8 years ago
Monday, July 13, 2009
Utah Trip for July!
So obviously we headed out to Utah for Tav and Kristin's wedding.
We got in about a day & half before the wedding. Can I just say I am really beginning to hate that drive! But it was nice to pack whatever I wanted, however I wanted and not worry about losing my cool at the airport. The construction we hit added on two hours! ( on a 11 hour drive that feel's like a decade more!)
Thurs we ended up running around finishing up the odds and ends of wedding stuff for them. It was fun to be apart of that. and fun to see what she was planning on for her wedding. I even got to learn how to make corsages and bootineers the night before the wedding!( lol! nothing like learning a late night new trade right?)
Wedding went well. I love that there wedding dinner was catered! How nice it was to just sit and enjoy family company instead of setting up and tearing down . ( oh we all hate the after party clean up do we not!) I tell ya If I could do it again, that's exactly the way I would do it!
It was so fun to see my cousins Shealene and Malinda. I had such a hard time being reverent in the temple while we were waiting, since I hadn't seen them since well 8-9 years. Turns out we are all the same as always. And they crack me up! yes even in the temple. ( oops.)
I haven't seen alot of my extended family in a long time. It was good to see them and say hi.
It makes me miss home especially visiting with my cousins. It's probably good we don't live close, I can only imagine the trouble we could stir up together.
The only thing I hope didn't get us in the perma dog house is the decorating of Tav's truck ( or was it kristins truck?) Either way Tav hates that stuff and wasn't happy about it.( I hope it didn't ruin their honey moon night?!) But you can't fight some traditions no matter how ridiculous you think they are. embrace it pal and just roll with it! LOL! okay I really don't feel THAT bad. I'm sure he forgot all about it by the time they hit where ever they were staying that night. ( bowm chick a bowm bowm. What truck right Tiger?)
After running so hard the day before and on the day of wedding. I attempted to play stylist and wedding photographer, I'm not sure I won an award for either, but hopefully they were happy.( sure I was tired. but it was so fun!) We just chilled with the family. and celebrated the fourth and did a lil' birthday party for the July birthday party's. ( okay, it was all for Ethan, he has been counting down his birthday since Jan. and April just about killed him. and my mom promised) But we tried to make it a party for Clint and Heidi too! ( Nothing say's I love you like a b-day card right?)
All the kids played really well together, Kallee, Ethan & Zoey were cute to watch. Kallee did Zoey's hair a couple times. which I thought was adorable, Zoey came and told me Kallee did her hair and made it hot. ( that what we call my straightener.) While I'm glad there were no burns to speak of, I made sure I unplugged it and kept it out of lil stylist hands. I'm sad that Hailey couldn't come up this time. ( darn basketball camp!) It felt weird not to have her around!
Braydon and Jameson had fun catching bugs. and doing lord know what else outside!
We played Scum with the family ( this is a good big group card game. where you can still chat and play at the same time, drives my dad nuts we don't shut up!) Even Jay played! It was fun to see him too! He was loads of fun and was a good sport with all our game playing ways.
I wish his family could have came with him. Sure would have loved to see them. I hope they know they were missed.
In the afternoon, the boys went out and played Bocci(?) while we the girls ran to the store for the last minute b-day cake and dinner.
That night we roasted wieners and marshmallows. Sang happy B-day to ALL the July B-day's and let Ethan open his presents. Wow! that soo made his day! He kept saying Happy Birthday party to me!
Heidi was the cool Aunt who brought fireworks and even one illegal one.( we are soo naughty. LOL!)
And on went another round of scum.
It was such a good day. I had so much fun with all my family!
Sunday we hit sacrament and finished up on some good family bonding time before Bryce n' Lisa had to take Jay back to the airport and Heidi hit the road. We had to be out Early Mon. So it was perfect timing for us to pack up & clean up. and get ready to go home.
Oh yeah, and drive home suck equally bad. especially for all the construction we hit this time! augh! I was worse then the children. ARE WE HOME YET?! HOW MUCH LONGER!!! I NEED TO PEE!
Sadly enough I don't think we will be going back for awhile. But it was good family visit. And a great wedding!
I so miss everyone all ready.
And super sad of everyone I didn't get to see. ( sooo... how much trouble am I in LOU?!) Hopefully she will love me despite my good intentioned promises and forgive my by the time I can make it back there. ( so sorry girl. I really am sad I didn't get to see you.)
Family rocks! am I right or am I right?
Posted by Stacey Irwin at 1:20 PM
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Wow, wow, wow I think you guys had too much fun with your family!
Oh, and I really love your dress. It looks amazing on you girl!
You sure packed a lot into your visit. Glad you had such a good time with your family!
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