Monday, November 16, 2009

Undeserved Credit

So this last Sat, Paul and I head outside to Tackle the yard and the garage. It was a beautiful day, high 60's. As I was cleaning out the garage I came across a couple of boxes of Christmas lights. That I have had for a few years. I thought to myself this was a PERFECT day to get them up. And I shared those exact thought with Paul. Of course he wasn't near as enthused with the idea. and made the "humph" sound. As he was running, I mean returning to the yard. Again as we crossed paths we both agreed that we were getting quite a bit accomplished. I thought this was a good point to plug in my idea of hanging the Christmas lights... which was followed by another "humph" and this time he let me know he really didn't want to do that. As he walked away.As we continued. I took as many opportunity's as I could find in my most cheery voice of my desire to get those lights up TODAY. As I did my plea's. I mentioned that the kids would love it! And we never had them up before. I even showed him the cool little clippy things I got for the gutter so He did have to do too much prep work.... I also pointed out that we have a very low roof and only two boxes so it should be too hard or take to long. Again my pleas were met with great resistance , he wasn't shy on letting me know that he Really, Really didn't want to do that today... I then pointed out if it didn't get done TODAY it wouldn't get done ever... Nice weather in The middle of NOV is a rarity.. and I know better then to expect him to get up there in the freezing cold...
Again, my please were followed by another"humph and a grumble" as he walked back to what he was doing....
I was Just about to give up , when as we were both finishing up, I thought I would try ONE more time to talk him into it, with a promise to stay out there and be his" lil helper"..
It was met with silence... then a grumbled "fine, where are these lights?." Of course my excitement went up and I tried to get him excited too. Needless to say, he wasn't very excited, or amused..
So as we got out the ladder and started hanging the lights. ( all with GREAT ease, I might add.) Even Paul realized it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be.. But he wouldn't admit that verbally of course.
Jameson came out and saw what we were doing and got super excited and mentioned that we had never had Christmas lights up before.... And asked Paul if this was his idea.
Paul, my dear husband, responded like this:" Yeah, I thought it would be fun to finally have lights up this year for you guys. And thought this was the perfect day to do it." which of course was responded with a " wow, thanks dad!!!"

....I stood there holding the ladder, mouth a gapped, eye brow raised.... no way did he just take credit for this??!!
I deal with " bah-humbug"husband and he comes off as "Father Christmas" to the kids??!!
Are you kidding me????!!
But since he was up on the ladder doing the work for another one of my great ideas. I didn't say a word.I just shook my head and glared at him in pure disbelief. Paul just laughed, and I went ahead & let him have his moment of undeserved credit... ( which seems to happen a lot here..)
Paul thought it was pretty funny... and it was...But I warned him that one day,When I'm gone the kids are going to see the truth of who really pulled the strings around here. And his lil"fasodd"will be over!
I felt it was neccesary to blog so when my children are grown and start looking thru our lil family blog book they will find this story and realize the cold hard truth. Then maybe they will visit my grave & put pretty flowers on it, for all the times I pulled something off and let their father take the credit! ( who's laugh'n now???)

What I want to know is , is this a typical husband thing???


Ryan said...

No!! That is totally not a husband thing to do... OKay maybe last week I might have taken credit for some of the Halloween decorations, and before that I may or may not have put up the easter stuff that looked so good. Hey, the way I look at it someone needs to take credit for it, right, and if you aren't then I will. Still a funny story.

Kristin K Buys said...

Definate husband thing :) Your brother tried to tell me at Mom's b-day dinner yesterday that he ALWAYS helps with dishes at mom's house....riiiight, so i guess it was that selective memory that made him forget him deserting me and your mom and lisa to do dishes while he gets to watch football (and I might ad where I'd rather be just as much as he ;) lol men, you can't live without em, but it sure is interesting livin with em sometimes lol

Tami said...

Too funny!! I'm just really glad Paul gave in and did what you wanted him to do. I was little concerned that I was going to read that YOU were the one up on the ladder because he wouldn't cooperate.

Melissa Hernandez said...

Definately!! Men....who needs em? That story cracks me up, and good thing you documented the truth for future reference!!!

Livia said...

That is sooo funny! I am glad your lights are up- mine will only go out after Thanksgiving.

jbbuys said...

So let me get this straight. You bug your husband to do what YOU want him to do. You are relentless in your nagging. He finally gives in and does the ACTUAL work, and you get annoyed when he takes the credit?

Typical woman. You do no work, but because you nagged your man to death, you feel you deserve the recognition. Sigh!

At a boy Paul, you do the work, you get the credit. Don't give in buddy. =)

I hope you thanked your awesome husband for doing the job.