Monday, February 1, 2010

Mischievous Moments.

So with the new baby has brought lots of questions from the kids as to what they were like when they were a baby..... It got me to thinking about a friends post she did on the mischief her kids did when they were younger and since some of the memories have been brought up I thought I would jump on it now before I forget a few.. of course, this might have to be an on going post since I have a terrible memory and will most likely remember even better ones later on.
It's true what they say about every kid being different. And that boys are more mischievous then girls. While I'm not sure if that is true for every family it certainly was for mine. One particular child has been the most deviant & mischievously creative with his work.
Unfortunately I didn't even think to grab camera's of the moments as they were happening .. and I've lost a few of back in the day due to computer virus's. All the others are on film and I have no scanner.. But I did want pics and grabbed a few of my favorite at the age all this happened...

When we lived in N.Logan and Jameson was only 2-ish we had to have gates up on the stairs and child proof door knobs. We also put both these items in his room when we moved him out of his crib. Not liking being "caged in" He used his brute force to knock down the gates and soon learned that solid toys could break the child proof knobs right in half. After that it was impossible to child proof anything. Or keep him contained. He also learned the magic of a chair that could be scooted anywhere to get into...... well anything.
Before he figured out how to knock down gates he loved to throw things down the stairs.. Items that took flight:
A Glass dish ( yes it broke)
Paul's Palm pilot( still worked but a bit scuffed up)
a utensil box full of kitchen knives ( In my defense, I saw him grab the container I had them in I was right there putting away other utensils.. He was so quick to grab them and quick to run, I was chasing after him praying he didn't fall on them and hurt himself.)
The Cat ( she was trying to escape down the stairs anyway... he just sort of helper her.)
And really whatever else he could get his hands on.

Also while we were in N.Logan we lived in a town house with 2 bathrooms. While learning to potty train Jameson. ( he was 3-ish) He learned that things go DOWN the potty when flushing. He showed this to Ethan ( who was 2-ish) Between the both of them ( mostly Jameson) they managed to clog BOTH toilets at the same time. ( I think this is where I became very gag sensitive since I was prego with Zoey) We tried plunging and auguring and we'd pull out a few odd items such as:
Batteries,combs, pencils etc.. every time thinking we got it. When worse came to worse we had to pull off the toilet INSIDE the upstairs was a somewhat large McDonalds toy. And in the downstairs was a travel size shampoo bottle. Both did not budge easily.
Other things that attempted to be flushed were A full roll of toilet paper( on the roll still) Books,Larger Toys,Clothes and perfectly good diapers. Needless to say every time I heard a toilet flush I went running in hopes to catch it. We locked doors, but Jameson learned to pick a lock as well. ( see mom so many times with a butter knife...)

When we lived in Ogden, Ethan went through of phase of getting into my purse and finding my cards ( debit, license etc.etc.) they went missing constantly. After searching the house, I just about gave up and was ready to re-order them. Till I sat down at my electronic key board and noticed it's disc drive was sort of opened.. I learned that those lil disc drives can hold 4-5 cards No problem.

When Ethan was 2 ish we had gone to my parents house to hang out just after Christmas all was well and good and we were getting ready to go home.. As I was trying to find all the socks and shoes we heard a loud crashing sound in my parents living room. At first I thought someone had gone thru the glass coffee table.. I ran in there to find Ethan standing on my parents Brick fireplace in his hands was a long runner she had on the mantel. On top of that runner were many Beautiful crystal & glass items that my father had given as gifts. ALL but one which were now SHATTERED all around him. Luckily he didn't even have a scratch on him. But I was appalled by what had happened. We never even thought to worry about the ends that hung down by just a bit as concern for some young kid to grab and pull. And go figure it had to be MY kid that had to do it. This one sent me into tears. As I had no idea how to even fix this for my parents. I couldn't afford to replace.. and the fact they were mostly gifts made me just sick to my stomach.
Thank heavens for kind and understanding parents. Who were just happy that Ethan wasn't seriously hurt. ( I must confess, I didn't even think to check him when I grabbed him out of the middle of all those shards of glass, I spanked him and put his nose in the corner immediately.. how I didn't step on the glass & he didn't get cut is beyond me.) We all agreed we were glad mom decided NOT to put her crystal nativity set( she has every figure that went into that collection.) up there that year.
We laugh about this now... nervously. And yes ,I still feel terrible.

Jameson and Ethan went through an egg breaking period, to which I went thru many cartons of eggs in a short period of time. Not over the sink just throwing them on the floor.

