housing with the uncles. He lives for that stuff.
Zoey was actually quite social with everybody and played pretty nice with all. All though as she got more tired she became more choosy as to who was her friend. which meant only the girls.But she loved playing with cousins too.
There was alot of oh'puckey and a new family game of scum which is great since EVERYONE can play at the same time.
We got to meet Tav's new fiancee Kristin. And I totally love her. She will be so fun to have in the family. And fits right in with the family.
All the kids had fun fishing with Grandpa. Jameson and Zoey think the fish are soo cool .But Ethan is terrified of the fish. He loves to catch them. But once the fish reach the surface he tries to flee. And he REALLY hates when we put them in the bucket and they splash around as sometimes jump out of the bucket. This is where he becomes incredibly weary and tense.
SO, Paul Caught a really big one. And i wanted to get a picture of it.. He tried to pick it up and it flipped out of his hand. Behind me I heard Ethan do his beginning freak out.( which is a sound while breathing in.) I turn around and that boy is on a dead run for the gate screaming. Eyes forward. Every man for himself type run. I had to head him off before he made it thru the gate. ( admittedly I was laughing, cause it was incredibly funny.) He wrapped himself around my leg with great tenseness. He wasn't letting go for anything. ( yes I was still laughing.. trust me, it's funny.) I had to have my mom come and help me unwrap him. ( if I wasn't so worried about him getting thru the gate where a bunch of nets laid on the bridge, I was afraid he would get caught up in one and fall over in the stream FULL OF FISH) I would have just snapped away with the camera. I finally got the picture of Paul and the dumb fish, After that Paul went to assure Ethan the fish wasn't after him to bite his legs off. ( I think he sees these fish as SHARKS.)
Poor kid. It's ridiculous how much he hates the fish, But he Insists they go fishing with Grandpa every time.. and loves it till the first fish goes in the bucket!
Paul and I got to see a few friends while we were there, We were able to meet up with His best friend and wife. And I know he loved seeing them. I got to catch up with my long lost friend Tami too. And I was so glad that we could! It was so great to catch up! and just chat!! I am sad ( and in lots of trouble) that I didn't get to see my girl Lou. And I so promise we are getting together the next time I am in town. ( Even if that means a midnight walk or V.I) I have to see Her for sure!
It was fun to see my family and hang out. I so love my fam. I love hang'n out with the parents too! my mom always being the good sport let me chat her head off!
Can't wait to head back out for Tav and Kristins wedding! The kids are excited because this time it will be warm enough to play in the pool. And my parent promised Ethan that it was be his Birthday party turn when we come out next. ( I should probably remind them of that.) SO he is definitely on the count down for that.
Hopefully more embarrising pictures of Byrce to add to my collection.( oh come on, YOU SO miss ME!)
How fun! You guys sure know how to have FUN. I enjoyed all the pics.
P.S I am due Feb 11 :) I am soooo HAPPY!
You can print some of those pics and bring them to me at Utah! I'll let you!
I love seeing pics of your family. I miss them all so much! And I can't wait to see you next time your up (is it OK if I'm hugely jealous that Tami got to see you last trip??)...I get first dibs next trip!
I LOVE the pictures of Zoey with your mom. They are so cute. And Ethan's issue with fish...how strange that he insists on going and then nearly gives himself a heart attack.
Glad you had a good trip. It was so good to see you and so much fun.
See you next week. Who would've have known I was so photogenic. It's hard being this ridiculously good looking.
How fun, I haven't seen your family for so long! That's so fun fishing with your dad, I remember him taking Tammy all the time. And she would talk about it all week. He's such a sweet man!
Wow! That is so funny with Ethan. Especially how he still wants to go every time! I'm sure it would have been hard to not laugh! So funny!
looks like you guys had a great time. I loved the pictures. I love being around family...it is the best.
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