So Paul and I decided that we wanted to take the kids up to Potato creek for an overnight camping trip before they started school. ( sorry no pictures, I didn't even break out the camera! how pathetic right?)
We don't have much camping gear, but knowing Potato creek it's what I consider comfort camping. ( means you pitch your tent on GRASS. and it has all the bathrooms even a general store etc.)
I figured we would make do with what we had, and it was only a one nighter and how much do ya really need.
We headed up right after Paul got off work on Fri.And got a lil nervous since the sign said that the camp grounds were full. As we were paying to get in we were informed that their were a few opening in the horsemen campground left. And for as much packing and gathering of crap that I had done, we decided to take it! As we drove around to find out lil spot we saw a lot of Horses up their, the kids wanted to ride them. ( me too!) It was hard to explain that they weren't ours and we couldn't PAY to ride them either.
Fortunately our camp area wasn't right next to others who had horses! So I didn't have to smell em. Or worry about Vedah barking at them.
We set up our WEE lil tent, realized we forgot the cover so it was pure screen. ( oops!) We didn't have an air mattress ( it wouldn't have fit anyway.) and we didn't even have a foam pad. I had just gathered up every single blanket we owned and threw them down for some padding. And gave everyone their own Sleeping bag made out of blankets.
After having to BUY firewood ( it's illegal to find your own in the woods up their apparently.)
We threw the kids in their swim suits and went up too the lake too cool down and just have some fun.
We took Vedah with us, I thought for sure she would be in heaven. And she was..... for awhile.
Since I didn't want to get wet for just and hour or two of play time and attempt to change in the tent ( we put a blanket on the outside for privacy) I took Vedah over to the dog beach and watched Paul play with the kids in the water. ( I was soo okay for them to have some daddy/kid bonding time SANS momma) I tried to get Vedah in the water, but she would have none of it, wouldn't even get her paws wet! After awhile she just started to pout and refused to budge and inch. While I was there attempting to play with a pouting dog. I was chased and attacked by very large and very ugly bugs. ( that is No exaggeration!) I know I looked crazy trying to shoo them away and run away, and shake them OFF me! Vedah would bark and I would squeal and freak out! And Paul would laugh. I want to say they were Cicada's but I cant be sure, whatever they were they were aggressive and ugly! ( eww, eww. eww.) After I got tired of being attacked over and over I told Paul it was time to go!
Back at camp with kids in P.J's and bug proofed ( yes even the dog got bug proofed, which she didn't appreciate.) and BEGGING to make s'mores. Paul Attempted to make a fire. He blamed it on the lack of kindling, But I have my doubts. We had a very smokey fire going thanks to some papers from the van. enough that the kids could roast a few Marsh mellows and get their fill of them. But I swear their was more smoke then their was fire. And I could do nothing but laugh.( and cough!) But the kids loved it and really? isn't that the point?
I finally had to put the cap on s'mores in fear of upset tummy's. The kids broke out their flashlights and went in to play in the tent for awhile to tell "scary stories". While Paul and I sat on the non smoking end of a dying fire. ( still laughing, it was so pathetic!) enjoying stars and just chilling. Vedah, tied up by my side... was still pouting.
Eventually the kids came back out one by one and hung out with us I showed them the stars and tried to remember a few constellations and find the obvious ones for them. The younger two could careless about it, But Jameson seemed intrigued and started asking lots of questions some were too deep for me to answer. But I loved having the time with him to ponder out loud the wonders of space and stars. He is my most inquisitive kid and I love it.
When the smoke.. I mean fire, died down we declared bed time for everyone..
As we settled the kids in and tried to figure out how the crap we were all really going to fit.( diagonal if you must know!) I layered on extra blankets in fear of the kids freezing to death. ( I'm used to camping in MOUNTAINS okay!) Vedah tried multiple times to get in the tent with us, but their just wasn't any room for her! I laid out my yoga mat at the opening for her to sleep on. And she continued to pout.( spoiled rotten dog!)
