I should just start this post by saying ..My Parent Rule! Seriously, they were so fantastic to come out to us and stay the week to meet their new Granddaughter and to see the kids and to help me.
My kids are in love with their Grandpa and Grandma and were so excited to have them out. Zoey especially loved jumping and being in Grandpa's face the ENTIRE time they were here. He took her like a champ! ( and being a tired dolt, I didn't take many pictures, they were here a week, you'd think I would have taken more then 3 shots!) Of course the boys did their fair share of jumping and playing with him as soon as they walked thru the door.
They were great to attempt to get used to eastern time and get up and help get the kids on the bus for school. ( that means they woke up around 4:30- 5:00 a.m. their time almost every morning) I think by the time they were able to adjust to the time difference it was about time to head back. Poor parents!
While they were here we celebrated my birthday. My dad took the kids to the store and I was brought back a birthday cake, a balloon and some roses. it was so very cute. after pizza and cake. We broke out the cards and played so Oh' Pucky! It was so fun to play again~
My parents SPOILED us rotten while they were here! And must have thought my pots and pans were pretty pathetic, since they surprised us with a really nice set after they returned from a quick trip to the store to pick up a "few" things. I am in love with them, and they are indeed my new babies! This among other things were done for us, and I felt very very spoiled. They were so good to us! Grandpa gave each of the kids $5, they thought that was so neat! ( thus the money in the picture!) And couldn't wait to get out and spend it ASAP!( seriously, so spoiled!)
My dad for the most part was a good sport with my dog. I think he secretly likes her. And I bet he missed her too.. even tho' he will never admit it. I'm considering getting him a dog for Christmas just so he'll stop coveting mine. He "pretended" to be annoyed with her and gruff with her just for appearance sake.. but deep down I think he wanted to take her home. ( Ah, laughing so hard right now...)
My mom was fantastic as ALWAYS and pretty much took care of everything there was to do. I so loved having her around and chatting her head off as always. If I haven't mentioned it before.. I so love my mom...She is the best of the best!
We celebrated my dad's birthday while they were here too.. the kids got him a book. a balloon. some jerky and a coke Zero. I bet he was thrilled! We did Taco's and cake.. and of course.. more oh'pucky.. We weren't sweet enough to let him win, even tho' it was his birthday.. The love stops there.
I'm so bummed I didn't take more PICTURES!
But it was a great visit. I loved just chill'n and chatt'n. And they were a godsend with the help. and keep the kids happy!
My parents are fantastic!!!.... The End!
8 years ago
ohhhh isn't it sooo sad to say good-bye? Parents are the best. I love when parent's "need" something at the store and come back with a "you really need to replace that" gift!! Parents really are the best!
Your dad doesn't like dogs? I remember when your family got Goose and Copper...
Glad you had such a great visit and that you got spoiled along with the kids, you deserve it. Hope you've adjusted to life with another baby and that you're getting some sleep.
That little outfit Cambria is wearing in the first picutre looks familiar! Glad it fits.
Your parents look great! I am glad you got to celebrate together and also, receive so much help from them. I can't wait to have mine here.
Post more pics with Cambria when you get a minute!
I also love your parents! Tell them they can come visit me and "run to the store" for me! I have some pots and pans in desperate need of replacing! Oh wait, that would mean I cook which is very very untrue! :) Didn't your dad pretend to hate your cats too, but he secretly loved them! I can't wait to see more pics of Cambria! hint hint!! I also have a gift for her...I really just need your address to mail it.
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