Friday, February 25, 2011

A little fresh air...

We took the kids to the park the other day. After almost a full mo of sick kids.. I was feeling a strong need to get out of the house. The older children were ready to get out despite there cough and feeling slightly achey. Cambria is the one that looked the most miserable but she didn't mind being out in the yummy weather either.
( I'm really not trying to rub all of you who are still experiencing cold weather, I'm sorry. really...)

Here are a few shots I grabbed with my camera, we didn't stay long Since Cambria was a bit done after just a short while. But the boys sure got the most they could out of it.
I'm always impressed with my acrobatic son. I actually had to put a stop to one of his jumps out the swing tricks that he and his DAD were concocting.... ( Let just say he was encouraging to get all the way to the top and spin around at least one before landing.)
CLEARLY one of us had to be the responsible one and put safety first. I wasn't up for a trip to the E.R with a broken bone.. and since J-man has the track record for them. I felt I had a leg to stand on. Dads really are just big children sometimes aren't they?!
Cambria is a big fan of swings and loved playing with the bark! She loved exploring the fun little playground.

Not to many pictures of zoey she was too busy make'n new b.f.f's and made sure I met each one, and then when it was time for one to go she was off making a new instant best friend! She cracks me up. It was nice to get out in some nice weather and let the kids burn some energy!


The Byington's said...

So cute! I've been out of the blogging for a while, but your kids are getting so big! It's so true that husbands really are just kids in a grown up body! Love your pictures, so fun!

Livia said...

It sure looks like everyone had a great time at the park. Cute pics!!! I think this week we will make it to the park too:)

Tami said...

Somehow I missed this post. Lucky you for having such nice weather practically year-round. I'm a little jealous. Here it is now almost summer and we're still waiting for some good weather to stick around.

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