As Paul and I settled and it didn't take more then a few min to realize that we were in for a very long night since we were already uncomfortable! (who knew that a ground could be that so freak' hard!!) It was a very long night. But at least we didn't freeze in fact I slept with one light blanket and it was fine. I woke up through out the night in attempt to find a better position, Vedah would come to my side of the tent and since she could see me through the screen, she tried to step thru the tent. I don't think she slept well that night either. And she was pretty mad at us by the time the morning came.
The kids slept like BABIES! And thought that was great fun! I must admit when I woke up and opened the front of the tent, I felt bad for the sulking dog sleeping on a wet mat. So I let her come in and snuggle in with us for an hour. which is the only time I heard her snore!
We had a quick breakfast. ( Sans fire!) Packed up our pathetic camping gear.And headed back up to spend the day at the lake ( we also did our mini hike to the frog pond since J-man wanted to try to catch some frogs.) before heading back home.
I again just didn't feel like getting wet. So I sat by Vedah and put my lawn chair in the water to splash my feet and watched the kids. Paul eventually jumped in and played soo good with them. Vedah sulked and whined and refused to even look at me. Lots of dogs came to play and she did enjoy investigating them. I was hoping she would follow some of those dogs out and go get wet. But no, she really hates the water.
The kids played hard, made friends. Built sand castles. And tried their hardest to take Paul down in the water. they were having a blast!!
In the mist of all our fun. Paul got an alarmed look on his face and shouted at me he had lost his keys. ( yes they were in his short pocket.) And Paul doesn't do well when he loses thing. I told him to walk back in forth in the lake and focus on area's he played and see if he could find them.
I did the search thru the swim bag and the van in hoped he left them their. NOPE!
Paul was getting more upset and frustrated by the min. I told him I'd go change into swim gear and started searching with him. All he kept saying was "what's the point?? their gone!!! We'll never find them in here!!" I didn't see any other choice but to look. I told him to keep looking and he kept getting more upset. As I headed up to change and try to figure out plan B. I saw someone who looked like they were on lake duty and took the chance of seeing if they were turned in to Lost and found. Luckily for us someone had found them ( yes IN the water!) and turned them in!
I was so tempted to change anyway go pretend to do some REAL searching and Find them just to make a point. But I couldn't hid my smirk as I headed back down to tell Paul. In truth we were both grateful and yes even very luck to have gotten them back! Who finds lost things in a lake? seriously?!
We decided that had pretty much wrapped up our day and we headed home. The kids had a blast and want to do it again.
Vedah was glad to be home and I'm pretty sure DOESN'T want to do it again.
And I will as long as I have a lil something between me and the ground and a MUCH BIGGER tent.And Paul practices his fire making skills of course!( still laughing, saddest fire I have ever seen.)
I paid for that sleep out for a good couple days! Sad, I know.
And that is the first attempt we have made to go" camping" since we've been married. We'll do it again, but with a lil more suitable gear. oh, well, it made for some fun memories none the less.
next time I must take pictures! I can't believe I didn't break my camera out! ( tsk, tsk)
8 years ago
Sounds like a good time. Lisa and I are going camping this weekend at Dad's property. I hope it doesn't rain...
How funny and fun was this experience. We are also going camping this weekend with some friends but, I never go without my air bed.
That is amazing that you got the keys back!
I can't believe your dog doesn't like the water. Aren't labs supposed to love to swim? Ellie loves to play in the water unless its a bath, then forget it. But I giggled at the part when Vehah tried to get in the tent. I know about that all too well. Funny dogs. Oh how we spoil them.
Glad the kids had fun and you're a tropper for sleeping on the ground while pregnant. Go You!
Potato Creek is a great park. If you would like to borrow any kind of camping equipment, let me know. I'm not sure if I could help with a fire as I prefer propane and propane accessories.
I still say we should go camping together- we could share some of our equipment. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if our tent were big enough for both of our families (ok, not if I put the pack-n-play in it for Veronica).
It sounds like a GREAT "impromptu" trip, and I am SO GLAD that you had fun (and found your keys!)
thanx for the comment!!! And yes I am laughing about that at the moment!!! LOL! Well I just hurt my wrist!! I landed on my tummy with my wrist bent under me so basicly my wrist cuaght my fall!!lol! WEll sounds like you had a fun camping trip and that is so wierd that you cant get fire wood from the woods!!!Well talk to you later bye!!
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