Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Oh, where to even begin?!

Ya know how if you been gone for a really long time, and someone says you must catch up soon... but really how do you even start it. Since it's been forever.. You can't really start at the beginning... or the middle. And the end certainly doesn't make any sense either. It leaves you almost with nothing to say for fear of starting something you can't finish. Or knowing that it's more past then present and not as important as it was when you were dealing with it. But you don't want ot forget it either... Sigh.
So where to begin.?!

Well.. How about while Paul was in Florida and I was in South Bend.

Worst day ever- The day I realized someone had been in my home and had taken my most favorite thing that was mine and only mine out of my very own bed room. My Camera ( which was a nikon d-80) The hole package too. Extra lense, memory card full of pictures of Cambria's blessing etc etc. that hadn't made it to the computer yet. My house wasn't ransacked Just one item at a time after that biggie went missing. I put togther and paid more attention to things that went MIA. ( Which is all the time since I do have kids, ) Conclusion is this: Neighbor who knows my schedule and knows my dog. They got away way with $200 cash out of my dresser drawer. ( my room must've been the hot spot) back in Nov. My camera ( that one still stings.) And my daugters ds lite. ( she doesn't lose things like the others. I'm betting they lifted it on the way out the door since it went missing the same time my camera did.) Yes it sucks that my things were taken, sucks worse it was someone who knew me. ( it had to be.) Sucks worse is I can't get pictures back. I'm waiting for Judgment day when I can prove my theory of Mrs X, in the master bedroom with a cigerette lighter & sticky fingers. If only I could have proved it here. (Sigh) That day sucked....

Things I learned while playing single parent:
- I RULE! I did not know I was capable of doing things on my own. I became incredibly organized. Aggressive. And embraced the fact of it's either ME or no one. I now know I could make it as a single mom ( as long as someone can still provide the finance part of it... that might be a whole other problem that would kick my trash.) I was a force to be reckon'd with. (seriously tho' just keep the money in my account and pay my bills... I got it after that.) It was definatly a growing expierence for me.
- I also realized that I really am NOT the fun parent. Paul is the humor in our family. He keeps the moods light, and can laugh at typical everyday crap that drives me crazy. So much faster then I can. And this folks is why I keep him around,( that and I love him and everything) and also have a new found appreciation for him and his upbeat personality.( That, and he makes sure the bills get paid on time.. and the $$ maker...) I'm not sure when I became militant mother and in charge of disipline but it happened....

- My husband is also very patient. with my nightly calls.... since he had to hear ALL about my day and the fine details within.( and every mood that could have gone with it.)

- People are amazing. And I was so grateful to all the help that was given to me.. So really I didn't do it on my own. These people were awesome and live the way we should all live.. inspiring to me really. ( a whole other post.)

-Boxes don't pack themselves... ( I gave them plenty of chances... it just didn't happen.)
-The house doesn't clean itself either.... ( also turns out that people have their own version of "clean".)

-If you know of a guy who moves houses as a profession and he lives in your ward.... Make friends with him and ask him to help. Amazing pack job. Amazing!

- I am incredibly organized mover come move day. Or so I was told by the priesthood when they came to help move stuff. ( which was nice to hear, after all the effort to ensure a smoothe move day.)

- I learned tis better to inform your counterpart.. your glad their home... but zip it and stay out of the way till they learn the new system... man, he was soo underfoot, it was make'n me crazy.. AND he dared question my system.. tsk,tsk.( he quickly realized this mistake.. which was fortunate for him.)

- Moving still sucks... Driving a Van with three kids and a baby and a dog..Sucks even worse. ( try not to throw imaginary frying pans at your husband who is safely tucked away in the truck, by himself.)

- Dramamine for kids also works really well on Dogs.. Really really well.

-Atlanta Georgia is really quite pretty, And I could live there. ( well if I could live where Pauls uncle lives.. ) I couldn't help think of Steel Magnolia when I was being shown a magnolia tree.

-Trying to find your bearings in a new state, a new ward, and new house... takes longer then I have patients for.

- I really hate bugs ( next post.)

- I miss my south benders... The ward, the people, the city, ND. The primary.

-But I love the new people I'm meeting, catching up and hanging out with our family away from family, friends.

- I don't really care for the southern drawl ( unless your from Georgia.. that is just really pretty)... Ignorant racist morons....or being called Ma'am all the time.

-I'm kinda homesick.. but not sure which home I'm sick for.

- The beaches are GORGEOUS! It's heartbreaking the oil has hit them. It makes me so sad. ( AND A BIT BITTER.....I'm mean, I just got here!!!)

But we are doing fine here. Still much to learn and figure out I'm trying to keep my opinion neutral till I do more exploring. Kids have had lots of fun with both old and new friends. Having a swimming pool in the back yard has been a summer life saver for me.. And has helped teach my kids to swim( next post.) And I'm very glad to have my husband back, the kids are very glad to have their daddy back it saves them from mean ol' mom.

And I'm jumping back on the blog wagon.. There won't be as many pictures since I have NO camera ( and my phone camera isn't even worth trying to use anymore. to blurry!)


Tami said...

I was so excited to see that you posted!!

What adventures you've had! I'm laughing histerically at the thought of you traveling with 4 kids and the dog and especially the part about drugging the dog. I'll have to remember that one.

I cannot believe your neighbor broke into your house. If you can't trust your neighbors, who can you trust?! That sucks.

Glad you're getting settled.

Katie said...

Well, all I have to say is Thank goodness you are here finally! I missed you terribly and I am glad we got you back. You really are our family! Period. All the crap you went through to get here and yes bugs suck! but in the end you are in a place that loves you and is probably one of the most beautiful you will ever live in!

I am so happy you are here!!!! period the end!
love ya

Amy Johnson said...

Poopy neighbor! Pictures are irreplaceable! So sad! I love hearing about all your adventures...even if they are without me! :( Sometimes I go for walks by myself and pretend you are there.....
Love ya! Be safe!

Christy said...

Oh Stace, you are so funny. You should write a book! We love ya!!