Monday, March 2, 2009

Creative camping

This weekend was supposed to be filled with little friends. sleep overs and big friends and Wii Mario Kart with some friendly trash talk.
I told Jameson he could have his very first Sleepover and we talked about it with his Friend and with the mom. Although no for sureness was set.
He looked forward to it.Planned what they were going to do. Did all his chores. All week. Come Friday right after school I said he better call his buddy and do the "official invite."
Well for some reason his friend told him he didn't want to and didn't feel like it.
Jameson was crushed. And I was surprised. ( I talked to his mom on Sunday, they actually had a gathering planned with family and she had forgotten about our talk of a sleepover, still laughing about how this kid worded his no. Must have really wanted to play with his cousins.)

I felt so bad for Jameson. And of course was trying to think of ways to "save" his night. We had friend coming over to play games that had a boy close to his age. So I talked up that and how he could play for as long as they were here. And even told him we could do some indoor camping . with a tent and some s'mores. This seemed to do the trick and he was once again excited. so were the other two.
So I grabbed our little tent and set it up in there room. And grabbed stuff to do s'mores in the oven ( best way to do it, if you don't have a camp fire. just turn your oven on Broil. square of Graham a square of chocolate and a huge marshmellow.. few min under the broiler and they are golden brown.)
Jameson was so excited! Our friend came over and he took his new buddy down to see the tent. I fixed up s'mores in the oven and brought them down to them. They played for about an hour before his buddy came running upstairs stating he needed a bowl to puke in. Of course our friends packed up and headed home.
Once again.. Jameson was disappointed. And Once again I played up and idea to make it better. We moved the tent out to the family room and put Mario Kart on the big screen and we ALL played together( yes we sat in the tent) and had treats. I set up all three kids in mock sleeping bags ( folded over comforters.) And they all slept in the tent that night. Jameson told me that was the coolest thing ever. And seemed to forget about his disappointments. In fact I think I heard him tell his friend on Sunday that he missed out on camping in his tent.

I of course felt like I rocked the mom world this weekend. (HHERE I COMME TOO SAVE THE DAAAY!)

What did I learn.. call the mom first before letting the kid call.. never talk up anything that you can't guarantee will work out.


Irish Cream said...

You clever MOM!

Way to salvage a twice-ill-fated night for such a Good kid. Added bonus that the other kids got to join in the fun.

Amazing what a little sugar and a change of scenery can do for the blues... maybe we should all go camping in our living rooms every once in a while!

Tami said...

What an awesome mom you are! Way to think fast on your feet. Glad Jameson had a good time even thought didn't go as planned.

Amy Johnson said...

You are such a great mom!!! I want to come have a campout in your house! Smores sound great!! :) I'll have to do this idea with Simon sometime! Kuddos to you for saving the night and for making an even better memory for Jameson!!

Hansen family said...

You are wonder mom. ohhhhh. the pain of canceled plans when we were kids...scar ya for life. good save sis. sorry you got the flu from it :( but, he will never forget it, may be a popular future request! Yeah, cheap and simple! good job!

jess said...

dude, you can rock smores in the microwave, too. yay.

and look at veyda (spelling? i'm sure i did it wrong) all sacked out in that tent in true dog fashion.

i have hit a blogging wall, i'm a crappy blogging friend. facebook is easier and requires less thought.

Livia said...

You did awesome! I think time with family + treats = GREAT FUN!

Maggie Jane said...

Wow, what a cute idea! You're the best mom ever! I'm glad Jameson had a good time even after all his disappointments.