Friday, July 31, 2009

Things that makes me smile

I saw this on Lou's blog and loved it! So I thought I would do the same

In no particular and completely random order here they are.

Things that make me smile.

1.The movie Empire Records.
2.Late night Dinners at the Downs house.
3.Walks to 7-eleven
4.Basketball w/the boys
5.Rocks in the shoe
7."Game on!"& Target Tom
9.Shaved Ice
11."Bring me a drink"
12."Do I look like The Rock to you?"
13."Baby, I looove Cake!"
14.My husband in all his efforts to make me happy.
15.Jameson,& his kissing spot.
16.Ethan, & his uncanny wit
17.Zoey,& her need to be "close".
18."Fire fly's"
19.a good book
20.good music
21.ballroom dancing
22.a hair cut with the cauliflower ear that involved a vacuum
23.a new pen
24.My fat,spoiled dog.
25.hikes up to the wind caves (Ahem!)
27.malt O' meal cereal aisle
29.Dharma and Greg
30. climbing over the fence


Amy Johnson said...

Awww...those late night dinners must be hereditary. We still don't eat dinner till about 8:30 or 9! And I still get rocks in my shoes. How??? I loved this post!