Monday, February 25, 2008

water ,water everywhere

Okay So I have to leave another quick post.
I was down here starting laundery and writing my previous blog. I "thought she was upstairs playing and watching a movie. She came down stairs to give me a hug and her sleeves were sopping wet~.. I looked her and that I heard the very faint sound of water ( which at the time I thought was in the Laundry room... I ran up stairs. she had pluged the sink. and turned the water on. ( this was all done with her potty chair as a step stool!)
SO SEVEN Towels Later. and now it is dripping IN MY BASEMENT> ( this would be a bit more concerning if I didn't have a tile ceiling) auughh~ so make that 10 towles later. I am still cleaning up WATER!
I am really begining to hate water~
I looks like I am going to have to start locking the bathroom door again!
don't laugh to hard .... it will be your turn next!


Amy Johnson said...

Oh I see that coming! Simon LOVES to pull his potty chair over and play in the water. We have to keep the door shut. And I swear he has super sonic hearing and knows when we open the door and he runs right in! Sorry about the flooding! That sucks! But, ya...I'm laughing a little bit! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh man....yes, I too am laughing. Only because Isabella isn't walking yet. I can only imagine the posts I will have in the future, once she can walk and talk. Atleast it wasn't the toilet flooding!