Again in N. Logan. When Jameson was 2 ... He has discovered where I had hid his Christmas presents already wrapped. They were on the very top shelf of my closet hidden. I knew he was downstairs playing and when I went to check on him ALL of his presents were unwrapped and opened. Thank heavens for short term memory. On Christmas he acted like he had never seen them before. ( OR played with them!)

Ethan at 3 has put over $4.00 in spare change I had in my car Into the tape deck. It kills me to know there are quite a few quarters still stuck in there. ...... ( specially when I need drink money!!).............I still think he tries this.( Okay.. to explain this poor kid's eye.. mosquito bites, turns him into Quasimodo)

While we were in Ogden, The boys ( 4&3) were taking a bath they thought they needed more toys.. I went to get some towels came back and found the Leapster( where you can add a book to it.) And their animal flash lights in the bath with them. Just so ya know.. Leapsters are not waterproof in anyway.. But a 5 dollar animal flashlight still work when completely immersed.

When Jameson was 2/3 and Toy Story was a huge hit in the house ( you know the phase of watching it over and over and over) He loved Buzz light year. One day he climbed on the arm rest of this couch, put out his hands.. did the famous line ( TO Infinity .. And BEYOND!) and Jumped up and out.. And fell quite hard on the floor... I sat quietly waiting to see if crying would be involved.. He looked at me with his most quizzical /stunned look and said " I can't fly?!".. I immediately laughed... and felt bad for not telling him sooner he indeed could not fly.
He also learned the hard way that he couldn't breathe underwater. shortly after learning to put his entire face in the water.. (Luckily no serious damage was cause by either of those incidents.)

Notice that I have no mischief stories about Zoey?? I couldn't think of a single one that even held a candle to what the boys have done.. the worst I can remember is her marker phase that she went thru ( MY poor walls still have her "art" plastered all over..) This was the only picture I found when she was 12 mo old.. she loved to get in my fridge and pull everything out.

The good news, is now I look back on these moments and smile in tenderness ...... But as I dealt with them... NOT SO MUCH!


Ryan said...

I've said it before. You must have been hell on wheels to have such interesting Mother's Curses. Great stories. Fun Times, right??

PS Notice I said you, not Paul. That was intentional :)

Amy Johnson said...

I loooooved reading those stories! I totally remember you telling me about the "I can't fly moment". I will always remember that one! Your kids are so dang cute and I love all the mischeif they get in! As for the money in the tape player....I remember doing this very thing when I was little, but we stuck money and crayons in the heat vents in my moms car. Ya, it started on fire! Beware! :)

Irish Cream said...

I can TOTALLY see Jameson and his quizzical face, a little hurt and not undestanding, asking about how he can't fly!

Ugh! I'm glad YOU have boys and not me. I seriously don't think I could handle that, and especially not as well as you roll with things.

Zoey looks SO CUTE in the fridge! I need to see more baby pics of your kids. They are ADORABLE (and still are!)

Ethan looks so much like himself in these pictures. And, what a cutie! Glad to know he learns so well through demonstration. And, he's always been a whiz with computers- maybe you could convince him to dig out the money. Maybe he could keep whatever he finds? Oh, maybe not. He'd probably completely dismantle your computer! Little smartie.

Can't wait to see what Cambria starts to look like.

Christy said...

oh my gosh these had me laughing!!! Thanks for sharing! =)

john-n-jess blomstedt said...

These are some seriously fantastic stories! For some strange reason, they almost sound familiar...! Those two boys so close in age must have been quite the adventure!Boys require so much physical work!Now Heavenly Father has given you two sweet little princess's. Let the emotional torment begin!

Katie said...

I just gotta say that I remember almost all of the stories. Quasimodo is one of my favorite moments! I remember Jman and flying as well. I know that Heavenly Father blessed the "roll with it" parents with the boys for a reason. I would have killed my kids for almost all of those stories.

Your poor mom's crystal!!! Wow I hadn't heard that story. I would feel horrible too!

Now as far as Zoey goes...... Well maybe you just don't remember all the stories. I have heard quite a few. Marker woman being the best yet so far. Are you sure you don't have any "art" in your downstairs Stairway???? Did that get painted? You should take a pic for old times sake! lol


Tami said...

Oh, I got a good laugh at these. I cannot believe the things your boys have done! Wow! If half of those things had happened to me, I'm sure I'd be in jail for child abuse. You're a good mom for dealing with all of it so calmly.

Livia said...

Wow, you remember a lot. I think they will enjoy reading some of the stories also, when they get older. They all look so cute in the pics:)I especially like Zoey in the fridge:)