Sunday, December 6, 2009

Running away to the wild,,.....

Early.. Way to early this Morning
Ethan had woken up somewhere around 3 a.m. coughing, after trying to get rid of it for an hour or so.. he decided he wasn't tired after all.. and started demanding breakfast. around 5 a.m.
I told hm it was way too early for that and to just go relax and QUIETLY watch cartoons for awhile.. Now I emphasized the QUIETLY since Ethan is anything But QUIET in the a.m.. He thinks the whole house should be up with him he is sooo LOUD AND OBNOXIOUS he has drove us all nuts every morning of this last week.
Well of course not a few min later I hear him yelling and slamming doors and yelling random things to Jameson just for the fun of annoying and waking him up.' I went down to get after him more then once, on the third round. I woke up Paul and told him to go deal with him.

Well, Since it was early early.. and Paul didn't want to be up anyway... his mood was less the amused with Ethan's antics for the 5th day in a row.
So he stomped down the stairs, I heard him yelling at Ethan to come here..., I heard Ethan starting to freak out since he knew he was in big trouble, He told Paul no because he was going to spank him. And from the sound of it, that exactly what happened, When Paul came up he told me that Ethan ran away and tried to hide under the bed instead of obeying his father, which got him a harder spanking. He was then sent to the corner where he wailed and wailed and wailed.. ( NONE of this was done quietly I might add.) Paul warned him if he heard another peep out of him he would be in bigger trouble and to go watch his cartoons and leave everyone alone.
Now, I know it sounds harsh.. . . . but trust me.. this boy had this coming all week long.. and day after day of his way too early pot banging ways is enough to put any body who enjoys their sleep over the edge.
Well, not a few min later Jameson ran up the stairs and to tell me that Ethan was going to run away ( he said this with great concern.) A min after that I hear Ethan sulkily telling everything he saw good bye. "goodbye Christmas tree",goodbye cutting room" etc.etc. I had such a hard time not laughing. I told him to come in my room to talk to me before he left and in his hands he had a blanket a pair of pants and a shirt and his spiderman whiteboard. was all his hands could carry. He told me he was running away to the wild.
Paul told him he didn't have to go, he just needed to be quite in the morning and stop waking everybody up.
He said he was going to go anyway. and started heading for the door.
Doing my best to keep the chuckle out of my voice and I said "Okay, I'll just have to tell Santa Clause not to bother bring you presents since you won't be living here anymore............."
He stopped dead in his tracks, I saw his shoulders drop and with a grumpy sigh, said " Fine, I guess I'll stay."

We of course talked about why he got in big big trouble. He didn't think any of it was deserved. ( he never does.)

But I'm glad he decided to stay none the less. Although sometimes I wish I would have let them walk out the door just to see what they would do next.

And being the terrible parents we are, Paul and I just laid in bed and laughed.


Tami said...

I would have done exactly as you did. Love how reality sank in once you mentioned presents.

I don't get why some kids don't like to sleep. I suppose I'm one of the lucky ones, for the most part, I've always had really good sleepers. But I hear stories like this and I just don't get it. Hope he outgrows this habit soon, especially with a new baby coming any time now.

Oh, how funny that Paul slept right through the noise until you WOKE him. I'll never understand how husbands can do that.

Katie said...

how can you as a parent not laugh? l i can say is "thats ethan" i love that little boy

Livia said...

That is so funny! Ok, maybe because I am not the parent but to see a little boy telling everyone and everything around the house Merry Christmas and goodbye just makes me laugh. Hugs to all of you- amazing family!
How are you feeling? I can't wait to see your little baby:)

The Byington's said...

Hahahahah! I couldn't help but laugh just reading this! 'Running into the wild' That's hilarious! Good thing you brought up the Santa thing, and made him second guess leaving!

Clint said...

You forgot to mention how he called me three times that morning to come get him. Sadly It was to damn early to pick up my phone!