Yup, I'm pregnant!
( I really don't love when people say "We're pregnant", that's crap. It's a one woman show. Don't think his one minute of fame ranks up to your 9 mo. of pure Pregnancy BLISS!)
How about we say: I'm pregnant and He's excited!
We are expecting baby #4 the last day in DEC! ( yay, merry Christmas & happy new year to me!)
Since I already stated multiple times that I never would have a Dec/ Christmas baby. ( damn ovulation calendars aren't worth CRAP! I even cut the boy off for four weeks of APRIL! Just to be safe! All for not I tell ya!) I will refrain from saying that I refuse to have a Christmas or new years baby. Since we all know what will happen if I do!
How we found out, oh well, back in April in Ut. I was LAAATE.( I can't say that with out thinking Austin Powers.) I was hoping it was a lil confused of the Mountain standard time or something. So I snuck Paul off to the store to pick up "THE TEST".
Well, THE TEST was defective.( Is it wrong, to want to take the Pee soaked stick BACK to the store when they are defective? I mean gross sure, But wrong? I paid good money. And let's face it that is not the time to be wishy washy and unreliable!) It's wrong to play with a girls emotions like that!
So on our errand running day. We grabbed Another test(that had TWO in it.) I took one while at a random store.( we were trying to be discrete at the parents house ya, know.) the faint lil second pink line BARELY showed up... It was questionable at best!! I didn't believe it, SO I was going to wait till the morning to take the other one! So the morning came, I did my THANG. and wouldn't ya know it, THE DAMN TEST was defective as well! HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN?!! ( next time I'm gonna take that test back, the fact that it has pee all over it is NOT my problem!) I should sue for emotional distress or something. So, one more time out, By myself.( running out of excuses to run to the store.)So I bought ONE more TEST. the kind that say "PREGNANT" or "NOT PREGNANT" Not dumb line to question.
Needless to say 4 test& $40 bucks later, we got our FOR SURE nothing left to question THAT time. I was a lil surprised. I really thought I took some good precautions so I wouldn't get pregnant THAT mo. ( This is where Paul likes to Puff up & beat his chest.)
So the pregnancy was planned.The Mo.Was NOT! But it's all good, we're excited!
I have come to terms and acceptance of this Dec Baby and will let the cards lie where they fall. ( that and I haven't been all too successful in manipulating the Docs.to start me!)
On the first ultra sound, the doc couldn't find the heart beat right away, and told me that my Uterus was definitely swollen, ( gee thanks doc.I think?) And after a moment of thought he asked if twins ran in my family. My eye's widened and said "NO! and I plan on keeping it that way thank you!"( this was even funnier since my dad was just predicitng what I was having and he said TWINS.)
He threw me in for a quick ultra sound since his machine couldn't pick up the H.B.
Happy to report there is only ONE baby in there and it seems to be doing just fine. When he came in to ask the nurse if all looked well, he asked if there was more then one baby in there and seemed a bit surprised when she said JUST ONE. ( great! what does that mean? I have a fat baby or what?)
The kids are super excited and keep looking at my belly to see if they can see the baby. Jameson of course has grasped it more then the rest. And has had a lot more questions then the other two. We told them during a F.H.E night. and I had the ultra sound pictures so it would be easier to explain. they were all very excited.
Ethan asked a lot of questions of if the baby can jump on the tramp. play hide and seek. run and play tag. ( my alert senses went up to keep a very close on this kid when this baby comes.) I think he thinks this baby will come out being 2 yrs old.
Zoey kept holding the pictures up to my belly and saying, yup, there's the baby!
And kept checking my belly button. ( we'll go with the belly button idea for now.)
Jameson wants to be the big helper, and hold and carry the baby around.
I think it will be so nice with this one, Since Jameson is big enough to be a huge help to me. Which will be so different and weird since I'm used to having all very small children on the others.
We get to find out what we are having next mo! Paul and I both are indifferent as to what we have, although it would be nice for Zoey to get a sister. We are just as happy with a boy! Care to bet on the sex?
We decided to wait and tell the family til we went out in July, Then I planned on telling them after the wedding was over. But coming out of the Temple after the ceremony, Jameson ran up to give me a hug, and announced at the top of the lungs " MY MOM IS HAVING A BABY!" with all the aunts and cousins standing right next to me.
Nothing I could do at that point, but to admit it. ( although I was tempted to make my son look like a liar instead.. but I did just come OUT of the temple. sooo.......)
I did my quick "yup I'm pregnant". And hurried to make sure my sister knew from me instead of hearing it from a distant relative. ( she wasn't very happy I waited so long, she would have killed me if some random person told her first.)
I told her she would have to forgive me or I'll make her wait to find out what I'm having till the baby gets here! ( and I would too!)
So the count down begins! Forgive the count down calendar, I'm not a big fan of them, but the kids like to see what the baby looks like NOW.So I'm just going to roll with it.
And that is our BIG news!
8 years ago
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I'm so excited for you! I know what ya mean about holiday babies, but you get over it, right?
Love how Jameson made the announcement for you. But I'm really surprised the kids kept it in for 2 days. Good for them.
Hope you're feeling okay.
Congrats sista! You realize we will have 3 kids. Count 3 that are less than a month apart from each other? Wow those irwins and craigs. What will they say next. LOL. Love the calendar ha ha ha
I'm SO EXCITED for you!
Who cares if it's a December/January baby, (s)he will be well loved, and will have a birthday right there close to the rest of the members of your family ;) (Jan and April seem to be big months for you!)
I am glad that you're starting to feel better.
The countdown clock is GREAT for the kids... Zoƫ loves me to pull it up just to see how many days are left now.
Congratulations! Can't wait to see if you're having a girl/boy. My guess is.... girl.
Congratulation my friend! I was just on FB when I noticed the news so I had so come to your blog to find the details. I am so excited for you!
Yeah congratulations! I hope I didn't give anything away on my comment on the last post. I thought you'd announced already, and I just missed reading it! I'm so excited for you! I actually like the countdown thing, so fun to see the weeks get less and less. I'm guessing a boy, I don't know why, just sounds like it to me. Good luck, and hope things continue to go well.
By the way, that's hilarious Jameson just announced it at the temple, talk about shock for everyone! LOL!!
Congratulations! So exciting! Loved the post! I hope all is well!
what a fun story to share!! Congrats to you guys!!
Congratulations! I am sorry about the defective tests. I actually get mine at Green Backs All-a-Dollar. Yup, $1 a test and I have only had one be defective. My friend thinks I am crazy for buying it there but they have worked for me and I hate spending so much on them.
I hope your pregnancy is not too hard on you, I have found with this one ( my forth) that it is harder. I am just older I think that is the thing.
Holy Shit girl!! Congrats!!!!!!!!! This deserves a text message or phone call first thing in the morning! I was tempted to call you right now but it is like 2am....so I'll let you sleep! Congrats!!!!!
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