We took Ethan to go see his pediatrician Fri Afternoon to discuss some concerns with his Medication. My biggest frustration is simply I don't know what I'm s'posed to expect or really what to do. I took Paul to be my mouth piece as well as to ask the questions and retain what the heck the Dr. was saying.( I have a hard time paying attention when frustrated)
I brought up concerns that the teachers weren't really seeing a big enough difference with his attention and focus in school even. He had his good weeks. But all three of his teachers would never guess he was on concerta to make a difference. Although I could see a big difference at home in regards for him to follow direction and be able to complete a chore or just get dressed. But he was still struggling a bit in group work. Also the fact he it kept him up til really late. He was just unable to "shut down". So the Dr. wants to try him on a different medication ( Vyvanase) Also give him a natural sleep aid at night to help him get to sleep easier. ( non addictive not a sedation med.)
We also talked about seeing a specialist and having him tested to really rule out some stuff and perhaps get some clearer answers as to what is really going on here.. Which actually makes me feel better. I just need to know for sure what we are doing.. And stop "fishing" and guessing.
Paul was unsure if this was necessary, But in truth I would rather have him tested and find Absolutely nothing out of the ordinary.. then constantly guessing with meds and how both I and his teachers need to work with him. Sure wish I new the medical terms she was using.. but I don't remember. But she brought up a few things it could be that could be causing him to struggle. She brought up maybe his IQ might be too low.. I just started laughing... How about his IQ is too high. ( yes I know every parent thinks there kids are really smart..But trust me this boy is very very bright.)
I was proud of my aggressiveness with the doctor. But very happy to have Paul there to come up with questions and concerns. And challenge her idea's as well. Which is how we finally got to the specialist. I asked for a specific a time line as to when we should see the affects of the drug in full affect and should be noticing a difference.. two weeks.. FINE. But again.. the last dosage of Concerta I was happy with and could see a big difference. U It was the teachers who really couldn't( although they were somewhat iffy in their answers.) and that is where it counts for me.. if it's not helping him at school then it really what is the point ?
She explained what the difference with this Vyanse vs. Concerta.. but I can't remember. the jist was.. Concerta worked more with focus where Vyvanse is s'posed to cover a bit more ground. Attention span, focus and and couple other things in this same catagory. She thinks it might be more helpful with school activity( groups work etc.) Crossing my fingers and hoping we found it. But looking forward to having him tested and seeing what the specialist says. It will just be nice to know SOMETHING as to what we are dealing with.. I don't care if he confirms it really is ADD . At least it's for sure. Not the well... he fits the catagory. And if it's something else.. FINE at least we know. And can learn what to do for him to help him. And perhaps the specialist can give teacher note as to what they need to do for him there too.( like his own personal aid.. smaller groups I can probably enforce that better with a dr. note right?)
Side note.. Have I mentioned how funny this kid is? I wish he was louder and easier to understand so other people could appreciate his humor! He is my wittyest kid! We ran a few errands Sat and Paul was ranting about some stupid driver.. and was still ranting when we parked the car.. Ethan got out of his seat and started patting paul on the chest.. and kept saying "hey, dad... Hey, dad" it took Paul a min to hear him and pay attention. .after he replied "what" Ethan grabbed his face and said" just breathe man!" All with a glint in his eye. Paul cracked up and laughed all the way into the store. Most kids after getting a funny reaction will keep trying to do it over and over again.. But Ethan just laughed too and got out of the car and was on his next thing. The other two kids are the only ones who don't find him funny. but that is usually because Ethan uses them as the BUTT of his jokes and teasing.( sigh), hopefully when they get older they can appreciate his wit instead of crying and getting mad all the time.
Is it wrong to laugh even when his teasing wasn't kind and involved my other off spring? I try to encourage kind words and thoughts.. But funny is funny.
8 years ago
When do we start the new meds and seeing the specialist for testing? How did you and Paul feel about the DR.? I hate to break it to you....but they say most medications are fishing not science due to each person being different. I guess we're all made of different ingredients. This ones sounds more confident.....I love that you and Paul go together. Eotay is my buddy. everyone doesn't take the time to see who he really is. LOL> Smart kid, full of wit and dramatics.
Heidi- started new meds sat.. I can see a huge difference.. had to order the sleep aid.. and boy did I wish I had it last night. Since he started hysterics about not being able to sleep and threw his comforter and pillow out his door..to prove his point I guess.
They are s'pose to call us to schedule for a specialist. who knows when that will happen. she said one of hte specialist couldn't see him till MAY! but hopes the other can sooner.
I felt the Dr. listened a little closer this time. But Ithink it was because I put Paul in charge of the question asking. I was much more satisfied with this appt. then the other.
I think is great that you and Paul went together and are persistent in finding a solution for your little guy. I hope things will turn out good soon.
I hope your answers and solutions come quickly. How frustrating this must be for you. And for Ethan. What a funny kid, though. And you're right, funny is funny and sometimes we can't help but laugh even when one kid makes a joke a another's expense.
Dang, how frustrating that must be! Hopefully you guys get things figured out soon! That is too funny though, with Paul and him. What a cutie!
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