Thursday, February 19, 2009

catch up

This last week and a half everyone in house got sick. And wouldn't you just go figure it was just when I thought to myself: "wowI think we are going to get out of this season with out anyone puke'n! sweet!" I didn't even think it out loud! but apperantly just thinking it was enough for that stupid bug to turn around and bite us right on the .. well you know.
But in truth it didn't bite us as hard as it usually does. So we all took our turns expierencing the joys of just a touch of the flu or stomache bug.
Jameson and I finished it off at the then end of the week. And I had to cancel plans on fri for a little V-day party some our friends were having. ( go figure)
On V-day Paul and I were s'posed to go out. I woke up feeling better, but still not wanting to do anything especially eat. I was determined to go out anyway. Luckily by the evening time I was feeling a bit better and even managed eat a bit. ( yet ever so cautiously) We FINALLY went and saw Twilight which was at the dollar.. I'll keep my reviews to myself... And just put it this way... I would have been pissed to pay full price for that movie. But Paul thought it was alright.
I probably would have liked it more if I didn't read the books ( doesn't that go for any book made into a movie?) And if people didn't get so obsessed over the dumb thing, I just choose not to be associated with twilight fanatics.
And that is all the time I will allow for twighlight.
So while our date wasn't romantic and I doubt I made for very good company. It was nice to get out. We didn't do anything for each other. Usually we will do a small gift and most of the time I get flowers. But I don't think either of us were really into v-day all that much and didn't feel well enough to care . Which is just fine with me.
The kids had a great time at there v-day parties. Jameson was upset I didn't make my sugar cookie hearts for V-day. And sent store bought instead. It was flattering for him to prefer mine over store bought sugar frosting cookies... But I just wasn't up for it.
I'm not going to lie.. it was a pretty low key V-day.. And I'm okay with that.

I must be in bloggers funk. I just haven't had much desire to blog about.. well.. nothing.


Tami said...

Glad you're feeling better and sorry your v-day wasn't as good as you had hoped. I hope something funny happens at your house and you get back into your blogging groove because I love reading what you write. Your posts are always my favorites to read.

Livia said...

Good to hear that you are doing better. I missed your blog and your comments. Great to see you back!

Melissa Hernandez said...

Why is it the bug always hits everyone around a holiday? It seems like the last bug that went around was over Christmas holiday. Hopefully you're feeling much better, and husbands don't mind an I.O.U. for Valentines (wink wink)!!

Hansen family said...

I'm glad you at least got cheesecake. Well, you got covered and poo and got the flu. Do you think they are related? I'm still waiting for my catch up with EOtay. Ask Paul if you can come to the coast end of August instead of March?