There is a couple in our ward I just do not like.. . . I try to avoid conversation with the at all cost. Yes they are very nice and very good. I think the problem is ...well... I don't "speak" uber nerd. And every time he opens his mouth I just want to start..ZZZZZZZ. a few different couple had a little get together.. someone invited them.. I had hopes that maybe talking with them outside church walls would be different and hopefully see a lighter side to this couple.... nope. He's the type when people joke about something to be funny.. In his most serious voice would throw in an" actually.. and spout of some facts and philosophy..." Talk about a joy killer!Drove me nuts!! ( beauler... beauler..... beauler.... beauler..... beauler.... beauler.... beauler.... beauler....) There, I said it.
- I think that secretly bus drivers are spiteful and mean spirited people. And today's instance pretty much proved it for me. Our bus stop is about 30-40 ft from house. This morning we rushed out to tromple in 5-8 in of snow, I saw the bus coming and started running ( well as fast as one can run with two small kids all in moon boots.) In hopes that she would see our rush and wait for a min. It looked like we were going to make it. ( this is where they start to spitefully smile and begin the game of chase.) I did the wave for her to wait.. Jameson tripped up..and as soon as I pulled him to his feet, that bus driver was pulling away!!! Are you kidding me? we were maybe 10-15 ft away!!! oh she saw us too, I know she did. we were facing her! I'm pretty sure I heard her spiteful laugh as she drove on. spiteful @#$%! I might have to think of something clever to make a point with her.cause man that was just cold!!!
-Getting Paul to snowblow the walk is like pulling teeth! I have to go the rounds with him to get out there. Last time I went out and did it plus the neighbors to prove a point! He back talks with snide remarks and stuborn behavior. And I get super irriated and frusterated. So yesterday after doing another dance with this topic. He got me pretty riled up and flustered. Which he thinks is pretty funny... . I tricked him and told him I had " urges" he cocked an eyebrow and got closer to ask what those urges might be..this is where I grabbed him around the throat and mocked stangle and shook him.. He thought that was funny as hell and decided to go shovel the walk. good choice dear.
-I absolutley love weekends. I hate weekend mess. I end the week with a good clean house. I start the week playing catch up from all the leisure that was had during the weekend! Not quite sure how that works out that way.. But it bugs me.
- Some cashiers don't know how to bag grocery's. I group my food to help it go in the same bag.. Frozen group. produce group. non food group... boxs and cans group.. Meat group. That way it's easier for them and I don't have to have food in with non food.. meat gets its on bag. ( you get the point.. perfect logic right.) while i do understand that sometimes you need to combing a few items.. most of the time they completley undo my system i have yogurts rolling around in different bags. frozen with the box food. D.soap with cereal... Why? All they have to do is scan and attempt to keep it all in the same bags. why is that hard? I think I will get snottier about this It is becoming my pet peave. Maybe I'll demand a re-bag!
- I think our primary is out of control. it always kills me to see the teacher completely ignore the class disruptive behaviour. .CALL THEM OUT ON IT!!! Kids get rowdy I get it. But this one is completely ridiculous. Unfortunetly Zoey is one of the naughty ones who doesn't feel the rules to sit in a chair do not apply to her.. . I try to encourage her teachers to get after her. But I end up leaving my class and "encourage" her to sit and behave. Yes I have even put her nose in the corner right in primary. two tricks that seem to work.. Take them out of the primary and find a empty class room. tell them they can join the others when they can sit still& behave. Treats are a winner.. you can't give in and give it to em if they haven't earned it. But really the primary pres and the teachers ( heck even the parents.) need to step it up and stop tolerating that crap. . . .. Man I sound like a hard A. But trust me it is borderline ridiculous.
. . . . . hey... ranting is fun sometimes! . . .
8 years ago
So of course I totally agree with you on every comment. I love ranting, I think I might have to join you on my blog with some ranting of my own.
Let it all out sister.
Grocery required. My ketchup in with my bread. yeah. C.A.S candidates. Husbands and tasks....ummhmmmm. bus drivers......yup C.A.S. ranting......feel free let it out and feel free to take it out on the offenders.
I read this post the other day and haven't had a chance to write my comment until now, yet I'm still laughing over what you wrote. I agree with you on everything. Love the snow blower thing. It's a amazing what a husband will do if he thinks there is the slightest chance of getting some action. Hehe. I still can't believe the bus driver. And grocery baggers...they should have to pass some certification before they can bag. I, too, love the weekkend, but the mess that awaits me come Monday morning almost isn't worth it. Oh, and I love the comics you posted. Got a kick out of those.
Bus Drivers are spiteful people. But, driving around a bus full of screaming kids all day probably makes it worse. She saw you and realized she could have 2 less screaming kids that day.
If you need contacts, let me know.
hmmm.....rough week??? :) I laughed at your rants! Maybe I need a good rant session too! If I were a bus driver, I would stop for you! :) Love ya!
I can't believe that the bus driver would not stop for you guys. Ohhhh...the next day I would have made it my special duty to be there early so I can give him/her a piece of my mind.
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