Thursday, February 10, 2011

Big heart- little boy

Every day my kids walk home from the bus stop. Not far but about 1/3 of a mile. Along the way home Zoey will pick a leaf or two..( or a hand full.) She has done this since the first day of school. She gets very excited about her new pick and will play with it, stroke it like it was a soft feather and play pretend with it. She is always very excited about showing me her new pick every day.
This week she has been out of school with a bad stomach bug missing 4 days.
As the boys would barge through the door each day after school. I noticed that Jameson would go over to Zoey ask how she was feeling and hand her something. She would smile ( a weak little smile.. poor girl.) And he would walk off either looking for a snack or whatever he walked off to do.
Curious as to what he gave her.. I saw her curled up on the couch with big shiny leaf.
He had picked her a leaf.
He brought her a leaf home everyday. Each one a little different from the last, he took his time to pick one that he thought would make her happy.
No one asked him too. And he did it quietly.
All to make his little sister happy while she was sick. The fact that he took note that she liked her little leaves so much, I thought was impressively sweet.
Moments like this make me incredibly proud of my son.... and his great big heart.
I hope his sibling realize how lucky they are to have such an awesome big brother who truly looks out for them and show how much he cares in little quite ways.


Tami said...

That is so sweet. I'm totally impressed that he did it so secretively, without seeking praise from you. What a good kid.

Katie said...

Call it the pregnancy hormones or whatever, That little Jman has just stolen my heart.

I know how kids come home, do homework, need a snack, and do all the things 9,8, and 5 years olds do. So for that cute 9 year old to be thinking of his sick sister and what would brighten her day is just so AMAZING! WTG Jman. I am so proud!

Livia said...

He is sooo sweet!I also noticed the post with Cambria and I am so sorry for everything you all had to go through. Hugs:)

Melissa Hernandez said...

that is the sweetest story, soooo adorable! you should totally be a proud mama!

Amy Johnson said...

He melts my heart! I hope Simon grows up to be that caring of a big brother! You have done such a great job with your kids! :)

Christy said...

So touching!! What a sweetheart!! So good to catch up with you guys on your blog--yey for the internet!